Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Gynecology & Obstetrics : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Gynecology & Obstetrics have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Gynecology & Obstetrics has got h-index 23, which means every article in Gynecology & Obstetrics has got 23 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Gynecology & Obstetrics.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Total published articles

24 26 21 53 62 20

Conference proceedings

5 13 10 20 0 28

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

226 324 375 417 415 370
Journal total citations count 3663
Journal cite score 9.94
Journal h-index 23
Journal h-index since 2019 20
Important citations (1000)

sileshi s (2016) perception of mothers and providers on the quality of care in maternal and newborn service in selected hospitals of addis ababa (doctoral dissertation, aau, 2016).

kumsa a, tura g, nigusse a, kebede g (2016) satisfaction with emergency obstetric and new born care services among clients using public health facilities in jimma zone, oromia regional state, ethiopia; a cross sectional study. bmc pregnancy and childbirth 16: 85.

mekonnen me, yalew wa, anteneh za (2015) women’s satisfaction with childbirth care in felege hiwot referral hospital, bahir dar city, northwest ethiopia, 2014: cross sectional study. bmc research notes 8: 528.

bitew k, ayichiluhm m, yimam k (2015) maternal satisfaction on delivery service and its associated factors among mothers who gave birth in public health facilities of debre markos town, northwest ethiopia. biomed research international 2015.

pacheco kg, fortes r (2015) ovarian varicose veins may provoke premature ovarian failure?. ec gy-naecology 2: 156-162.

pacheco kg, de oliveira mr (2016) the prevalence of ovarian varices in patients with endometriosis. annals of vascular surgery 34: 135-143.

neelima k (2015) short report on intravenous medication. research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences 1: 44-54.

mcparlin c, o’donnell a, robson sc, beyer f, moloney e, et al. (2016) treatments for hyperemesis gravidarum and nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: a systematic review. jama 316: 1392-1401.

shrestha in, deo gp, shrestha sk, neupane s, regmi bs (2017) epidural tramadol improves the quality of pain relief during labor. journal of chitwan medical college 6: 14-19.

kushwaha r, partani s, kewalramani a, sharma v, gupta s (2016) tramadol as a pre-induction agent for caesarean section under general anaesthesia. blood 5: 6.

kushwaha r, partani s, kewalramani a, sharma v, gupta s (2016) anaesthesia, caesarean section, tramadol, single blind study, apgar score. tramadol as a pre-induction agent for caesarean section under general anaesthesia 23.

mogha kv, prajapati jb (2017) evaluation of probiotic cream by in-vitro tests for treatment of bacterial vaginosis conditions. reviews in medical microbiology 28: 19-25.

sarkar a, mandal s (2016) bifidobacteria—insight into clinical outcomes and mechanisms of its probiotic action. microbiological research 192: 159-171.

akgun n, namlı kalem m, yuce e, kalem z, aktas h (2016) correlations of maternal neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (nlr) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (plr) with birth weight. the journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine 27(just-accepted): 1-5.

gudina e, eshetu z (2016) household food insecurity and factors associated with undernutrition among lactating mothers in rural ambo district, west shewa zone, oromia region, ethiopia (doctoral dissertation, harmaya university).

musa a, assefa n, weldegebreal f, mitiku h, teklemariam z (2016) factor associated with experience of modern contraceptive use before pregnancy among women who gave birth in kersa hdss, ethiopia. bmc public health 16: 614.

avais ma, parveen n, wassan aa, wassan k (2014) characteristics of abortion seeking women: a study of faisalabad city.

yadav k, bhaumik dk, ruprela l, agarwal m (2016) hepatitis b, hiv and syphilis infection in asymptomatic pregnant women.

yadav k, bhaumik dk, ruprela l, agarwal m (2016) keywords asymptomatic pregnant women, hbsag, hiv and syphilis. hepatitis b, hiv and syphilis infection in asymptomatic pregnant women.

mengesha hg, lerebo wt, kidanemariam a, gebrezgiabher g, berhane y (2016) pre-term and post-term births: predictors and implications on neonatal mortality in northern ethiopia. bmc nursing 15: 48.
