ISSN: 2471-9315
+44 1300 500008
Perspective - (2021)Volume 7, Issue 11
The study of biological material found in air or the environment, such as bacteria and poisons, is known as "aeromicrobiology." Bioaerosols are biological elements that float in the air. This chapter covers the principles of aeromicrobiology, including the nature of bioaerosols and the AMB pathway's fundamentals. The characteristics of the atmosphere as a microbiological home are outlined, as well as the variables that govern microbial survival in the air. This is followed by a description of extramural aeromicrobiology, which includes native soil pathogen aerosolization, influenza pandemics, cloud microbiology, agriculture, waste disposal, and airborne poisons. The public health implications of intramural microbiology in buildings, hospitals, and labs are examined. Finally, bioaerosol control methods, including laboratory biosafety, are recorded.
The word aerobiology was developed by F.C. Meier in the 1930s to designate a project that entailed the study of life in the air (Boehm and Leuschner, 1986). Many people have described aerobiology since then as the study of biological materials' aerosolization, aerial transport, and deposition. Others have described it as the study of illnesses that can be spread through the lungs. Despite the differences in definitions, this rapidly growing topic is becoming increasingly relevant in a wide range of sectors, including public health, environmental research, industrial and agricultural engineering, biological warfare, and space exploration.
Aeromicrobiology, as defined for the purposes of this work, encompasses both intramural (inside) and extramural (outdoor) components of aerobiology as they pertain to the airborne transmission of ecologically relevant microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and protozoans.
Aerosols are small solid or liquid particles floating in the atmosphere that can last for days or weeks before falling to the ground or being wiped away by rain or snow. Smoke, smog, haze, and dust are examples of visible atmospheric aerosol plumes. A suspension of small solid particles or liquid droplets in the air is known as atmospheric aerosol, often known as Particulate Matter (PM). Natural sources include sea salt, desert dust, volcanic eruptions, and forest fires, as well as manmade sources like fossil fuels and biomass burning.
Aerosols affect climate in two ways: by altering the amount of heat that enters or exits the atmosphere, and by altering the formation of clouds. Cloud formation and growth are also influenced by aerosols. Because water droplets quickly condense around particles, a particle-rich environment encourages cloud formation.
Natures of Bioaerosols are climate change, human health, and agricultural production all benefit from bioaerosols. Bioaerosols can impact global climate by increasing cloud formation and ice nucleation in the atmosphere, despite their modest proportion in comparison to all other aerosols. Bioaerosols can modify micro-biogeography on the ground more quickly than many other transport methods. Bioaerosols have a substantial impact on biodiversity and ecology, as well as the spread of biological pollutants, because they may disperse biological contaminants over vast distances compared to terrestrial transport mechanisms.
Bioaerosols can also be excellent transmitters of harmful organisms to plants, animals, and people, resulting in disease transmission. Aerosols produced at water/air interfaces are now thought to be one of the most important pathways for transporting microorganisms into the environment. While it is widely acknowledged that diseases can use soil as a stopover before transferring to their hosts, it is unclear where and how bacteria in soil transmit from their primary habitats to the atmosphere.
The aeromicrobiological process describes the release of bioaerosols into the atmosphere; the subsequent movement of these particles via diffusion and dispersion; and their deposition. Liquid aerosols containing the influenza virus, which are released into the air by coughing, sneezing, or even talking, are an example of this route. A cough or sneeze disperses virus-associated aerosols, which are carried through the air, inhaled, and deposited in the lungs of a nearby individual, where they might start a new infection Traditional research has focused on the deposition of live microorganisms and the subsequent infection, however all three processes (launching, transport, and deposition) are equally important in understanding the aerobiological pathway.
Although there are many microorganisms in the air, it is not the natural home of all types of microorganisms since it lacks the necessary moisture and nutrients for their growth. Today's principal sources of germs in the air include infectious dust, droplets, and industrial aerial emissions. Large airborne droplets, in fact, dry off on air surfaces. The nasal and throat secretions of a patient can be a primary source of infectious dust, and once dried, these discharges, together with a variety of bacteria, float freely in the air. There's also the presence of droplets in the air. Sneezing, coughing, and patient conversation are all important sources of droplets.
Citation: Murakami H (2021) A Critical Study with a Special Emphasis in the Medical Field of Aeromicrobiology. Appli Microbiol Open Access. 7:218.
Received: 08-Nov-2021 Accepted: 22-Nov-2021 Published: 29-Nov-2021
Copyright: © 2021 Murakami H. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.