Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters has got h-index 17, which means every article in Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters has got 17 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | |
Total published articles |
38 | 47 | 25 | 74 | 37 | 3 | 19 | 40 |
Conference proceedings |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
121 | 150 | 177 | 142 | 163 | 123 | 102 | 87 |
Journal total citations count | 1215 |
Journal impact factor | 3.18 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 4.42 |
Journal cite score | 4.04 |
Journal h-index | 17 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 14 |
Important citations (510)
dey s, mandal s. assessing channel migration dynamics and vulnerability of the torsa river in the duars and tal region of eastern himalayan foothills, west bengal, india. spat inf res. 2019;27(1):75-86. |
ahmed kj, haq sm, bartiaux f. the nexus between extreme weather events, sexual violence, and early marriage. a study of vulnerable populations in bangladesh. population and environment. 2019;40(3):303-324. |
ahmed kj, haq sm. nexus between extreme weather events, marriage and violence: a study on a vulnerable population in bangladesh. |
pant lp. paradox of mainstreaming agroecology for regional and rural food security in developing countries. technol forecast soc. 2016;111:305-316. |
gudaga jl, kabote sj, tarimo ak, mosha db, kashaigili jj. groundwater users awareness of water institutions in tanzania. a case study of mbarali district, mbeya region. |
greenway j. the security of water resources. |
reagan m, brown m, farney t, kroot r, owen n. ncaa football and cloud to ground lightning. a probability analysis. j geogr nat disast. 2013;3(112):2167-0587. |
ochiai h, ikei h, song c, kobayashi m, takamatsu a, miura t, et al. physiological and psychological effects of forest therapy on middle aged males with high normal blood pressure. int j env res pub he. 2015;12(3):2532-2542. |
song c, ikei h, kobayashi m, miura t, taue m, kagawa t, et al. effect of forest walking on autonomic nervous system activity in middle aged hypertensive individuals: a pilot study. int j env res pub he. 2015;12(3):2687-2699. |
richardson m, mcewan k, maratos f, sheffield d. joy and calm how an evolutionary functional model of affect regulation informs positive emotions in nature. evol psychol sci. 2016;2(4):308-320. |
song c, lee j, ikei h, kagawa t, miyazaki y, park bj. physiological and psychological effects of walking around and viewing a lake in a forest environment. j korean for soc. 2015;104(1):140-149. |
im jin-ok, kim nam-jo, and han seung-hoon. the effect of emotion control through nature and perceived recovery environment on decision making process in healing tourism. tourism research journal. 2016 aug; 30: 47-60. |
richardson m, mcewan k, maratos fa. joy and calm: how an. evol psychol sci. 2016. |
okaka fo, odhiambo bd. households perception of flood risk and health impact of exposure to flooding in flood prone informal settlements in the coastal city of mombasa. int j clim chang str. 2019. |
barman r. implications of flood on health of the slum dwellers of guwahati city . |
chacowry a, mcewen lj, lynch k. recovery and resilience of communities in flood risk zones in a small island developing state. a case study from a suburban settlement of port louis, mauritius. int j disast risk re. 2018;28:826-838. |
beeharry yd, bekaroo g, bokhoree c, phillips mr, jory n. sustaining anti-littering behavior within coastal and marine environments: through the macro-micro level lenses. mar pollut bull. 2017;119(2):87-99. |
ramessur rt. sustainable development. the need for vulnerability resilience profile and the green economy transition in mauritius. j geogr nat disast. 2014;4:116. |
ramessur rt. integrated coastal zone management. ecologica socio economic and governance challenges. j coast zone manag. 2015;18(2). |
ramessur rt. journal of coastal zone management. |