Mathematica Eterna : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in Mathematica Eterna have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Mathematica Eterna has got h-index 11, which means every article in Mathematica Eterna has got 11 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Mathematica Eterna.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | |
Total published articles |
36 | 36 | 20 | 26 | 15 | 2 | 23 | 36 |
Conference proceedings |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
109 | 161 | 184 | 183 | 194 | 184 | 176 | 129 |
Journal total citations count | 1892 |
Journal impact factor | 4.13 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 4.25 |
Journal cite score | 3.35 |
Journal h-index | 11 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 10 |
Important citations (1006)
Bracamonte, m. r., medina-viloria, j., & vivas-cortez, m. (2019). some inequalities for reciprocally (s, m)––convex in the second sense functions and applications to special means. journal of mathematical & inequalities. |
Zhang, f., farid, g., & akbar, s. b. (2021). inequalities for riemann–liouville fractional integrals of strongly-convex functions. journal of mathematics, 2021. |
Sánchez, r. v., & sanabria, j. e. (2020). strongly convexity on fractal sets and some inequalities. proyecciones (antofagasta), 39(1), 1-13. |
Lara, t., roy, q., & rosales, e. (2017). m-convexity and functional equations. moroccan j. pure and appl. anal, 3(1), 56-62. |
Kashuri, a., & rassias, t. m. (2020). fractional trapezium-type inequalities for strongly exponentially generalized preinvex functions with applications. applicable analysis and discrete mathematics, 14(3), 560-578. |
Kermausuor, s. (2019). ostrowski type inequalities for functions whose derivatives are strongly (?, m)-convex via k-riemann-liouville fractional integrals. stud. univ. babes-bolyai math, 64(1), 25-34. |
Farid, g., andri?, m., saddiqa, m., pe?ari?, j., & jung, c. y. (2020). refinement and corrigendum of bounds of fractional integral operators containing mittag-leffler functions. aims mathematics, 5(6), 7332-7349. |
Bracamonte, m., giménez, j., & vivas-cortez, m. (2016). hermite-hadamard-fejér type inequalities for strongly (s, m)-convex functions with modulus c, in second sense. appl. math. inf. sci, 10(6), 2045-2053. |
Kiskinov, h., petkova, m., zahariev, a., & veselinova, m. (2020). about conformable derivatives in banach spaces. arxiv preprint arxiv:2011.04276. |
Sarikaya, m. z., & bilisik, c. c. on opial type integral inequalities for double conformable fractional integrals. |
Tunç, t., budak, h., & sarikaya, m. z. (2018). on functional generalization of ostrowski inequality for conformable fractional integrals. twms journal of applied and engineering mathematics, 8(2), 495-508. |
Nesha, n. (2020). employing sub-equation methods to solve non-linear time fractional pdes. international journal of advanced trends in automotive technology & management [issn: 2581-4494 (online)], 4(1). |
Kiskinov, h., petkova, m., zahariev, a., & veselinova, m. (2021, march). some results about conformable derivatives in banach spaces and an application to the partial differential equations. in aip conference proceedings (vol. 2333, no. 1, p. 120002). aip publishing llc. |
Ba?ci, y., Ö?rekÇ?, s., & misir, a. (2020). on ulam's type stability criteria for fractional integral equations including hadamard type singular kernel. turkish journal of mathematics, 44(4), 1498-1509. |
Qiu, w., fe?kan, m., o’regan, d., & wang, j. (2021). convergence analysis for iterative learning control of conformable impulsive differential equations. bulletin of the iranian mathematical society, 1-20. |
Somia, d., & brahim, n. (2021). a new class of mixed fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions. moroccan journal of pure and applied analysis, 7(2), 227-247. |
Kiskinov, h., petkova, m., & zahariev, a. (2019, november). about the cauchy problem for nonlinear system with conformable derivatives and variable delays. in aip conference proceedings (vol. 2172, no. 1, p. 050006). aip publishing llc. |
Kiskinov, h., petkova, m., & zahariev, a. (2019). remarks about the existence of conformable derivatives and some consequences. arxiv preprint arxiv:1907.03486. |
Qiu, w., wang, j., & o’regan, d. (2020). existence and ulam stability of solutions for conformable impulsive differential equations. bulletin of the iranian mathematical society, 46(6), 1613-1637. |
Usta, f., budak, h., tunc, t., & sarikaya, m. z. (2018). new bounds for the ostrowski type inequalities via conformable fractional calculus. arabian journal of matheamtics, 7, 317-328. |