Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems

Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-0419

+44 1300 500008

Commentary - (2023)Volume 10, Issue 4

Advancements of Patient Centered Care in Health Care System

Gerald Tan*
*Correspondence: Gerald Tan, Department of Pharmacy, University of Assiut, El Fateh, Assiut Governorate, Egypt, Email:

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Patient-centered care is a fundamental approach to healthcare that places the patient at the center of all decision-making and treatment processes. It embodies a holistic perspective that recognizes the individuality, preferences, and needs of each patient, with the goal of providing high-quality, personalized care.

Patient-centered care goes beyond just addressing the physical symptoms of an illness. It takes into account the patient's emotional, social, and psychological well-being, recognizing that these factors can significantly impact health outcomes. This approach acknowledges that each patient is a unique individual with their own set of circumstances. In patient-centered care, healthcare providers work collaboratively with patients to make decisions about their treatment plans. This shared decisionmaking process empowers patients to be active participants in their healthcare journey, leading to more informed choices that align with their values and goals. Instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach, patient-centered care tailors treatment plans to the specific needs and preferences of the patient. Effective communication is a key element of patient-centered care. Healthcare providers should actively listen to patients, empathize with their concerns, and provide clear explanations about diagnoses, treatment options, and potential risks and benefits. Patient-centered care recognizes the importance of cultural competence. When patients feel like their preferences and values are respected, they are more likely to be satisfied with their healthcare experience. Higher patient satisfaction is not only a moral imperative but can also lead to better adherence to treatment plans and improved health outcomes.

Patients who actively participate in their care tend to have a more positive prognosis. Patient-centered care has gained prominence in healthcare policy discussions and reforms. Governments and healthcare organizations around the world are recognizing its value and working to integrate it into their systems. It respects their autonomy by involving them in discussions about treatment options, risks, and benefits, allowing them to make informed choices about their care. When healthcare professionals listen attentively to patient's concerns and questions, it enhances trust and fosters a more open and transparent relationship. Patients who feel heard and involved in their care are more likely to adhere to treatment plans and follow through with recommendations.

Recognizing that each patient is unique, patient-centered care tailors treatment plans to individual needs. This approach acknowledges that what works for one patient may not work for another, promoting a more effective and personalized healthcare experience. A focus on patient satisfaction is a key aspect of patient-centered care. Satisfied patients are more likely to trust their healthcare providers, return for follow-up care, and recommend healthcare services to others. Patient-centered care can help reduce health disparities among different demographic groups. By considering patient's cultural, socioeconomic, and personal factors, healthcare providers can address underlying determinants of health and promote equity in care delivery.

While patient-centered care may require more time and resources upfront, it can lead to more efficient and cost-effective healthcare in the long term. By addressing patient's needs and concerns early on, it may prevent complications and hospital readmissions. A patient-centered approach encourages a focus on preventive care and overall wellness rather than just treating illness. By helping patients make healthier choices and maintain a proactive attitude toward their health, it can lead to a healthier population overall. Healthcare providers who practice patient-centered care often report higher job satisfaction. It allows them to build more meaningful relationships with their patients, collaborate as a team, and see the positive impact of their work on individual's lives. Ethical principles, such as respect for autonomy and beneficence, underpin patient-centered care. It aligns with the core values of medical ethics and can help healthcare organizations maintain ethical standards while delivering care.


In conclusion, patient-centered care is a humanistic approach to healthcare that places patients at the forefront, considering their unique needs and preferences. It promotes shared decisionmaking, communication, and cultural sensitivity, ultimately leading to better outcomes and greater patient satisfaction. It offers numerous benefits, including improved patient outcomes, enhanced communication, and a more equitable and efficient healthcare system. While challenges exist in implementing this approach, its potential benefits for both patients and the healthcare system make it a crucial aspect of modern healthcare delivery.

Author Info

Gerald Tan*
Department of Pharmacy, University of Assiut, El Fateh, Assiut Governorate, Egypt

Citation: Tan G (2023) Advancements of Patient Centered Care in Health Care System. J Pharm Care Health Syst. 10:288.

Received: 20-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. JPCHS-23-26664; Editor assigned: 24-Jul-2023, Pre QC No. JPCHS-23-26664 (PQ); Reviewed: 11-Aug-2023, QC No. JPCHS-23-26664; Revised: 22-Aug-2023, Manuscript No. JPCHS-23-26664 (R); Published: 30-Aug-2023 , DOI: 10.35248/2376-0419.23.10.288

Copyright: © 2023 Tan G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
