Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Gynecology & Obstetrics : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Gynecology & Obstetrics have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Gynecology & Obstetrics has got h-index 23, which means every article in Gynecology & Obstetrics has got 23 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Gynecology & Obstetrics.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Total published articles

24 26 21 53 62 20

Conference proceedings

5 13 10 20 0 28

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

226 324 375 417 415 370
Journal total citations count 3663
Journal cite score 9.94
Journal h-index 23
Journal h-index since 2019 20
Important citations (1000)

Alzaidi mm, almir hh, khormi aq, alltaleb ym, al muwais zm, alsaleh ra, alsaud nf, alomar lm, shabkah ra, khormi ah, safi r. poly cystic ovarian syndrome and vit d correlation with fertility. the egyptian journal of hospital medicine. 2017 oct 1;69(6):2627-31.

Carmina e. successful conception in a patient with pcos using the integrated approach: a case report. indian journal of obstetrics and gynecology research. 2019;6:391-5.

Moursi sm, el-bahaie em, el-sayed sf. reversal of haemostatic changes in letrozole-induced pcos rat model with vitamin d supplementation. med. j. cairo univ. 1753 jun;87(3).

Yahya aa, abdulridha mk, al-rubuyae bj, al-atar ha. the effect of vitamin d and co-enzyme q10 replacement therapy on hormonal profile and ovulation statusin women with clomiphene citrate resistant polycystic ovary syndrome. journal of pharmaceutical sciences and research. 2019;11(1):208-15.

Rashidi h, toolabi m, najafian m, sadrian e, safapoor n, nazari p. the relationship of serum 25-dihydroxy vitamin d3 concentrations with metabolic parameters in non-obese women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. middle east fertility society journal. 2016 dec 1;21(4):264-8.

Singh p. treatment of vitamin d deficiency and comorbidities: a review. the journal of the association of physicians of india. 2018 jan 1;66(1):75-82.

Brosens ia, lier mc, mijatovic v, habiba m, benagiano g. severe spontaneous hemoperitoneum in pregnancy may be linked to in vitro fertilization in patients with endometriosis: a systematic review. fertility and sterility. 2016 sep 1;106(3):692-703.

Lier mc, malik rf, ket jc, lambalk cb, brosens ia, mijatovic v. spontaneous hemoperitoneum in pregnancy (ship) and endometriosis—a systematic review of the recent literature. european journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology. 2017 dec 1;219:57-65.

Kumar p. research & reviews: journal of nursing & health sciences.

Anwar r, razzaq k. inactive hepatitis b carrier and pregnancy outcomes. pafmj. 2020 dec 16;70(6):1874-79.

Nsiah i, danquah cb, odame-anto e, obirikorang c, owiredu wk, acheampong e, obirikorang y, adu ea, donkor s, odame-anto a. factors associated with knowledge, attitude and practice towards hepatitis b infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in the kumasi metropolis, ghana: a multi-centre hospital-based cross-sectional study. pamj-one health. 2020 aug 25;2(24).

Venkatachala rp, sheela cn, devarbhavi h, patil m. experience of hepatitis b e antigen positive and anti-hbeag positive pregnancy in hepatitis b virus positive women in a teaching hospital: frequency, viral load association and outcome.

Katke rd, shah b, chinchoriya s, nawarange s, farogh a, syed s, vashisth p. a successful feto-maternal outcome in pregnancy with wilsons disease: an extremely rare case report with review of literature.

Roopa ak, aravind k. prevalence and clinical study of pregnant women with hepatitis b infection--an institutional experience. journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences. 2017 feb 6;6(11):888-91.

Mishra s, purandre p, thakur r, agrawal s, alwani m. study on prevalence of hepatitis b in pregnant women and its effect on maternal and fetal outcome at tertiary care centre. international journal of reproduction, contraception, obstetrics, and gynecology. 2017;6(6):2238-40.

Cajamarca jx, eras jv, baculima mj. hemorragia postparto en pacientes atendidas en el hospital josé carrasco arteaga período enero-diciembre 2019.

Saleh ha. incidence and determinants of massive post partum haemorrhage: a two year retrospective review from a multiethnic population. ec gynaecology. 2019;8:205-14.

Dewi rk, budihastuti ur, pamungkasari ep. biopsychosocial factors associated with postpartum haemorrhage in surakarta, central java. journal of maternal and child health. 2018 aug 1;3(3):207-15.

Nana tn, tchounzou r, mangala fn, essome h, demgne jt, kobenge fm, adamo b, egbe to, nguefack ct, halle ge. primary post-partum haemorrhage following vaginal deliveries at the douala general hospital: prevalence, causes and risk factors. open journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 2021 jun 4;11(6):742-52.

Kakoma ek. maternal undernutrition the determinants and interventions in lusaka, north western and western provinces, zambia.
