Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics

Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9937

Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics has got h-index 4, which means every article in Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics has got 4 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Total published articles

38 8 1 7 16

Conference proceedings

13 0 0 31 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

15 6 5 5 1
Journal total citations count 45
Journal h-index 4
Journal h-index since 2019 4
Important citations (72)

Lomber facet injections are equally effective for treatment of facet joint-induced low back painin the obese compared to non-obese population: a single center retrospective study

ultrasound-guided lumbar transforaminal epidural injections; a single center fluoroscopic validation study

sanjeev a, mattaparthi vs (2018) dimerization of c-terminal truncations of α-synuclein and its effect on the aggregation propensity: a potential of mean force study. current chemical biology 12: 191-200.

sanjeev a, mattaparthi vs. computational study on the role of γ-synuclein in inhibiting the α-synuclein aggregation (2019) central nervous system agents in medicinal chemistry 19: 24-30.

yanrike h. perbedaan efek terapi inisial methimazole dibandingkan dengan propylthiouracil terhadap kadar free thyroxine pada penyakit graves (doctoral dissertation, universitas andalas).

alexander k. pengaruh pemberian terapi inisial propylthiouracil terhadap kadar thyroid-stimulating hormone (tsh) dan kadar thyrotropin-releasing hormone (trh) pada penyakit graves (doctoral dissertation, universitas andalas).

Нелин ИВ, Седанкин МК, Веснин СГ, Скуратов ВА, Мартьянова МВ. РАЗРАБОТКА МЕДИЦИНСКОЙ АНТЕННЫ НА ОСНОВЕ ТЕКСТИЛЬНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ. Научно-технический вестник Поволжья. 2019(2):61-4.

Замечник ТВ, Лосев АГ, Петренко АЮ. Управляемый классификатор в диагностике рака молочной железы по данным микроволновой радиотермометрии. mathematical physics and computer modeling. 2019 aug 1;22(3).

zamechnik tv, losev ag, petrenko ay. guided classifier in the diagnosis of breast cancer according to microwave radiothermometry. mathematical physics and computer modeling. 2019 aug 1;22(3).

Лосев АГ. МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЕ МОДЕЛИ И АЛГОРИТМЫ ИСКУССТВЕННОГО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТА Ð’ ДИАГНОСТИКЕ РАКА МОЛОЧНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ ПО ТЕРМОМЕТРИЧЕСКИМ ДАННЫМ2. inИскусственный интеллект в решении актуальных социальных и экономических проблем ХХi века: сб. ст. по материалам Четвертой всерос. науч.-практ. конф.(г. Пермь, 21–24 мая 2019 г.) Чi/Перм. гос. нац. исслед. ун-Ñ‚.–Пермь, 2019.–276 с. 2019 (p. 26).

Каприн АД, Костин АА, Андрюхин МИ, Иваненко КВ, Попов СВ, Шегай ПВ, Круглов ДП, Мангутов ФШ, Леушин ВЮ, Агасиева СВ. Микроволновая радиотермометрия в диагностике некоторых урологических заболеваний. Медицинская техника. 2019(2):8-11.

zhang j, pan s, hong h, kong l (2019) blending ensemble of fine-tuned convolutional neural networks applied to mammary image classification. journal of medical imaging and health informatics 9: 1160-6.

gudkov a. the prospects of creating of microwave radiothermography based on monolithic integrated circuits (2019) initm web of conferences  30: 13001

galazis c, vesnin s, goryanin i. application of artificial intelligence in microwave radiometry (mwr). inproceedings of the 12th international joint conference on biomedical engineering systems and technologies.

Седанкин МК, Леушин ВЮ, Гудков АГ, Веснин СГ, Сидоров ИА, Агасиева СВ, Маркин АВ. Математическое моделирование теплообменных процессов в молочной железе при наличии злокачественной опухоли. Медицинская техника. 2018(3):33-6.

kaprin ad, kostin aa, andryukhin mi, ivanenko kv, popov sv, shegai pv, kruglov dp, mangutov fs, leushin vy, agasieva sv (2019) microwave radiometry in the diagnosis of various urological diseases. biomedical engineering 53: 87-91.

ivanov y, kozlov a, galiullin r, tatur v, ziborov v, ivanova n, goryanin i, pleshakova t, vesnin s (2018) use of microwave radiometry to monitor thermal denaturation of albumin. frontiers in physiology 9: 956.

sedankin mk, leushin vy, gudkov ag, vesnin sg, sidorov ia, agasieva sv, markin av  (2018) mathematical simulation of heat transfer processes in a breast with a malignant tumor. biomedical engineering  52: 190-194

menezes-rodrigues fs, errante pr, tavares jg, ferraz rr, gomes wj, taha mo, scorza ca, scorza fa, caricati-neto a (2019) pharmacological modulation of b-adrenoceptors as a new cardioprotective strategy for therapy of myocardial dysfunction induced by ischemia and reperfusion. acta cirurgica brasileira 34.

caricati-neto a, errante pr, menezes-rodrigues fs (2019) recent advances in pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies of cardioprotection. international journal of molecular sciences 20: 4002.
