Short Communication
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Table of Contents
About the Journal
The study of immobilization techniques in the formation of covalent bonds between the enzyme and the support matrix. There are two types of characters to select the type of reaction in which the given protein can be immobilized. They are
1.The binding reaction must be performed under conditions that do not cause loss of enzymatic activity.
2.The active site of the enzyme must be unaffected by the reagents used. The covalent binding method is based on the binding of enzymes and water insoluble carriers by covalent bonds
Enzyme Engineering is a scientific open access journal that specifies and describes the development activities conducted in the field of Medical Science. The objective of the journal is to provide a medium for scientific communication to confer about the recent advancements in the very domain.
The journal aims to publish research, review, short communication, case studies related to Enzyme research, Current enzyme inhibition, Current Enzyme Inhibition, Advances in enzymology and related subjects of biochemistry, Methods in enzymology, . Thus, providing the scholars appropriate information and awareness through free access.
Enzyme Engineering is using the Editorial Manager System for the peer review process. Authors may submit manuscripts to editorial manager system which is located at Online Submission System and track the manuscript progress
Related Journals of Covalent Binding
Cell Biology, Enzyme Engineering,TranscriptLongdom Publishing SL Journal, Advancements in Gentic Engineering, Advances in Nanoparticles (ANP), Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry (AMPC), Advances in Biological Chemistry (ABC), Journal of Experimental Food Chemistry.
Protein ligand interactions are fundamental to almost all processes accuring in living arganisms. Ligand mediated signal transmission via complementray is essential to all life processes. These chemical interactions comprise biological recognition at the molecular level.
Accurate methods of computing the affinity of a small molecule with a protein are needed to speed the discovery of new medications and biological probes.
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Molecular and Genetic Medicine Journals, Next Generation: Sequencing & Applications, Ligand and Channel Research, Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy, Gene Technology, Proteins and Protein-Ligand Interactions, Journal of Proteins and ProteLongdom Publishing SL, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology.
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Articles published in Enzyme Engineering have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Enzyme Engineering has got h-index 16 , which means every article in Enzyme Engineering has got 16 average citations.