
John Langton
Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environment
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. John Langton joined the School of Geography and the Environment in 1980 and is lecturer in Geography and Fellow and Tutor in geography at St Johns college, Oxford. Dr. Langton was awarded Honorary Life Membership of the IBG Historical Geography Research Group in 1990. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Geografiska Annaler, Series B and a referee for: Yale University Press (2006), The Economic History Review (2004-05), Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift (2005), Journal of Historical Geography (2005), Environment and Planning A (2005-06); Social Science History (2005), as well as Junior Research Fellowships at Christ Church, Oxford (2003) and Newnham, Cambridge (2005). He has also been a referee for ESRC research grants (2002 and 2003), a end of award rapporteur for an ESRC project (2005) and a member of the ESRC project advisory panel (2003-07).
Research Interest
My research involves various projects related to the human geographical changes produced by the transition from peasantry to capitalist economy (ie from an organic to an inorganic energy resource base). They include recently completed work on the geography of peasantry in Europe generally and of Sweden in particular and on the social and cultural geography of early proletarian workforces in Britain, particularly their regional differences and the ways in which those differences affected subsequent economic and social development