Healthy Aging Research

Healthy Aging Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2261-7434


Open Access

What is Open Access?

Open access (OA) is the practice of providing unrestricted access via the Internet to peer-reviewed scholarly research. Open access journals provide 'gold' open access, meaning immediate open access to all of their articles on the publisher's website. ‘Gold’ open access for individual articles is funded by authors (or their author's institution or funders) who pay an open access article-processing charge (APC).

What costs does the article-processing charge (APC) cover?
As costs are involved in every stage of the publication process, from peer review to copy editing and hosting the final article on dedicated servers, authors will be asked to pay an APC in order for their article to be published open access. By paying the APC, authors can post the final, published PDF of their article on a non-commercial web site, institutional repository or other non-commercial free public server, immediately on publication.

What types of articles will Healthy Aging Research publish?

  • High-quality original basic or clinical science articles
  • Brief preliminary reports on high-impact experimental or clinical findings
  • Clinical trial protocols of special high interest
  • New methodologies and technical papers
  • Articles proposing novel, as yet untested, hypotheses
  • Publication of articles stemming from current research affiliated with TTS-associated societies
  • Publication of registry reports
  • Commentaries
  • Case Study Reports


How will readers know articles are open access?
All open access articles will be marked with an icon bearing 'Open Access' on the full-text and PDF formats of the published work, and information on the type of creative commons license will be available on all article formats and listed in the article metadata.

Why do authors pay article-processing charges (APC)?
Healthy Aging Research is an open access, peer-reviewed journal. To provide open access, the journal charges publication fees for each article published. These fees cover the expenses incurred by publication, including the peer review process, journal production and publication, and hosting and archiving fees. Fees vary by article type.

The APCs for Healthy Aging Research are $1500 USD for Tier 1 manuscripts (Articles, Overviews and Short Reports) and $750 USD for Tier 2 manuscripts (Letters, Commentaries and Case Study Reports). Authors from emerging countries (including in the HINARI Group A and Group B lists) pay a discounted rate of $1200 USD for Tier 1 manuscripts and $600 USD for Tier 2 manuscripts.

Who retains copyright of the open access articles?
Authors retain copyright for their article, with content licensed under one of 2 Creative Commons 4.0 licenses.

  • Attribution: CC-BY. This license is available to authors funded by RCUK, Wellcome Trust, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), World Health Organization (WFO), and the World Bank and lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered.
  • Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs: CC BY-NC-ND. This license allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

If I publish in Healthy Aging Research, does this make me compliant with my funding body requirements?
Healthy Aging Research’s services and policies ensure that authors can fully comply with the public access requirements of major funding bodies worldwide.

Is Healthy Aging Research online only?
Yes, Healthy Aging Research will only be available online, with no print edition.

How do I subscribe to Healthy Aging Research®?
Healthy Aging Research is an open access journal, so there is no subscription.

Does Healthy Aging Research have an impact factor? Is Healthy Aging Research indexed in PubMed Central or PubMed?
As a brand-new journal, Healthy Aging Research does not yet have an Impact Factor and is not yet included in PubMed Central or PubMed. As soon as the required application criteria are met, the journal will apply for indexing in these databases. When accepted, indexing will occur retroactively. Similarly, when application criteria are met, Healthy Aging Research will apply for an Impact Factor.
