Mathematica Eterna

Mathematica Eterna
Open Access

ISSN: 1314-3344


Mathematica Eterna : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Mathematica Eterna have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Mathematica Eterna has got h-index 11, which means every article in Mathematica Eterna has got 11 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Mathematica Eterna.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Total published articles

31 36 20 26 15 2 23 36

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

109 161 184 183 194 184 176 129
Journal total citations count 1892
Journal impact factor 4.13
Journal 5 years impact factor 4.25
Journal cite score 3.35
Journal h-index 11
Journal h-index since 2019 10
Important citations (1006)

popa v, patriciu am. fixed point theorems for two pairs of mappings satisfying a new type of common limit range property in gpmetric spaces. inannales mathematicae silesianae 2018 sep 1 (vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 295-312). sciendo.

filip d, piatecki c. an overview on the non-newtonian calculus and its potential applications to economics.

çevik Åž, furkan h. some fixed point theorems for berinde-type contraction mappings on gp-metric spaces. journal of advances in mathematics and computer science. 2017 nov 10:1-8.

kaya m, furkan h. fixed point theorems for expansive mappings in gp-metric spaces.

bilgehan b. efficient approximation for linear and non-linear signal representation. iet signal processing. 2015 apr 16;9(3):260-6.

aydın c, sepet ss. fixed point theorems for presic type mappings in gp-metric spaces. journal of advances in mathematics and computer science. 2017 sep 20:1-9.

huang h, gajic l, radenovic s, deng g. some sharp results on nlc-operators in g p-metric spaces. journal of computational analysis & applications. 2018 oct 30;25(5).

kaya m, furkan h. some common fixed point results for contractive mappings in ordered gp-metric spaces.

gajić l, kadelburg z, radenović s. gp-metric spaces-symmetric and asymmetric. scientific publications of the state university of novi pazar series a: applied mathematics, informatics and mechanics. 2017;9(1):37-46.

kaya m, öztürk m, furkan h. some common fixed point theorems for (f, f)-contraction mappings in 0-gp-complete gp-metric spaces. journal of advances in mathematics and computer science. 2016 apr 20:1-23.

koufos k, dettmann cp. moments of interference in vehicular networks with hardcore headway distance. ieee transactions on wireless communications. 2018 oct 23;17(12):8330-41.

abdullah jt, al-taie ah. a comparison of numerical solutions for linear fredholm integral equation of the second kind. injournal of physics: conference series 2019 jul (vol. 1279, no. 1, p. 012067). iop publishing.

vinogradov vv, paris rb. on poisson–tweedie mixtures. journal of statistical distributions and applications. 2017 dec;4(1):14.

yalcin n, celik e, gokdogan a. multiplicative laplace transform and its applications. optik. 2016 oct 1;127(20):9984-95.

ozyapici a, bilgehan b. finite product representation via multiplicative calculus and its applications to exponential signal processing. numerical algorithms. 2016 feb 1;71(2):475-89.

özyapıcı a, riza m, bilgehan b, bashirov ae. on multiplicative and volterra minimization methods. numerical algorithms. 2014 nov 1;67(3):623-36.

bashirov ae, mısırlı e, tandoÄŸdu y, özyapıcı a. on modeling with multiplicative differential equations. applied mathematics-a journal of chinese universities. 2011 dec 1;26(4):425-38.

cao j. a note on fractional q-integrals and applications to generating functions and q-mittag–leffler function. journal of fractional calculus and applications. 2019 jul;10(2):136-46.

nugroho g. on analytical solutions to the three-dimensional incompressible navier-stokes equations with general forcing functions and their relation to turbulence. turbulent flows. 2013:1.

ciecierska g. cauchy-binet type formulas for fredholm operators. journal of applied mathematics and computational mechanics. 2017;16(2).
