Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-038X

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Short Communication - (2021)Volume 10, Issue 2

A Short note on Uni-Sexual Reproduction

Anjali Kumari Devarakonda*
*Correspondence: Anjali Kumari Devarakonda, Department of Biology, India, Tel: 9458700042, Email:

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All-female, asexual  species afford a singular take a look at of hypotheses concerning the character and evolution of sex. pairing behavior accomplishes the transfer of gametes and stimulates the coordination of fruitful activity of the male and feminine.  genus Cnemidophorus uniparents, a asexual  species, is believed to possess resulted from the coupling of 2 living gonochoristic species, {cnemidophorus|Cnemidophorus|genus genus Cnemidophorus|reptile genus} inornatus and Cnemidophorus gularis. C. uniparens frequently and dependably perform behaviors identical in type to those performed throughout pairing by male C. inornatus.


we've determined by experimentation that people of the asexual species demonstrating male-like pseudosexual behavior conjointly share a similarity in operate with males of the sexually reproducing species. the amount of feminine C. inornatus ovulating will increase, and also the latency to biological process decreases, if a sexually active conspecific male is gift. an analogous helpful result on gonad irruption happens within the all-female C. uniparens within the presence of a male-like individual. These results show that behavioural facilitation of gonad irruption is very importantin sexual and sexual species. this could represent a potent choice pressure affirmative the upkeep of male-typical behaviors, so accounting for the show of behavioural traits sometimes related to males in sexual species of hybrid origin. An sexual species (either asexual or gynogenetic form) usually coexists sympatrically with a closely connected amphimixissexual species, forming a sexual complicated and this is often puzzling as a result of, all else being equal, a sexual population with the two-fold price of sex (or the price of manufacturing males) cannot exist with a sexual population. this means that some ecological processes area unit at work to form doable the existence of the sexual complicated. Field and laboratory studies counsel that interdependency during a gynogenetic complicated of the japanese Carassius carassius (Carassius auratus) could play a very important role in realizing the existence by giving frequency-dependent profit to sexual population. Here, we tend to study the straightforward dynamics of hostparasite interactions during which non-specific reaction of a sexual host is more practical than that of associate sexual host. We tend to merely assume that the infective people area unit sterile. Stable existence of a sexual species with their sexual relative is feasible if pathogens area unit virulent and if the condition of the sexual type is quite double as high as that of the sexual type. The existence is harder, once the fertility of males is comparatively low in gynogenetic complexes. this means that the existence of gynogenetic complexes is harder than that of asexual complexes during which parthenogenesis has no constraint on males. we tend to conclude that interdependency could be a promising candidate mechanism for the existence of sexual complexes. Many aspects of primate sperm cell physiology and procreative behavior are influenced by sexual choice, particularly in taxa exposed to sperm cell competition wherever females mate with multiple partners. Primate sperm cell diversity reflects thus the organic process divergences of the various primate species and also the impact of a mix of variables exerting choice pressures on sperm cell kind, function, and competition. Thereby, sexual union systems, life cycle or ecological variables area unit a number of the vital factors driving sperm cell diversity and explaining variation in terms of sperm cell morphology, parameters or male sexual characters

Author Info

Anjali Kumari Devarakonda*
Department of Biology, India

Citation: Devarakonda AK (2021 A Short note on Uni-Sexual Reproduction Reproductive Sys Sexual Disord.10:247. doi: 10.35248/2161-038X.1000247.

Received: 30-Jan-2021 Accepted: 13-Feb-2021 Published: 20-Feb-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2161-038X.1000247

Copyright: © 2021 Devarakonda AK This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
