Translational Medicine

Translational Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1025

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Review Article - (2016) Volume 6, Issue 3

A Novel Anti-Metastasis and Chemotherapy's Side Effect Reducer

Deepak Bhattacharya*
Oddisi Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar, India
*Corresponding Author: Deepak Bhattacharya, Oddisi Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar, India, Tel: +91 8895997259 Email:


There are no drugs that can reverse metastasis. A source is discussed. An at lab hand make fixed dose (cap) is indicating wide spectrum efficacy, high specificity, safety. Specially reversing metastasis from bones, liver and lungs. Is superbly synergistic with CT and is yielding never before results. Is also down turning the deleterious and the unbearable side effects and contradictions of CT. A new novel find ATAMCOX (VAC).


Keywords: ATAMCOX; VAC; Anti-metastasis; CT side effect reducer; Anti-inflammatory; Anti-cancer


Number of cancer patients on the registers is on the rise in the 3rd world nations more due to expanding health care and better diagnostics. In the Occident (developed nations) it is more due to life style and carcinogens in daily usages. In either scenario metastasis complicates and has made cancer the ‘emperor of maladies’. India (even the Sino-Nipponese) has a heritage in health care based on natural medicines. Her classical treatise do not describe anything that is akin to what we know presently as metastasis nor are there any medicaments [1-3]. Among the meta organs, stasis to the osteophytes and or to the hepatocytes arE noted as the most and is given up. This is primarily because anti-cancer treatment is comprised of conventional medicaments which cost wise are out of bounds for an average Indian (60% of the 1.2Billion sub populations). The altruistic Govt., of India’s plants have all but shut down. On one side cancer treatment in India effectively means investigation –confirmation-capitulation. On the other, Mammon rules the roost, with marked misdemeanor. Cases of metastasis abound. This author too faced all this within the extended family (loose large Hindu joint - >50 individuals). CT is loaded with side effects and contradictions. Therefore, an attempt was made to find alternative routes and sources that would also be synergistic with CTs and as well complement and supplement as well. Given to all patients (as part of patient centric care cum palliative) as only social service. This is its communication from the remote of rural India about a low profile; having begun in 1981; conscientious slow flow (started with male, geriatric colorectal carcinoma, end stage, dual colostomy, with complete recovery). By 2015 the following formula emerged as a fixed dose. Its primary role being (i) anti-metastasis (ii) reduces all the side effects of the entire range of chemotherapy. It is safe, broad spectrum, effective, easy to make, economic, non-toxic, synergistic with allopathy (up-regulates, better targeting – least physiological wandering - complements and supplements). Is in the ripe end of the bench-to-bed stage (translational). Allopathic drug can easily be made within months (Table 1).

Sl. No. Oriental-Name in Sanskrit# Occidentalname in English *( part used ) DesignedTherapeutics** Availability
1 LauhaVasma Ferrous ash Anti-Metastasis andAnti Cancer; Salutary effect on Hematology andHemodynamics Whole of Indian Ayurvedic bulk andraw drug market andin Large Medical Colleges (Rasa SastraDept)
2 TambraVasma Copper ash Anti- Cancer; Anti Metastasis andAnti-Carcinoma; Anti-Hematoma; anti angiogenesis; etc.
3 Kansa Vasma Bell metal ash Anti – IBS; Salutary effect on Gastric chamber; Gut; Micro nutrient marshalling; anti angiogenesis; etc.
4 i- Dalimba AND\\OR
ii - Kendu
i -PunicaGranatum’srind\peel.
ii-DiospyrosMelanoxylon - Carp
Anti- viral (including Herpes); anti- inflammatory; processscavenger; Strongly Hepatogenic; Shelf life inducer; etc. Whole of Indian sub – continent as minor agro-met products and minor forest products, purchase or gather free and also in Ayurvedic bulk andraw drug market.
5 Anantamula ( sariba ) Hemidesmusindicus (carp) Blood purifier; Spleen andpro heomopesis; etc
6 Haladi Curcuma longa(rhizome) Process scavenger; anti-gut parasite; anti-exozomes;etc.
7 Kantakari(ankaranti) Solanumsurattense\ xanthocarpum(whole creeper, fruit, seed) Necrotises benign neoplasia (including deep brain); Anti-tissue; Lungs small cell; neurofibronoma; fibronoma; contra in psoriasis; icterus….

Table 1: These 3 constituents sufficient as anti-metastasis and CT’ and MDT’s side effect reducing formulation and 4-5 constituents makes ATAMCOX\VAC holistic; physiologically salutary; anti constipation; all age- stage condition applicable food type medicament; stomach, liver and gastric stage apspects. Note: #: Has been in use in Auyurveda at least since 3000 yrs before present. Not noted in Greek; Roman; Chinese; Maori; Inca; Homeo or Allopathy; etc. schools of medicine (See Ref. 1-to-3). *: All other variants in call name for us mean the same constituent – sister species included. **: Bench-to-Bed objective being attained. Huge forward scope frank open.

