Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective
Open Access

ISSN: 2319-7285

+44 1300 500008

Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective has got h-index 25, which means every article in Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective has got 25 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

21 31 3 3 25

Year wise citations received

488 617 463 345 241
Journal total citations count 2947
Journal impact factor 21.21
Journal 5 years impact factor 25.90
Journal cite score 26.82
Journal h-index 25
Journal h-index since 2019 23
Important citations (1198)

European transition countries'risk classification and ranking: ten years later

erkekoglu h, kilicarslan z. do political risks affect the foreign direct investment inflows to host countries?. journal of business economics and finance. 2016;5(2):218-32.

Manufacturing firms'capital structure in bangladesh: comparison between listed mncs and local companies.

gangaidzo tr. faculty of social studies (doctoral dissertation, university of zimbabwe).

Development strategy of human capital of pt kimia farma (persero) tbk.

zeas medina eg. incidencia de la cultura organizacional en el compromiso de los empleados de la pymes pertenecientes a la industria de alimentos y bebidas del cantón quito-2018 (bachelor's thesis, universidad de las fuerzas armadas espe. carrera de ingeniería comercial).

Pengaruh training, pengembangan karier dan insentif terhadap produktivitas kerja pegawai (studi kasus: dppkad di pemprov bangka-belitung)

khadafi m. pengaruh praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia terhadap kinerja karyawan. jurnal mebis (manajemen dan bisnis). 2018 jul 15;3(1).

Programas de trainees em portugal: uma dupla perspetiva

lumempow i, rumokoy fs. the effect of leadership style, organizational culture, employee development and training on employee performance (study of pt. pln (persero) suluttenggo region). jurnal emba: jurnal riset ekonomi, manajemen, bisnis dan akuntansi. 2015 sep 15;3(3).

ekundayoi ja. impact of training and developmen study of selected oil service co. research in education. 2015;8:1.

esione uo, okeke mn. effect of capacity building on productivity of alcoholic beverages in nigeria.

Welfare and the employment issues related to foreign workers in sabah: a case study of mensuli estateĀ 

ibrahim ak. work-life balance practices for scaling up health workers productivity in public hospitals in kenya: a case of mandera county (doctoral dissertation, kemu).

how training and skills development improve employee's performance, moral, and motivation.

Effect of extrinsic motivation on pharmaceutical industries in nigeria

Usage of information technology on employee commitment: airport & aviation industry in sri lanka (aasl).

ninan n, roy jc, thomas mr. training the workforce for industry 4.0. international journal of research in social sciences. 2019;9(4):782-90.

Faculty competence and development methods in higher education: a critical analysis.

amanuel e. the influence of training and development on employees’ performance: the case of: national motors corporation plc (doctoral dissertation, aau).

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