Mathematica Eterna

Mathematica Eterna
Open Access

ISSN: 1314-3344


Mathematica Eterna : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Mathematica Eterna have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Mathematica Eterna has got h-index 11, which means every article in Mathematica Eterna has got 11 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Mathematica Eterna.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Total published articles

36 36 20 26 15 2 23 36

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

109 161 184 183 194 184 176 129
Journal total citations count 1892
Journal impact factor 4.13
Journal 5 years impact factor 4.25
Journal cite score 3.35
Journal h-index 11
Journal h-index since 2019 10
Important citations (1006)

Bracamonte, m. r., medina-viloria, j., & vivas-cortez, m. (2019). some inequalities for reciprocally (s, m)––convex in the second sense functions and applications to special means. journal of mathematical & inequalities.

Zhang, f., farid, g., & akbar, s. b. (2021). inequalities for riemann–liouville fractional integrals of strongly-convex functions. journal of mathematics, 2021.

Sánchez, r. v., & sanabria, j. e. (2020). strongly convexity on fractal sets and some inequalities. proyecciones (antofagasta), 39(1), 1-13.

Lara, t., roy, q., & rosales, e. (2017). m-convexity and functional equations. moroccan j. pure and appl. anal, 3(1), 56-62.

Kashuri, a., & rassias, t. m. (2020). fractional trapezium-type inequalities for strongly exponentially generalized preinvex functions with applications. applicable analysis and discrete mathematics, 14(3), 560-578.

Kermausuor, s. (2019). ostrowski type inequalities for functions whose derivatives are strongly (?, m)-convex via k-riemann-liouville fractional integrals. stud. univ. babes-bolyai math, 64(1), 25-34.

Farid, g., andri?, m., saddiqa, m., pe?ari?, j., & jung, c. y. (2020). refinement and corrigendum of bounds of fractional integral operators containing mittag-leffler functions. aims mathematics, 5(6), 7332-7349.

Bracamonte, m., giménez, j., & vivas-cortez, m. (2016). hermite-hadamard-fejér type inequalities for strongly (s, m)-convex functions with modulus c, in second sense. appl. math. inf. sci, 10(6), 2045-2053.

Kiskinov, h., petkova, m., zahariev, a., & veselinova, m. (2020). about conformable derivatives in banach spaces. arxiv preprint arxiv:2011.04276.

Sarikaya, m. z., & bilisik, c. c. on opial type integral inequalities for double conformable fractional integrals.

Tunç, t., budak, h., & sarikaya, m. z. (2018). on functional generalization of ostrowski inequality for conformable fractional integrals. twms journal of applied and engineering mathematics, 8(2), 495-508.

Nesha, n. (2020). employing sub-equation methods to solve non-linear time fractional pdes. international journal of advanced trends in automotive technology & management [issn: 2581-4494 (online)], 4(1).

Kiskinov, h., petkova, m., zahariev, a., & veselinova, m. (2021, march). some results about conformable derivatives in banach spaces and an application to the partial differential equations. in aip conference proceedings (vol. 2333, no. 1, p. 120002). aip publishing llc.

Ba?ci, y., Ö?rekÇ?, s., & misir, a. (2020). on ulam's type stability criteria for fractional integral equations including hadamard type singular kernel. turkish journal of mathematics, 44(4), 1498-1509.

Qiu, w., fe?kan, m., o’regan, d., & wang, j. (2021). convergence analysis for iterative learning control of conformable impulsive differential equations. bulletin of the iranian mathematical society, 1-20.

Somia, d., & brahim, n. (2021). a new class of mixed fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions. moroccan journal of pure and applied analysis, 7(2), 227-247.

Kiskinov, h., petkova, m., & zahariev, a. (2019, november). about the cauchy problem for nonlinear system with conformable derivatives and variable delays. in aip conference proceedings (vol. 2172, no. 1, p. 050006). aip publishing llc.

Kiskinov, h., petkova, m., & zahariev, a. (2019). remarks about the existence of conformable derivatives and some consequences. arxiv preprint arxiv:1907.03486.

Qiu, w., wang, j., & o’regan, d. (2020). existence and ulam stability of solutions for conformable impulsive differential equations. bulletin of the iranian mathematical society, 46(6), 1613-1637.

Usta, f., budak, h., tunc, t., & sarikaya, m. z. (2018). new bounds for the ostrowski type inequalities via conformable fractional calculus. arabian journal of matheamtics, 7, 317-328.
