Journal of Glycobiology

Journal of Glycobiology
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-958X

+44 1478 350008

Journal of Glycobiology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Glycobiology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Glycobiology has got h-index 9, which means every article in Journal of Glycobiology has got 9 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Glycobiology.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

28 18 11 4 7

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 113

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

16 26 36 43 63
Journal total citations count 323
Journal impact factor 1.05
Journal 5 years impact factor 2.70
Journal cite score 2.89
Journal h-index 9
Journal h-index since 2019 8
Important citations (263)

Palmerín-carreño d, martínez-alarcón d, dena-beltrán jl, vega-rojas lj, blanco-labra a, escobedo-reyes a, garcía-gasca t. optimization of a recombinant lectin production in pichia pastoris using crude glycerol in a fed-batch system. processes. 2021 may;9(5):876.

Vega-rojas lj, luzardo-ocampo i, mosqueda j, palmerín-carreño dm, escobedo-reyes a, blanco-labra a, escobar-garcía k, garcía-gasca tb. in vitro intestinal permeability of a recombinant lectin from tepary bean (phaseolus acutifolius) using the everted intestine assay. int. j. mol. sci. 2021;22:1049.

Cervantes-jiménez r, sánchez-segura l, estrada-martínez le, topete-camacho a, mendiola-olaya e, rosas-escareño an, saldaña-gutiérrez c, figueroa-cabañas me, dena-beltrán jl, kuri-garcía a, blanco-labra a. quantum dot labelling of tepary bean (phaseolus acutifolius) lectins by microfluidics. molecules. 2020 jan;25(5):1041.

Vega-rojas lj, luzardo-ocampo i, mosqueda j, palmerín-carreño dm, escobedo-reyes a, blanco-labra a, escobar-garcía k, garcía-gasca t. bioaccessibility and in vitro intestinal permeability of a recombinant lectin from tepary bean (phaseolus acutifolius) using the everted intestine assay. international journal of molecular sciences. 2021 jan;22(3):1049.

Martínez-alarcón d, mora-avilés a, espinoza-núñez a, jamaica lm, cruz-hernández a, rodríguez-torres a, castro-guillen jl, blanco-labra a, garcía-gasca t. rhizosecretion of a cisgenic lectin by genetic manipulation of tepary bean plants (phaseolus acutifolius). journal of biotechnology: x. 2019 oct 1;3:100013.

Gautam ak, shrivastava n, sharma b, bhagyawant ss. current scenario of legume lectins and their practical applications. journal of crop science and biotechnology. 2018 sep;21(3):217-27.

Gautam ak, sharma d, sharma j, saini kc. legume lectins: potential use as a diagnostics and therapeutics against the cancer. international journal of biological macromolecules. 2020 jan 1;142:474-83.

Moreno-celis u, lópez-martínez fj, cervantes-jiménez r, ferríz-martínez ra, blanco-labra a, garcía-gasca t. tepary bean (phaseolus acutifolius) lectins induce apoptosis and cell arrest in g0/g1 by p53 (ser46) phosphorylation in colon cancer cells. molecules. 2020 jan;25(5):1021.

Martínez-alarcón d, blanco-labra a, garcía-gasca t. expression of lectins in heterologous systems. international journal of molecular sciences. 2018 feb;19(2):616.

Moreno-celis u, lópez-martínez j, blanco-labra a, cervantes-jiménez r, estrada-martínez le, garcía-pascalin ae, guerrero-carrillo md, rodríguez-méndez aj, mejía c, ferríz-martínez ra, garcía-gasca t. phaseolus acutifolius lectin fractions exhibit apoptotic effects on colon cancer: preclinical studies using dimethilhydrazine or azoxi-methane as cancer induction agents. molecules. 2017 oct;22(10):1670.

Ordiales h, vázquez-lópez f, pevida m, vázquez-losada b, vázquez f, quirós lm, martín c. los glicosaminoglicanos se encuentran implicados en la adherencia de candida albicans y malassezia spp. a queratinocitos, pero no a fibroblastos dérmicos. actas dermo-sifiliográficas. 2021 jul 1;112(7):619-24.

Fernández-vega i, lorente-gea l, martín c, quirós lm. heparan sulfate proteoglycans as possible diagnostic molecular tools with therapeutic potential in alzheimer´ s disease. neural regeneration research. 2021 jul 1;16(7):1404.

Ordiales h, vázquez-lópez f, pevida m, vázquez-losada b, vázquez f, quirós lm, martín c. glycosaminoglycans are involved in the adhesion of candida albicans and malassezia species to keratinocytes but not to dermal fibroblasts. actas dermo-sifiliográficas (english edition). 2021 may 18.

Fernández-vega i, garcía b, quirós lm. cancer and heparan sulfate alterations.

Martin c, lozano-iturbe v, girón rm, vazquez-espinosa e, rodriguez d, merayo-lloves j, vazquez f, quirós lm, garcía b. glycosaminoglycans are differentially involved in bacterial binding to healthy and cystic fibrosis lung cells. journal of cystic fibrosis. 2019 may 1;18(3):e19-25.

Lorente-gea l, garcía b, martín c, ordiales h, garcía-suárez o, piña-batista km, merayo-lloves j, quirós lm, fernández-vega i. heparan sulfate proteoglycans undergo differential expression alterations in alzheimer disease brains. journal of neuropathology & experimental neurology. 2020 may 1;79(5):474-83.

Crespo a, garcía-suárez o, fernández-vega i, solis-hernandez mp, garcía b, castañón s, quirós lm. heparan sulfate proteoglycans undergo differential expression alterations in left sided colorectal cancer, depending on their metastatic character. bmc cancer. 2018 dec;18(1):1-7.

Levin ra, lund me, truong q, wu a, shore nd, saltzstein dr, concepcion rs, paivanas ta, van breda a, beebe-dimmer j, ruterbusch jj. development of a reliable assay to measure glypican-1 in plasma and serum reveals circulating glypican-1 as a novel prostate cancer biomarker. oncotarget. 2018 apr 27;9(32):22359.

García b, martín c, garcía-suárez o, muñiz-alonso b, ordiales h, fernández-menéndez s, santos-juanes j, lorente-gea l, castañón s, vicente-etxenausia i, piña batista km. upregulated expression of heparanase and heparanase 2 in the brains of alzheimer’s disease. journal of alzheimer's disease. 2017 jan 1;58(1):185-92.

Lanzi c, zaffaroni n, cassinelli g. targeting heparan sulfate proteoglycans and their modifying enzymes to enhance anticancer chemotherapy efficacy and overcome drug resistance. current medicinal chemistry. 2017 aug 1;24(26):2860-86.
