Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs

Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs
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Mini Review - (2017) Volume 5, Issue 4

A Critical Analysis of Juvenile Justice Act and System in India

Sruti DK*
Kamala Nehru College, Delhi University, Delhi, India
*Corresponding Author: Sruti DK, Kamala Nehru College, Delhi University, Delhi, India, Tel: +355 4 242 1806 Email:


Children are recognized worldwide as supremely assets of the state. the longer term of the state lies within the hands of the kids, WHO are recognized because the supremely assets of the state however as a result of the indifferences of our society all told spheres, these future stake holders aren't cited properly that results in kid delinquency. Children or delinquency is Associate in nursing alarmingly increasing downside inflicting a supply of concern all told over the globe. Children need to be the topic of prime focus of development designing, research, and welfare in Asian country however sadly, it's not been therefore. Despite the Constitutional vision of a healthy and happy kid protected against abuse and exploitation, and a National Policy for youngsters, the bulk of kids in Asian country still live while not a cared, protected and substantive childhood [1,2].

India could be a soul to world organization Declaration on The Rights of the kid, 1959 that outlined and recognized varied Rights of the kids namely: the proper to health and care, the proper to protection from abuse, the proper to protection from exploitation, right to protection from neglect, right to info, right to expression and right to nutrition etc. are outlined as basic rights of kids by the Convention of the rights of the kid. Consequently, Asian country has adopted a national policy on kids in 1974 for achieving the on top of aforesaid rights for its kids. The primary central legislation on Juvenile Justice was passed in 1986, by the Union Parliament, thereby providing an even law on juvenile justice for the complete country. Before these laws there were many other laws regarding the same matter were in existence in every country all over the world. But those were not same or uniform. So the primary uniform law on juvenile justice but failed to lead to any dramatic improvement within the treatment of juveniles. The law continued to electrify plenty of concern, in human rights circles, pertaining not able to the method juveniles were treated in detention centers selected as special homes and juvenile homes.

Meaning of the Word Juvenile

Someone who is below the age of eighteen is named as a Juvenile.

History of Juvenile Justice Act

In 1986 a statue came into force for the purpose of the protection of juveniles after that many other laws also came into force. Before this law every state had its own enactment on juvenile justice with their being variations within the method juveniles were treated by completely different state legal systems. The primary uniform law on juvenile justice but failed to lead to any dramatic improvement within the treatment of juveniles. The law continued to electrify plenty of concern, in human rights circles, pertaining notably to the method juveniles were treated in detention centers selected as special homes and juvenile homes [3-5].

Following nearer international attention to the problem of juvenile justice within the late 1990’s, the problem emotional to the middle stage even in domestic circles with variety of consultations continued juvenile justice each nationwide and regionally.

Juvenile Systems in Other Countries

The Unites States has drawn a transparent distinction between juveniles as victims of Associate in Nursing unresponsive society and people who are absolutely conscious of the inhumanity of their crimes. The legislation of the country permits in sure cases, keeping in mind the inhumanity of the crime committed, to undertake juvenile offenders as adults. The justification offered behind this release is to recognize the inherent and every one necessary principle of planning or compunction.

Another justification offered is that the prime responsibility of the State to shield society from such offenders. By waiving its jurisdiction the tribunal recognizes that the wrongdoer is on the far side the scope of juvenile rehabilitation and legitimizes the release of jurisdiction as a way of protective society at massive from the wrongdoer.

Australia too follows a system almost like the UK. Coming back to Asian country and therefore the Juvenile Justice Act 2000, it's straightforward to note that instead of have versatile procedures for sentencing we've opted for a rigid and sweeping one. this is often a system within which the utmost quantity of sentence served by a delinquent WHO say partakes in heist so as to feed himself is that the same because the one given resolute a serial malefactor or murderer; with great care long each are below eighteen years archaic [6,7].

Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2015

The frightful incident of raised several debates. And therefore the prime issue among these was the involvement of the juvenile offender, WHO was solely six months short from turning into adult142. This attracts the law of Juvenile Justice (care and protection) Act, 2000143 and therefore the offender was sentenced by the court just for threeyear confinement144. Against this call of Apex Court, many protests were created, that demanded modification within the existing Juvenile Justice Law145.

However, this case isn't solely reason for the govt. to introduce this bill. The Ministry of girls and kid Development even the introduction of bill with many alternative reasons. The prime 2 reasons of all were, first, the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000 was facing implementation and procedural delays146. Secondly, the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Reports indicate increase within the Juvenile Crime between the people of 16-18 years (i.e.1% in 2003 toone.2% in 2013)147. Beside the large proponents, there have been some kid activists, WHO criticized this Act on several grounds: initial, stating it to be retributive not helpful [8-10].

