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ISSN: 2165-7890

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Opinion - (2021)

A Psycho-physiological Investigation in Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Federico Pozzo*
*Correspondence: Federico Pozzo, Department of Neuroscience, University of Pavia, Italy, Email:

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The link between a person's mental and physiological processes is the subject of psychophysiology, a branch of physiology. Psychophysiological treatment entails utilizing the mind-body connection to better manage and alleviate the illnesses and symptoms that a patient may be facing [1].

We believe in enhancing each person's ability to recover in order to improve their overall health. Our goal is to combine the finest of traditional medicine with evidence-based complementary treatments to provide a holistic approach to healing that takes into account the full individual, body, mind, and spirit.

Using electromechanical equipment, psychophysiological testing entails recording and quantifying various physiological reactions in controlled situations. The goal of the assessment determines which response or response system is measured. Autonomic balance (e.g., heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, salivation), habituation to environmental stimuli, responsiveness to traumatic imagery, orienting response, and other physiological systems have all been assessed using psychophysiological testing [2,3].

When compared to typically developing children, children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have greater dental behavior management issues (uncooperative behaviors). Hyperactivity, fast frustration, short attention span, impulsivity, agitation, rage, self-stimulatory, self-injurious, repetitive, aggressive, and disruptive behaviors, as well as temper tantrums, are examples of uncooperative and problematic behaviors [4]. Repetitive behaviors and uncontrollable, impulsive body motions can further complicate dental care by jeopardizing patient safety and putting dental workers at risk of damage.

The presence of particular behavioral criteria, such as impaired social interaction, social communication, and restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or hobbies, is used to diagnose autism spectrum disorder. Children with ASD are a diverse population; some are verbally proficient and have average cognitive functioning, while others have no spoken language and engage in repetitive and self-injurious behaviors on a regular basis. These variations may have an impact on a child's willingness to cooperate with dental treatment and the need for sophisticated behavior strategies such as constraint or pharmaceutical approaches [5].

Autism spectrum disease (ASD) is thought to be a neurodevelopmental illness caused by a complex mix of genetic and environmental variables, according to new research. However, the exact processes via which these factors cause ASD behavioral symptoms are still unknown. ASD is now diagnosed solely on the basis of behavior, and it is defined by a set of symptoms that include qualitative deficits in social communication.

Moving beyond the behavioral level to explore the neurocognitive processes that support atypical development is required to characterize causal pathways to ASD and uncover ASD specific biomarkers. These neurocognitive functions have been examined most intensively in high-functioning school-aged children and people with ASD, limiting the extent of existing understanding [6].

High functioning adults with ASD may adopt distinct compensatory methods that further distort our understanding of the essential underlying mechanisms, in addition to the 'pure' impacts of age.

Young children with ASD and other developmental impairments participate in psychophysiological investigations. We don't deal with difficulties related to testing newborns because many of the practical challenges associated with ASD are due to behavioral symptoms or associated comorbidities that don't appear until toddlerhood or later.


Communication challenges, changes in the kid's daily routines, sensory sensitivities, or dental fear and anxiety are all factors that might contribute to a child with ASD's lack of cooperation. In addition to the fundamental symptoms of autism, many people with ASD also have behavioral challenges and anxiety, which can provide extra behavior management issues for dentists. When compared to typically developing children, children with ASD demonstrate significantly more uncooperative behaviors during routine dental cleanings. In ordinarily developing children, younger age is linked to difficult conduct; in children with ASD, reduced expressive communication capacity and physiological distress are linked to uncooperative behavior.


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  2. Beauchaine TP. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia: A transdiagnostic biomarker of emotion dysregulation and psychopathology. Curr Opin Psychol 2015;3:43-47.
  3. Beauchaine TP, Gatzke-Kopp L, Neuhaus E, Chipman J, Reid MJ, Webster-Stratton C. Sympathetic- and parasympathetic-linked cardiac function and prediction of externalizing behavior, emotion regulation, and prosocial behavior among preschoolers treated for ADHD. J Consult Clin Psychol 2013;81(3):481-493.
  4. Benevides TW, Lane SJ. A review of cardiac autonomic measures: Considerations for examination of physiological response in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord 2015;45(2):560- 575.
  5. Bolte S, Westerwald E, Holtmann M, Freitag C, Poustka F. Autistic traits and autism spectrum disorders: the clinical validity of two measures presuming a continuum of social communication skills. J Autism DevDisord2011;41(1):66-72.
  6. Brown BB, Eicher SA, Petrie S. The Importance of Peer Group (“crowd”) Affiliation in Adolescence. J Adolesc 1986;9(1):73-96.

Author Info

Federico Pozzo*
1Department of Neuroscience, University of Pavia, Italy

Citation: Pozzo F (2021) A Psycho-physiological Investigation in Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Open Access.S3:002. DOI: 10.35248/2165-7890.21.S3.002.

Received: 02-Sep-2021 Accepted: 18-Sep-2021 Published: 25-Sep-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2165-7890.21.S3.002

Copyright: 2021 Pozzo F. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
