Drug Designing: Open Access

Drug Designing: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2169-0138

Editorial - (2020)

Advancement in Stem Cell Engineering

Leonard Lee*
*Correspondence: Leonard Lee, Department of Tissue Culturing, National University School of Medicine, Incheon, South Korea, Email:

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The concept of tissue engineering involves the delivery of special type of cell or the products of the cells intended for the restoration of damaged tissue or damaged organs. In these cases stem cell therapy or stem cell engineering has taken as serous and most helpful scientific field of the cell or tissue regeneration therapy. Now a day’s stem cell engineering has been considered useful for transplantation of patient tissue. On the other hand stem cell engineering is not successful in completely curing or preventing the spread of the diseases.

In order to avoid the cons of stem cell culturing the techniques of stem cell engineering are combined with the tissue engineering has been evolved. This combination technique has revealed new routes for producing alternate tissue substitutes [1].

There are few research studies that have been conducted to prove the advances of combined tissue and stem cell engineering techniques, which showed the increased advantages like cell viability, cell differentiation, stem cell technologies, and therapeutic efficiency of transplanted stem cells.

The various types of stem cells that have been used for tissue engineering may include mesenchymal stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells. When stem cells alone are incorporated into the damaged tissue there may be the chances of stem cells losing their viability and therapeutic activity due to the loss of regenerative capacity of the transplanted stem cells [2].

In this editorial we will be going to discuss the chances available to overcome the problems of stem cell regeneration when there are introduced to the damages tissue regions. As the age increases the tissue lose their ability to regenerate, this problem requires the usage of grafts for the tissue to be repaired. Tissue transplantation may help in repair of damaged organs or tissue but the applications are low for tissue repair. So stem cells technology has been introduced to repair the damaged tissue, but this technology is limited with poor viability and inability to regenerate the damaged tissue. This can be overcome by increasing the viability and capacity of the transplanted stem cell to regenerate in the damaged tissue [3].

There are different types of stem cells that can use for tissue regeneration. Mesenchyme stem cells can be extracted from bone marrow, adipose tissue, and tonsils. There mesenchymal stem cells have adherent properties and fibroblast structural characters. They possess certain surface markers like CD73, CD90, and CD105. These mesenchymal stem cells not only help in cell differentiation but also repair the adjacent mesenchymal stem cells. These cells undergo differentiation to give adipocytes, muscles, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts. In addition to this mesenchymal stem cells have ability to increase the angiogenesis by releasing angiogneic factors. Advancement of gene delivery efficiency with the usage of nanoparticles will be extremely useful for conversion of stem cells. The cells are surrounded by the cell membrane and Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) [4]. This ECM plays a vital role in cell division, proliferation, differentiation. So transplants stem cells in order to differentiate and repaired the damaged tissue we need create an artificial ECM that helps in differentiation and division of the stem cells. We can biomaterials in order to produce artificial ECM environment. We can also opt for 3-D bio printing of the damaged tissue for their repair [5].


Stem cells help in naturally curing and repairing the damaged tissue but these cells have their own limitations. These limitation can be overcame by the use of artificial ECM using the biomaterials, use of nanoparticles, 3-D bio printing, development of stem cell that can activate the growth factors in the damaged tissue.


  1. O'brien FJ. Biomaterials & scaffolds for tissue engineering. Materials today. 2011;14(3):88-95.
  2. Tong Z, Solanki A, Hamilos A, Levy O, Wen K, Yin X, et al. Application of biomaterials to advance induced pluripotent stem cell research and therapy. The EMBO journal. 2015;34(8):987-1008.
  3. Madl CM, Heilshorn SC, Blau HM. Bioengineering strategies to accelerate stem cell therapeutics. Nature. 2015;557(7705):335-342.
  4. Bao M, Xie J, Huck WT. Recent advances in engineering the stem cell microniche in 3D. Advanced Science. 2018;5(8):1800448.
  5. Xu Y, Chen C, Hellwarth PB, Bao X. Biomaterials for stem cell engineering and biomanufacturing. Bioactive materials. 2019;4(3):366-379.

Author Info

Leonard Lee*
Department of Tissue Culturing, National University School of Medicine, Incheon, South Korea

Citation: Lee L (2020) Advancement in Stem Cell Engineering. Drug Des. S5.e001.

Received: 04-Dec-2020 Accepted: 18-Dec-2020 Published: 28-Dec-2020 , DOI: 10.35248/2169-0138.20.S5.e001

Copyright: © 2020 Lee L. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
