Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal

Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal
Open Access

ISSN: 2150-3508

+44 1478 350008

Perspective - (2022)Volume 13, Issue 3

A Synopsis of Fish Farming

Rohit Khatua*
*Correspondence: Dr. Rohit Khatua, Department of Industrial Fish and Fisheries, University of Calcutta, West Bengal, India, Email:

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Commercial breeding of fish, generally for food, in fish tanks or artificial enclosures such as fish ponds are known as fish farming or pisciculture. It is a form of aquaculture that involves the regulated growing and harvesting of aquatic species such as fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other organisms in a natural or artificial environment. A fish hatchery is a facility that releases juvenile fish into the wild for recreational fishing or to augment a species' natural population. Carp, catfish, salmon, and tilapia are the most significant fish species produced in fish farming across the world. Global demand for dietary fish protein is increasing, which results in widespread overfishing in wild fisheries, which has resulted in significant reductions in fish populations and, in some cases, complete depletion in some regions. Fish farming allows the development of artificial fish colonies with adequate feeding, protection from natural predators and competitive threats, access to veterinarian services, and easier harvesting when necessary. All while remaining separate from wild fish populations and thus having little impact on their long-term yields. Fish farming is performed all around the world, but China accounts for 62 percent of all farmed fish. In 2016, aquaculture accounted for more than half of the total seafood output.

Capture fishery

Capture fishing is used to collect naturally existing fish. Capture fishing is often referred to as wild fishing.

Culture fishery

The controlled growing of fish in aquatic bodies is known as aquaculture. Fish farming or pisciculture is other terms for it. It's important to note that pisciculture is a kind of aquaculture, which is defined as the scientific growing and management of all aquatic species. The fishery is further categorized into the following groups: Inland fishery, Marine fishery.

Inland fishery: Freshwater bodies such as lakes, ponds, rivers, and tanks are used in this method. Inland fisheries are formed by reservoirs where freshwater and seawater meets. Because the output of a catch fishery is not high, the approach used here is pisciculture. In a single water body, 5-6 species are raised. There is no rivalry for food since the species are chosen in such a way that they have different eating patterns. Rohu, Catla, Grass Carp, Common Carp, and other kinds are often grown.

Marine fishery: Because India is a peninsula; we have a coastline of 7517 kilometers. As a result, 14 million people rely on fishing for a living. These 14 million people cast their fishing nets in marine sea and ocean waters. Coastal fisheries are those that are close to the shore, and off-shore or deep-sea fisheries are those that are farther out at sea. Some examples are sardines, mackerel, hilsa, tuna, Pomfret, mussels, prawns, oysters, and others.

The use of satellites and echo-sounders to locate huge fish enhances the output. Fish farming accounts for approximately half of all fish consumed today. Some of the most widely farmed fish species are tuna, salmon, halibut, cod, and trout. Aquafarms can be made from mesh cages submerged in water or concrete enclosures on land. Diseases, pollutants, and invasive species from fish farms have the potential to affect the ecosystem.

Extensive fish farming

Economic and labor inputs are modest in this type of farming. In this type of farming, natural food production is very important. Fertilizers can be used to boost fertility and, as a result, fish production.

Semi-intensive fish farming

This method requires moderate economic and labor inputs. Supplemental feeding or the addition of fertilizers can boost yield. As a result, fish productivity is higher.

Intensive fish farming

The fish are supplied with as many fish as possible in this manner. Supplemental feed is given to the fish.


The advantages of fish farming are as follows for human consumption, farmed fish provides high-quality protein. Fish farming may be included in an existing farm to increase revenue and improve water management. Farmers may choose which fish species to produce based on their desired traits. A pond's fish are not available to everyone. As a result, they are safe and may be picked whenever they choose.

Author Info

Rohit Khatua*
Department of Industrial Fish and Fisheries, University of Calcutta, West Bengal, India

Citation: Khatua R (2022) A Synopsis of Fish Farming. Fish Aqua J. 13:297.

Received: 06-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. FAJ-22-16958; Editor assigned: 08-Apr-2022, Pre QC No. FAJ-22-16958 (PQ); Reviewed: 25-Apr-2022, QC No. FAJ-22-16958; Revised: 27-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. FAJ-22-16958 (R); Published: 04-May-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/ 2150-3508.22.13.297

Copyright: © 2022 Khatua R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