The introduction of The New Juvenile Justice (care and Protection of children), 2015, has introduced a number of the exceptional changes within the existing Juvenile Law. One in every of such major changes is, juvenile archaic cluster of sixteen to eighteen are to be tried like Associate in Nursing adult. Also, the one who has earned the age of twenty one whereas in sentence are send to the jail for remainder of the time span. However, of these choices are taken by the Juvenile Justice Board. This paper has highlighted on varied polemical problems regard to} new Juvenile Justice Act with special reference to the views of various activists. Beside this, the paper has centered on the anticipated scenario which can arise once the New Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 are browse with Protection of kids from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 and Prohibition of kid wedding Act, 2006 [11-16].

Related Case Laws

• A 3 decide Bench call of Supreme Court just in case of Umesh Chandra Vs. State of Rajasthan, control that: - “As regards the final relevancy of the Act, we tend to are clearly of the read that the relevant date for the relevancy of the Act is that the date on that the offence takes place. Juveniles Act was enacted to shield young kids from the implications of their criminal acts on the footing that their mind at that age couldn't be aforementioned to be mature for imputing men’s space as within the case of associate adult. This being the intendment of the Act, a transparent finding has got to be recorded that the relevant date for relevancy of the Act is that the date on that the offence takes place...We are clearly of the read that the relevant date for relevancy of the Act up to now as age of the defendant, United Nations agency claims to be a toddler, worries, is that the date of the prevalence and not the date of the trial.”

• In 2000 there seemed to be a shift within the read of the Hon’ble Supreme Court it discovered within the case of Arnit Das Vs. State of province, that: “So much because the gift context worries we tend to are clear in our mind that the crucial date of crucial the question whether or not someone may be a juvenile is that the date once he's brought before the competent authority”.

• This important issue was another time thought of by a 5 decide Bench just in case of Pratap Singh Vs. State of Jharkhand and it absolutely was control that:-“The reckoning date for the determination of the age of the juvenile is that the date of the offence and not the date once he's made before the authority or within the court”.

• Navin Pawar v State chance of repetition of crime isn't any ground to reject bail.

• Gurudev v State Custody of kid bimanual over to father United Nations agency was a govt. servant not withstanding rejection of bail by lower courts on the bottom of ethical, physical or psychological danger.

• Master Abhishek v State what's going to quantity to “defeating the ends of justice…”

• Shashi Immanuel Kant Saini v State, the observations in created in SIR is a fabric thought for grant of bail.


Before closing, it's necessary to debate some theories which can facilitate in understanding the explanation behind the delinquent behavior of juveniles. Among them 2 common theories are Psychodynamic theory and Social Learning theory. Psychodynamic Theory was formally projected by Sigmund Freud 182, that states that a toddler is born with Id (animal instinct) and ego is that the realization of real world and helps to regulate Id. Superego is developed through and superego cannot management the animal instinct and therefore the juvenile become delinquent. 183 Another theory is Social learning theory, that states that {kid|a toddler|a baby} is sweet once born however encompassing setting influence his or her nature as a result of child forever learns from imitating elders. 184 but, in each the cases, the role of oldsters, society and setting are crucial .The reasons behind a Juvenile to become criminal is several. This might be on the far side the management of the immature tyke. All told these cases, giving social control to the juvenile, United Nations agency is in conflict with law not forever an answer, as acknowledged by academic. Thus, considering of these things in mind, author thinks that it's necessary for the govt. to rethink and examine child-friendly amendments within the new Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 so injustice in Juvenile Justice Act (Faizan Mustafa).


  1. Witerdyk AJ (2004) Juvenile Justice System: International Perspectives, Models and Trends.
  2. Government of India (2000) The Juvenile Justice Act, 1986’ and The juvenile Justice (Care and protection) Act, 2000’ Publication Division, New Delhi.
  3. Government of India (The Apprentices) (1850) Act, 1850’ Publication division, New Delhi.
  4. Government of India (1860) The Indian Penal code (1860). Publication division New Delhi.
  5. Government of India (1876) The Reformatory School Act. Publication division New Delhi.
  6. Government of India (1960) The Children Act (1960). Publication division New Delhi.
  7. Mahrukh A (2006) Child and Protection and Juvenile Justice System: for Juvenile in conflict with Law. Children India Foundation.
  8. Government of India (2000) The Juvenile Justice (care and Protection of children) Act. Publication division, New Delhi.
  9. Government of India (1860) The Indian Penal code. Publication division, New Delhi.
  10. Government of India (2000) The Juvenile Justice (care and Protection of children) Act (2000). Publication division, New Delhi.
  11. Government of India (2000) Supreme Court cases’, In Jaya mala V. Hom Secretary, (2010) Bhoop Ram V. state of UP case, (1989) Babloo Passi and V. state of Jharkhand, (2010) In Umesh Chandra. V. state of Rajastan, (2005) Arnit Das V. state of Bihar.
  12. Government of India (2000) Supreme Court cases’, Bhoop Ram V. state of Up, (1989) and Arnit Das V. state of Bihar.
Citation: Sruti DK (2017) A Critical Analysis of Juvenile Justice Act and System in India. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 5: 296.

Copyright: © 2017 Sruti DK. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.