Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Gynecology & Obstetrics : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Gynecology & Obstetrics have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Gynecology & Obstetrics has got h-index 23, which means every article in Gynecology & Obstetrics has got 23 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Gynecology & Obstetrics.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Total published articles

24 26 21 53 62 20

Conference proceedings

5 13 10 20 0 28

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

226 324 375 417 415 370
Journal total citations count 3663
Journal cite score 9.94
Journal h-index 23
Journal h-index since 2019 20
Important citations (1000)

Hochstatter arduz e, gonzales vargas a. embarazo heterotópico: reporte de un caso. gaceta médica boliviana. 2020 aug;43(1):97-9.

Saptowati d, mudigdo a, murti b. biopsychosocial determinants of visual inspection acetic-acid test uptake in sragen, central java. journal of maternal and child health. 2018 jul 23;3(3):197-206.

Leandro tv, martin ct, danelys ch. a case report of heterotopic pregnancy. world journal of advanced research and reviews. 2020;6(1):265-9.

Russell s, nair a, fiallo f. spontaneous ovarian heterotopic pregnancy. bmj case reports. 2018 aug 9;2018.

Winardo ds, wantania jj. heterotopic ovarian-tubal pregnancies with possibilities of superfetation. american journal of medical case reports. 2021;9(4):238-40.

Aroke d, ngek lt, tindong m, fomanka e, achu c, kadia bm. blighted ovum and tubal pregnancy: a rare form of heterotopic pregnancy: case report. bmc research notes. 2018 dec;11(1):1-4.

Kuiava va, chielle eo. epidemiology of cervix cancer in brazil (2005-2015): study of mortality and hospital intervention rates. arch biosci heal. 2019 jun 28;1(1):45-60.

Amna u, halimatussakdiah pw, saidi n, nasution r. evaluation of cytotoxic activity from temurui (murraya koenigii [linn.] spreng) leaf extracts against hela cell line using mtt assay. journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research. 2019 apr;10(2):51.

Medina-alarcón kp, voltan ar, fonseca-santos b, moro ij, de oliveira souza f, chorilli m, soares cp, dos santos ag, mendes-giannini mj, fusco-almeida am. highlights in nanocarriers for the treatment against cervical cancer. materials science and engineering: c. 2017 nov 1;80:748-59.

Hernández-cruz rg, tobón-delgado sr, garcía-rodríguez am, escobar-ponce lf, olguín-ortega aa. spontaneous heterotopic pregnancy. case report and literature review. ginecología y obstetricia de méxico. 2017;85(6):403-8.

Kumar p. research & reviews: journal of nursing & health sciences.

Lueth gd. heterotopic pregnancy: case report of a rare clinical presentation from wau, south sudan. south sudan medical journal. 2020;13(4):160-2.

Stovyanti s. determinan persiapan persalinan dan kesiapsiagaan komplikasi pada wanita hamil yang menghadiri layanan antenatal di indonesia (doctoral dissertation, universitas hasanuddin).

Wayessa z, tegegne kb. birth preparation and complication readiness among antenatal care attendants in bule hora governmental health facilities in oromia region, ethiopia, in 2019. journal of midwifery and reproductive health. 2021 apr 1;9(2):2662-71.

Pinto ribeiro pc, amann n, alba alejandre i, kost b, mahner s, kaltofen t. persistent increase of ??hcg level after salpingectomy in tubal pregnancy: good or bad news?. clinical case reports. 2021 apr;9(4):2369-72.

Hernández-cruz rg, tobón-delgado sr, garcía-rodríguez am, escobar-ponce lf, olguín-ortega aa. embarazo heterotópico espontáneo. reporte de un caso y revisión de la bibliografía. ginecología y obstetricia de méxico. 2017;85(6):403-8.

Shah nh, shah rj, kshirsagar s. laparoscopic management of heterotopic pregnancy in an ivf conception. international journal of reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and gynecology. 2018 mar 1;7(3):1255-9.

Stanley r, nair a, fiallo f. spontaneous ovarian heterotopic pregnancy. case reports. 2018 aug 9;2018:bcr-2018.

Kumar p. research & reviews: journal of nursing & health sciences.

Patil vs, vemireddy pr, taqdees a, arakeri su. steroid cell tumor of the ovary–a rare case report and review of literature. international journal of applied and basic medical research. 2019 jul;9(3):185.
