Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal

Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal
Open Access

ISSN: 2150-3508

+44 1478 350008

Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal has got h-index 20, which means every article in Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal has got 20 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal.

  2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

57 10 13 23

Year wise citations received

403 345 262 215
Journal total citations count 1937
Journal impact factor 8.33
Journal 5 years impact factor 8.09
Journal cite score 8.86
Journal h-index 20
Journal h-index since 2018 18
Important citations (2435)

Aquaculture biotechnology: prospects and challenges

Application of nanotechnology in marine-based products: a review

Nano vaccines: new paradigm in aqua health sector

Growth performance, anti-oxidative status, innate immunity, and ammonia stress resistance of siganus rivulatus fed diet supplemented with zinc and zinc nanoparticles

Ecotoxicology of glycerol monolaurate nanocapsules

Potential of nanotechnology for rural applications

Molecular and cellular toxicology of nanomaterials with related to aquatic organisms

Facile synthesis of haemocyanin-capped zinc oxide nanoparticles: effect on growth performance, digestive-enzyme activity, and immune responses of penaeus semisulcatus

Pathogens and probionts of ornate spiny lobster ('panulirus ornatus') phyllosoma

Ameliorating effects of dietary mixture of withania somnifera root extract and vitamin c in labeo rohita against low ph and waterborne iron stresses

The survival and hepatic and muscle glucose and lactate levels of rhamdia quelen inoculated with aeromonas hydrophila and treated with terpinen-4-ol, carvacrol or thymol

Effect of iron nanoparticles on the development of fish farm feeds

Chitosan nanoparticles: a therapeutic carrier for delivery of dna, sirna and cpg-odns

Antibacterial effect of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles in pacific white shrimp litopenaeus vannamei (boone) infected with necrotizing hepatopancreatitis bacterium (nhp-b)

Influence of two different dietary zinc sources in freshwater prawn macrobrachium rosenbergii post larvae

New horizons of nanotechnology in agriculture and food processing industry

Nano and macro iron oxide (fe2o3) as feed additives: effects on growth, biochemical, activity of hepatic enzymes, liver histopathology and appetite-related gene transcript in goldfish (carassius auratus)

The effects of iron nanoparticles in combination with lactobacillus casei on growth parameters and probiotic counts in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) intestine

Drug effects on aquaculture and it's remediation

Green synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles as feed additives to improve growth, biochemical, and hematological parameters in freshwater fish labeo rohita
