Mathematica Eterna

Mathematica Eterna
Open Access

ISSN: 1314-3344


Mathematica Eterna : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Mathematica Eterna have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Mathematica Eterna has got h-index 11, which means every article in Mathematica Eterna has got 11 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Mathematica Eterna.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Total published articles

36 36 20 26 15 2 23 36

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

109 161 184 183 194 184 176 129
Journal total citations count 1892
Journal impact factor 4.13
Journal 5 years impact factor 4.25
Journal cite score 3.35
Journal h-index 11
Journal h-index since 2019 10
Important citations (1006)

almusawa h, ghanam r, thompson g. classification of symmetry lie algebras of the canonical geodesic equations of five-dimensional solvable lie algebras. symmetry. 2019 nov;11(11):1354.

liu j, pucci p, zhang q. wave breaking analysis for the periodic rotation-two-component camassa–holm system. nonlinear analysis. 2019 oct 1;187:214-28.

almusawa h, ghanam r, thompson g. classification of symmetry lie algebras of the canonical geodesic equations of five-dimensional solvable lie algebras. symmetry. 2019 nov;11(11):1354.

giménez j, mejía o, merentes n, rodríguez l. non-linear composition operators in the space of functions of bounded.

paris rb. an expansion for the sum of a product of an exponential and a bessel function. arxiv preprint arxiv:1901.00142. 2019 jan 1.

paris rb. asymptotic expansion of mathieu-bessel series. ii. arxiv preprint arxiv:1909.09805. 2019 sep 21.

li s, zhai c. positive solutions for a new class of hadamard fractional differential equations on infinite intervals. journal of inequalities and applications. 2019 dec;2019(1):150.

paris rb. an asymptotic expansion for a sum of modified bessel functions with quadratic argument. arxiv preprint arxiv:1812.10764. 2018 dec 27.

ren j, zhai c. unique solutions for fractional q-difference boundary value problems via a fixed point method. bulletin of the malaysian mathematical sciences society. 2019 jul 15;42(4):1507-21.

ma k, sun s, han z. existence of solutions of boundary value problems for singular fractional q-difference equations. journal of applied mathematics and computing. 2017 jun 1;54(1-2):23-40.

khanal s, subedi rr, thompson g. representations of nine-dimensional levi decomposition lie algebras. journal of pure and applied algebra. 2020 mar 1;224(3):1340-63.

zhai c, wang w. solutions for a system of hadamard fractional differential equations with integral conditions. numerical functional analysis and optimization. 2019 may 25:1-21.

khan h. boundary value problems for fractional order differential equations: existence theory and numerical simulations (doctoral dissertation, university of malakand, chakdara dir (lower), khyber pakhtunkhwa, pakistan).

høibakk r, lukkassen d, meidell a, persson le. geometric construction of some lehmer means. mathematics. 2018 nov 14;6(11):251.

paris rb. a summation formula for a ${} _3f_2 (1) $ hypergeometric series. arxiv preprint arxiv:1803.03012. 2018 mar 8.

ma k, han z, zhang y. stability conditions of a coupled system of fractional q-difference lotka-volterra model. international journal of dynamical systems and differential equations. 2016;6(4):305-17.

guo c, guo j, gao y, kang s. existence of positive solutions for two-point boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional q-difference equation. advances in difference equations. 2018 dec;2018(1):180.

zhai c, wang w. properties of positive solutions for m-point fractional differential equations on an infinite interval. revista de la real academia de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales. serie a. matemáticas. 2019 apr 1;113(2):1289-98.

yang c. positive solutions for a three-point boundary value problem of fractional q-difference equations. symmetry. 2018 sep;10(9):358.

abdeljawad t, alzabut j, zhou h. a krasnoselskii existence result for nonlinear delay caputo q—fractional difference equations with applications to lotka—volterra competition model. applied mathematics e-notes. 2017 jan 1;17:307-18.