Materials and Methods


Table 2 gives in detail the making process. Figure 1 schematically gives the flow pattern. Indian ayurveda ingredient supply market is old and mature. Constituents of such\any specifications are available. *Gamma (γ) irradiation @ 20-Gray is the new thing. Government of India has a few licensed units (private included). Herbs are pro gut parasite. γ - irradiation removes such limitations. We hope that scholars and all stake holders may be able to make the same easily and flawlessly.

Sl No. as in Table 1 Occidental name in English AscorbicAcid Quenching IncinerationandQuenching Pulverisation PerCap 500mg ± 10%
1 Ferrous ash (incinerated, 10000C, 2hrs.) When Red Hot – Quenching adlibitum 2 times 100 – 200 mesh 50mg
2 Copper ash (- do - ) (- do - ) 2 times -do- 50mg
3 Bell metal ash (- do - ) (- do - ) 2 times -do- 25mg
4 PunicaGranatum In place of burning, heating or acid addition, Gamma irradiation isdone @ 20-Gray = Good * In place of burning, heating or acid addition, Gamma irradiation isdone @ 20-Gray = Good * Sun\shade dried Powder 80-150mesh 50mg
5 Hemidesmusindicus Yes Yes (- do - ) 50mg
6 Curcuma longa Yes Yes (- do - ) 50mg
7 Solanumsurattense Yes Yes (- do - ) 225mg

Table 2: Making process.


Incineration means burning in modern furnace for 2hrs at 1000°C, followed by instant quenching by pouring ascorbic acid (pure) ad libitum on red hot metal. Repeating at best 2 times (2nd round requiring higher temp and shorter period of in-furnace stay). Related hydroxlylic group of acids also yield near similar results. Such quenching (vital step) inflicts deep infraction of the metal matrix, metal reformation failure, atomization. Neither metal - nor whole ash. Unique intermediary state. Becomes non-toxic; non cytotoxic; non corrosive. Marked by purification, clatherinisation, adsorption of +ve ions (non electrons) from the quenching fluids into the clatherined vacuoles (of the depleted metal matrix), mass gain, good ion affinity, soluble in blood (also aminos), chromatic changes, long shelf life, volume gain with weight reduction, good bulk density, free flowing, amorphous, salt (ash) of that metal or alloy (not rust), electron less/ depleted, crystalline, sandy type, semi-conductor property even at RT and also above 35+°C. May have application also in chip making!


Each gelatin filled cap contains 500 mg of mixed powders (Table 2). Oral, 1cap thrice daily (TID) during CT cycle period, 60 days post CT tapered down to status 1 cap per week for one year (52 weeks) as all clear maintenance prophylactic therapy. Calculated at 60-65 Kg, 5’6” -6’ (height), indo native (vegetarian and non vegi).


As a stand alone mono therapy it reverses cancer rarely in stage III. Good only in earlier stages. Yeomanly effective in reversing metastasis when administered orally concurrently with CT (failure not reported as yet). Post surgery of benign tumors and or post needle biopsies (thwarts cancerisation and or metastasis).


super safe and very effective as (i) an anti-metastasis (ii) superbly synergistic with chemotherapy (CT) - making the combination as ultra potent (iii) near complete down turn of the side effects and the contradictions of even the most toxic CT (iv) complements-andsupplements CT and all other regimens of conventional therapies (v) synergic also with MDT (vi) synergic with all conventional regimes (vii) does not seek to replace CT nor make it redundant or anything alike - extended course of CT cycle become viable with concurrent intake of VAC\ATAMCOX (viii) broad spectrum efficacy (ix) indicated vis-à-vis irritable bowl syndrome and gut inflammation syndromes (x) prophylactic (post surgery; needling) vis-à-vis metastasis in all stages and conditions (xi) significant evidence based results within 60-120 days (xii) Hb, platelet and Red Blood cell counts return to normal range even during CT cycle periods (xiii) down turn in treatment cost and time (xiv) contra indicated in soriasis; icterus causing group; arthritis. (xv) Generally salutary physiologically.

Schematic Diagram of the Making Process

Ingredients No. 1 to 3


Figure 1: Ideal ambient room conditions RH < 50% and 35°C. Room dehumidifier or semi-arid open agromet condition. This is not a must. Caption objectives are attained even sans these regulatory conditions, Advantage.


Figure 2: Ideal average ambient room conditions vary for each item. Atmospheric osmotic conditions result in loss of active herbal/ organic ingredients (evapotranspiration). Room RH or semi-arid open agromet condition need alteration; highest yield. This is not a must. Caption objectives are attained even sans these regulatory conditions.

Mode of Action

Evidently because Warberg’s mechanism. Proton is donated (from the electron depleted constituents No.1-3) as the ‘off switch’ and electrons from the gone askew mitrochondria is trapped i.e., apoptosis. Concurrent CT proves lethal.


Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatmaa : great soul) the Father of the mighty Indian nation in his days of leadership (freedom movement), had staunchly preferred herbal/ayurvedic medicine, to the exception of all [4]. Ayurveda is India’s national school of medicine. The Govt. of India (profanely) follows the European model that had evolved out of the ‘Surgeon Barber Associations’ [5]. And, whereas, Ayurveda transpired off erudite minds and nimble fingers (stark different heritage). Indian native inventors are a derided lot (by the indo technocracy) which is of the govt., by the govt., and for the govt., (factually, for self). The India Patent Office’s senior officials defeat the unaided/individual/flash inventors – act as bandicoots and siphons. Indian allopathic clinicians are de-barred from advising and or prescribing medicaments from the Indian national school of medicine (ayurvedic) – even for end stage palliative care (incalculable loss). Reason stands relinquished. Vigilance has vaulted into vacuole. Nevertheless, India remains the choice best lovely place to serve primarily due her doting masses, fillip providing philanthropists, nincompoop bureaucracy and benign politocracy. The unfailing friend of an (unmarked and unaided) native Indian inventor is the police! Hence, this author has been able to fjord far. Here-onwards he risks crucification. Which is why, we discuss few ground realities and historical aspects of ayurveda vis-à-vis the (i) captioned pathologies (ii) ingredients (iii) invent (iv) bench-to-bed applied aspects, so as to frankly hold aloft the various nuances, fleetingly.

In the acknowledged, accomplished, ancient, traditional schools of health care sciences viz., Indo-Greek [6]; Hindu/Sanaatan-vigyan [7,8]; Sino [9,10]; the term cancer and or the description amounting to metastasis as the modern sciences knew to be on date c.1850 (Industrial Revolution) or c. 1950 (IInd World War), is not noted. Therefore, the evidence based knowledge that we have as on present date (about Ca) cannot be apportioned by any stretch of imagination to be (mentioned) in such ancient Texts (or inspiration providing). This is more particularly applicable in the case of the evidence based concept of metastasis (that came into being post 1950). Further more, the 2-in-1 efficacy of anti-metastasis cum CT’s side effect reducer is a whole new concept and attainment. Thus ATAMCOX/VAC is an applied product (bottom up model) with a paradigm shift in every stage and step from concept to finish (bench or bed). The term sanatan vigyan means ‘perennial sciences’.

In Ayurveda, the ingredients No.1-to-3 were and continues to be used post abortion, miscarriage, menarche issues, for anemia and idiopathic wasting syndromes (yeomanly effective even as on datum ). For the (apex) Govt., of India authorities ingredients No.1-to-3 have thus far been associated with/as ‘medicine for the mother and the girl child’. All these types of clinical conditions have no connection with cancer and or anything alike. Anemia is (also) associated with cancer is well known. However, we also know that benign tumors, adenomas are not associated with anemia. And, whereas, a host of pathologies (non carcinomas\non leukemias) viz., sickle cell, CMVs, diarrhea, malaria, gut worms, etc., are marked by prominent anemia at presentation. India abounds in the latter types. Therefore, historical use and data about anti-anemia efficacy of constituent No.1-to-3 cannot be assumed as having inspiration providing projections (or anything alike or unlike), even to the erudite and the opportunistic mind versed in the art. Constituents No. 4-to-7 have no anti-cancer or anti-metastasis efficacy, neither are they used for any such role. Innate spiraling inflammation is the hallmark in sepsis, malariasis and in cancer [11]. The causative compounds and the pathways differ in each, while clinical symptoms confound/overlap. In cancer, internal oozing carcinomas (outpour exosomes) and the circulating load of exosomes (gone wrong mitochondria) be the pathological causes for inflammation. Constituent No.1-to-3 subsume the exosomes (anatgonise) – become untraceable in liquid biopsy. Constituents No. 4-to-7 help in healing internal hematoma, RT, surgery, needle biopsy inflicted wounds and changes. The whole (No.1-to-7) when adjuvant (ed) with sub-clinical quanta of anti-protozoals and\or effected organ (cell line) specific antibiotics is well indicated (elementary canal). Tetracycline leaps to the fore in carcinomas. Penicillin in leukemia/s, jointly in lymphomas and adenomas. Constituent No. 7 is singularly useful in neuro fibronomas and pulmonary parynchema and in deep brain benign tumors. ATAMCOX (VAC) is opportunity full. Our understanding is nascent and superficial. Therefore the drug making description and deposition regarding clinical application are designed for glitz-less replication. Author humbly invites the more enabled minds also to research; self make and try. There are no limitations, no uncenates. Welcome.


ATAMCOX is nascent, crude, crass and patient centric approach. Arose out of free social service and palliative care (bottom up model). Took 20+ yrs nothing happened over night. Not donor driven nor is carrier promoting neither self-aggrandizing (free service). Has broad spectrum efficacy in myelomas; carcinomas; leukemias. Synergistic with CT and MDTs. Makes them more potent, effective and economic. Downturns almost all the side effects of CT. No contradictions. Enables loading dose and full cycle of CT. Easy and economic to make. Internal medicine, No hospitalization. Is original, A paradigm shift conclusion is pectoris to pen.


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Citation: Bhattacharya D (2016) A Novel Anti-Metastasis and CT’s Side Effect Reducer. Transl Med (Sunnyvale) 6:178.

Copyright: © 2016 Bhattacharya D. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.