Journal of Ergonomics

Journal of Ergonomics
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7556

+44 1300 500008

Journal of Ergonomics : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Ergonomics have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Ergonomics has got h-index 52, which means every article in Journal of Ergonomics has got 52 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Ergonomics.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Total published articles

32 56 63 60 23 18 26 54 60 39 43 18 21 5

Research, Review articles and Editorials

8 29 31 43 21 17 25 47 44 25 34 17 20 4

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

19 27 32 17 2 1 1 7 16 14 9 1 1 1

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

44 44 44 1281 1189 1143 1039 847 771 44 44 44 44 44
Journal total citations count 1665
Journal impact factor 2.93
Journal 5 years impact factor 2.78
Journal cite score 3.67
Journal h-index 52
Journal h-index since 2019 36
Important citations (671)

hege a, lemke mk, apostolopoulos y, whitaker b, sönmez s. work-life conflict among us long-haul truck drivers: influences of work organization, perceived job stress, sleep, and organizational support. international journal of environmental research and public health. 2019;16(6):984.

hege a, lemke mk, apostolopoulos y, sönmez s. the impact of work organization, job stress, and sleep on the health behaviors and outcomes of us long-haul truck drivers. health education & behavior. 2019:1090198119826232.

apostolopoulos y, lemke mk, hege a, sönmez s, sang h, oberlin dj, wideman l. work and chronic disease: comparison of cardiometabolic risk markers of truck drivers and the general us population.

hege a, lemke mk, apostolopoulos y, sönmez s. occupational health disparities among us long-haul truck drivers: the influence of work organization and sleep on cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk. plos one. 2018;13(11):e0207322.

hege a, lemke mk, apostolopoulos y, perko m, sönmez s, strack r. us long-haul truck driver work organization and the association with cardiometabolic disease risk. archives of environmental & occupational health. 2017;72(5):303-310.

apostolopoulos y, lemke mk, hege a, sönmez s, sang h, oberlin dj, wideman l. work and chronic disease: comparison of cardiometabolic risk markers between truck drivers and the general us population. journal of occupational and environmental medicine. 2016;58(11):1098-105.

hege a, apostolopoulos y, perko m, sönmez s, strack r. the work organization of long-haul truck drivers and the association with body mass index. journal of occupational and environmental medicine. 2016;58(7):712-7.

lemke mk, apostolopoulos y, hege a, sönmez s, wideman l. understanding the role of sleep quality and sleep duration in commercial driving safety. accident analysis & prevention. 2016;97:79-86.

qiao f, li q, yu l. updated traffic flow dispersion model considering effects of in-vehicle advisory messages. journal of ergonomics. 2017;7(2):1-7

rahman r, qiao f, li q, yu l. developing a smartphone based warning system application to enhance the safety at work zones. tranlive. university of idaho. 2016.

li q, qiao f, yu l. eliminating sun glare disturbance at signalized intersections by a vehicle to infrastructure wireless communication. tranlive. university of idaho. 2016.

you b, qiao f, yu l. drivers’ reaction of warning messages in work zone termination areas with left turn. journal of transportation technologies. 2016;6(3):139.

nabi m, qiao f, you b, yu l. developing framework to test driving performance at left-turn movement with in-vehicle advance collision warning message. journal of transportation technologies. 20166;6(1):30.

qiao f, hill l, wang x, yu l. measurement of emissions from passenger-picking-up vehicles at airport terminals. journal of environmental science and engineering. 2015;5:65-70.

li q, qiao f, yu l. calibration of car-following models considering the impacts of warning messages from tablet/smartphone application. journal of transportation technologies. 2016;6(2):61.

qiao f, rahman r, li q, yu l. safe and environment-friendly forward collision warning messages in the advance warning area of a construction zone. international journal of intelligent transportation systems research. 2017;15(3):166-179.

li q, qiao f, yu l. implications of advanced warning messages on eliminating sun glare disturbances at signalized intersections. journal of traffic and transportation engineering (english edition). 2016 aug 1;3(4):296-307.

yan x, wang j, wu j. effect of in-vehicle audio warning system on driver’s speed control performance in transition zones from rural areas to urban areas. international journal of environmental research and public health. 2016;13(7):634.

li q, qiao f, wang x, yu l. drivers' smart advisory system improves driving performance at stop sign intersections. journal of traffic and transportation engineering. 2017;4(3):262-71.

truppa c, leresche e, fuller af, marnicio as, abisaab j, el hayek n, zmeter c, toma ws, harb h, hamadeh rs, leaning j. utilization of primary health care services among syrian refugee and lebanese women targeted by the icrc program in lebanon: a cross-sectional study. conflict and health. 2019;13(1):7.
