International Journal of Advancements in Technology

International Journal of Advancements in Technology
Open Access

ISSN: 0976-4860

+44 1478 350008

International Journal of Advancements in Technology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in International Journal of Advancements in Technology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Advancements in Technology has got h-index 21, which means every article in International Journal of Advancements in Technology has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Advancements in Technology.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Total published articles

44 57 64 37 43 11 22 23 25 10 15 15 33 51 25

Research, Review articles and Editorials

3 12 15 10 4 8 18 20 20 10 15 15 31 50 25

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

30 44 49 10 4 3 5 3 5 0 0 0 2 1 0

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 14 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

70 108 188 202 209 225 215 164 169 175 113 80 63 26 0
Journal total citations count 1837
Journal impact factor 3.85
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.02
Journal cite score 6
Journal h-index 21
Journal h-index since 2019 15
Important citations (1095)

Pandey, hari mohan, ankit chaudhary, and deepti mehrotra. "bit mask-oriented genetic algorithm for grammatical inference and premature convergence." international journal of bio-inspired computation 12.1 (2018): 54-69.

pandey, hari mohan, ankit chaudhary, and deepti mehrotra. "bit mask-oriented genetic algorithm for grammatical inference and premature convergence." international journal of bio-inspired computation 12.1 (2018): 54-69.

pandey, hari mohan, and david windridge. "a genetic deep learning model for electrophysiological soft robotics." international workshop soft computing applications. springer, cham, 2018.

pandey, hari. "is parameters quantification in genetic algorithm important, how to do it?." iaes international journal of artificial intelligence (ij-ai) 6.3 (2017): 112-123.

pandey, hari mohan, et al. "maintaining regularity and generalization in data using mdl and ga: case of grammatical inference."

pandey, hari mohan, ankit chaudhary, and deepti mehrotra. "middlesex university research repository."

pal, sanjay kumar, and suman de. "an encryption technique based upon encoded multiplier with controlled generation of random numbers." international journal of computer network and information security 7.10 (2015): 50.

Job, dhanya, and varghese paul. "an efficient video steganography technique for secured data transmission." 2016 international conference on data mining and advanced computing (sapience). ieee, 2016.

leelavathi, g., k. shaila, and k. r. venugopal. "implementation of public key crypto processor with probabilistic encryption on fpga for nodes in wireless sensor networks." 2018 9th international conference on computing, communication and networking technologies (icccnt). ieee, 2018.

pal, sanjay kumar, and suman de. "a ciphering algorithm on squaring and sine function using sequence of random numbers." (2015): 50-62.

krishna, addepalli vn. "an improvised ecc mechanism with probabilistic approach." information security journal: a global perspective 21.1 (2012): 28-35.

uppari, divya jyothi. "a novel review on biometric system based on digital signal processing."

krishna, addepalli vn. "an improvised ecc mechanism with probabilistic approach." information security journal: a global perspective 21.1 (2012): 28-35.

krishna, a. v. n. "probabilistic (multiple cipher) based ecc mechanism." journal of discrete mathematical sciences and cryptography 15.6 (2012): 323-338.

ashrafi, adnan ferdous, et al. "a modified algorithm for dna motif finding and ranking considering variable length motif and mutation." 2015 ieee 2nd international conference on recent trends in information systems (retis). ieee, 2015.

vijayvargiya, shripal, and pratyoosh shukla. "a genetic algorithm with clustering for finding regulatory motifs in dna sequences." int j computer applications (ijca) special issue on ai techniques-novel approaches and practical applications (2011): 6-10.

kleine-boyman, marcel, christina klüver, and jürgen klüver. "optimization of room allocation plans at the university duisburg-essen with a regulatory algorithm." 2016 ieee congress on evolutionary computation (cec). ieee, 2016.

elewa, ebtehal s., mohamed b. abdelhalim, and mai s. mabrouk. "an efficient system for finding functional motifs in genomic dna sequences by using nature-inspired algorithms." international conference on advanced intelligent systems and informatics. springer, cham, 2016.

Klüver, christina, and jürgen klüver. "a regulatory algorithm (rga) for optimizing examination timetabling." 2016 ieee symposium series on computational intelligence (ssci). ieee, 2016.

islam, mohammad zahedul, sumit chowdhury, and mohammad asif khan. "developing a motif finding algorithm using suffix tree and hash table." 2020 23rd international conference on computer and information technology (iccit). ieee, 2020.
