Journal of Pharmacological Reports

Journal of Pharmacological Reports
Open Access


Editorial - (2021)Volume 5, Issue 1

Adverse effects of psychoactive drugs on humans

John Williams*
*Correspondence: John Williams, Department of Pharmacology,, School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ethiopia, Email:

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The clinical study of the consequences of medicine on mood, feeling, perception, and action is understood as psychopharmacology. It differs from neuropsychopharmacology, which focuses on the association between drug-induced changes within the nervous system's cell function and changes in consciousness and actions. Psychopharmacology is that the study of a good sort of drugs of various forms. Psychopharmacology may be a branch of drugs that studies a broad sort of substances with different sorts of psychoactive properties, with a stress on chemical interactions with the brain. Psychoactive drugs cause widespread physiologic changes by interacting with unique target sites or receptors within the system nervous. . "Drug activity" refers to the actual interaction of medicine with their receptors, while "drug effect" refers to the overall changes in physiological or psychological function. These drugs may come from natural sources like plants and animals, also as synthetic sources like laboratory. The utilization of psychiatric medications to treat psychological disorders started with the arrival of recent psychopharmacology. It carried with it the utilization of opiates and barbiturates for the care of patients with acute behavioral problems. Psychopharmacology was mainly used for sedation within the beginning Psychoactive drugs Psychoactive drugs cause widespread physiologic changes by interacting with unique target sites or receptors within the system nervous. . "Drug activity" refers to the actual interaction of medicine with their receptors, while "drug effect" refers to the overall changes in physiological or psychological function. These drugs may come from natural sources like plants and animals, also as synthetic sources like laboratory. The utilization of psychiatric medications to treat psychological disorders started with the arrival of recent psychopharmacology. It carried with it the utilization of opiates and barbiturates for the care of patients with acute behavioral problems. Psychopharmacology was mainly used for sedation within the beginning. Lithium for mania, chlorpromazine for psychoses, and then, in fast succession, tricyclic antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, and benzodiazepines, among other antipsychotics and antidepressants, were established within the 1950s. Psychopharmacology, or the study of how drugs affect the brain and actions, may be a relatively recent science, despite the very fact that folks have presumably been shooting up to change their emotions since the dawn of your time (consider the of eating fermented fruit, ancient beer recipes, chewing on the leaves of the cocaine plant for stimulant properties as just a few examples). The term "psychopharmacology" signifies a neighborhood that integrates our knowledge of behavior (and the brain) with pharmacology, and therefore the subjects discussed during this field are highly diverse. Almost any drug that alters your mood does so by altering how neurons interact with each other.

Author Info

John Williams*
Department of Pharmacology,, School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ethiopia

Citation: Williams J (2021) Adverse effects of psychoactive drugs on humans. J Pharma Reports 5: e102.

Received: 08-Jan-2021 Accepted: 18-Jan-2021 Published: 25-Jan-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/jpr.21.5.e102

Copyright: ©2021 Williams J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
