
Minghua Zhang
Professor, Environmental & Resource Science
University of California, USA
Dr. Minghua Zhang, Professor of Environmental & Resource Science from University of California, Davis. She has done PhD Ecology and MS from University of California, Davis, and BS from Zhejiang University, China. She is also head of The Agricultural Geographic Information System (AGIS) Laboratory it undertakes research related to the environmental compatibility of agricultural production systems, landscape ecology and conservation biology.
Research Interest
Climate change analysis and modeling, cloud-climate interactions, interfacing physical parameterizations of general circulation models with field experimental data.
Giulio Iovine
National Research Council
• Scientist at CNR-IRPI (National Research Council – Istitute of Research for the Geo-hydrologic Protection) - Organizational Support Unit (U.O.S.) of Cosenza, via Cavour, 6 – 87036 Rende (CS) ITALIA afferent to: Macroarea: E “Earth and Environmental Sciences”, Area: E.1 “ Earth Sciences ”, Ambits: E.1.2 – “Geology, geochemistry and geophysics of solid Earth”; E.1.3 – “Hydrology, applied geology, geotechnics, pedology”; E.1.4 – “Methods of Earth observation and description and geomorphology”. Sectors SSD: GEO/05 (Applied Geology) & GEO/04 (Physical Geografy and Geomorphology). Sectors ERC: PE10 – Earth system science: physical geography, geology, geophysics, atmosferic sciences, oceanography, climatology, ecology, global environmental change, biogeochemical cycles, natural resources management. PE10_5: Geology, tectonics, volcanology. • Responsible of the Organizational Support Unit (U.O.S.) of Cosenza of CNR-IRPI, from 17.01.2011 • President of the “Area della Ricerca di Cosenza” of CNR, from 30.01.2012 • Graduated in Geological Sciences on 29 March 1988, with a thesis on “The activity of Vesuvius from 1631 to 1944: analysing the volcanic hazard in the Vesuvian area” - Supervisor: Prof. L. Lirer, Vote: 110/110 cum laude. • Lecturer of “Applied Geology” at the University of Calabria from the academic year 2002-2003 to 2006-2007, and of Geotechniques in 2000-2001. • Since 2003, Convener and Chairman of Scientific Sessions on the theme “modelling and simulation of dangerous phenomena”, and on “innovative techniques of hazard evaluation and mapping, and of risk mitigation”, at international Conferences/Congresses and national Conferences/Congresses. • Topic (Subject) Editor of the Journal “Earth System Science Data” (ESSD - Copernicus GmbH, Copernicus Publications - ISSN: 1866-3508, eISSN: 1866-3516, Chief Editors: David Carlson & Hans Pfeiffenberger – since its foundation (in 2009). • Scientific Coordinator of the Journal “Geologi Calabria” (unit of the ORG-C), since the issue n.8(1) (Apr. 2007). • Member of the Editorial Board and Manuscript Editor of the Journal “Environmental Modelling & Software” (EMS, Elsevier - ISSN: 1364-8152, Impact Factor (2008): 2.659, Editor-in-Chief: A.J. Jakeman, since Mar. 2007. • Member of the Scientific Board of the Journal “Geologia Tecnica & Ambientale” (unit of the National Council of Geologists - CNG), since 2011. • Member of the Scientific Board of the Journal “Geologi Calabria” (unit of the ORG-C), since 2006. • Member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings for the scientific sessions organized at iEMSs Biennial Meetings (2006, 2008, 2010) and at the 18th IMACS/MODSIM Conference (2009) - note: MODSIM conference papers are indexed in the Web of Science / Thomson Reuters. • Guest-Editor of Special Issues in international Journals (e.g. Computers and Geosciences, Computational Geosciences, Environmental Modelling and Software, Natural Hazards, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth), and national Journals (e.g. Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria), on the theme “Modelling and simulation of potential dangerous phenomena, and innovative techniques for evaluating, mapping and mitigating the risk” – since 2003. • Author of more than 60 scientific publications in Journals or Conference Proceedings, Guest Editor of Special Issues of Journals and of Proceedings, Author of thematic maps and technical-scientific reports.
Research Interest
Within the more general topic of “Landslide risk evaluation and mitigation”, the performed research activities concerned: • Slope dynamics and morpho-evolution. Surveying, mapping and analysis (with GIS) of slope instability, at local and areal scale. • Landslide activations and sinkholes triggered by either meteoric or seismic events. Effects of landslides in urbanized areas. Evaluation of hazard, susceptibility, vulnerability, and specific risk induced by slope-instability phenomena. Evaluation of conditions of imminent risk. • Geomorphologic, morpho-neotectonic analyses seismic-induced landslides. Large scale landslides, Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations, and tectono-gravitational phenomena, either at macro- or meso-scale. Effects on the environment induced by earthquakes. • Modelling and simulation (mainly through cellular automata) of the spatial-temporal development of flow-type landslides (debris flows, earth flows, debris avalanches). Calibration and validation against real cases, also with parallel computational environment, through genetic algorithms. Sensitivity analyses through genetic algorithms. Susceptibility/hazard mapping. Essentially, studies of Applied Geology and Geomorphology in the field of gravitational slope evolution were performed, by dealing with issues of geo-hydrological defence and, more in general, of civil protection. The scientific interest migrated from issues of landslide recognition and mapping toward spatial quantitative analyses of morphologic-evolutive characteristics, of possible interferences with the urban enviroment, and triggering mechanisms (mainly meteoric and seismic). More recently, the relationshps among tectonic structures and gravitational deformations were investigated, as well as issues of modelling and simulation of landslide phenomena for susceptibility mapping, through innovative and automated techniques of analysis, useful also for managing phases of environmental crisis. The researches, carried out in several study areas of Southern Apennine and Calabrian Arc (and subordinatamente abroad), refer to multi-disciplinary co-operations, involving structural geologists, engineers, physicists, mathematicians and computer specialists. Within such investigations, apart from the realization of research activities, the definition of the project line and the co-ordination of the activities of other members of the group were also looked after. In recent years, scientific contacts with national and international colleagues were also kept, aiming at favouring interactions and cultural exchanges on the research themes of interest, by: organizing conference sessions (as main convenor and/or chairman), editing the proceedings of the conferences, editing special issues in international journals (as guest editor), and in the frame of agreements of scientific co-operation (as responsible or co-responsible).