ISSN: 2168-9792
Research Article - (2022)Volume 11, Issue 2
Aerodynamic drag can be reduced by modifying a wing’s geometry and the wingtip design. Winglets play a vital role in the wing design. The winglets present at the tip of wings helps in reducing the drag and that results in increase of lift to drag ratio. This work deals with the analysis of winglet at the tip of wing to reduce the induced drag in order to enhance the aerodynamic efficiency. Considering the NACA 0012 airfoil for the rectangular wing and two types of winglets i.e., wing grid, blended wing so as to analyze performance of each. The focus is to study the lift and drag forces generated by merging winglet design with the constrained aircraft wing. The wing and wing with winglets are constructed in the solid works software and the same has been analysed in the ANSYS fluent workbench. The effects on lift and drag of the wing can be obtained using computational fluid dynamics considering the contribution of aerodynamic forces and winglets. At last, the efficiency of wing was further determined by evaluating lift to drag ratio with obtained lift and drag forces and the comparison was made between the winglets used based on its performance and contribution to the enhancement of the aerodynamic efficiency.
In this work comparative and quantitative analysis of various types of winglets are done in order to achieve better aerodynamic performance for lighter aircrafts and through this analysis, identified key parameters which influences winglets efficiency [1-3].
Fuel efficiency is directly linked with aerodynamic efficiency hence fuel efficiency will be good which results in low emission and less operating cost.
Here the major concern is lift to drag ratio because as lift increases along with it drag increases. Hence higher lift does not always signify better performance as it produces high drag. Therefore, lift to drag ratio is the optimum measurement of performance and it is called as aerodynamic efficiency in this work.
In this paper analysis are made to compare and study the aerodynamic characteristics of rectangular wing and wing with winglets. A parametric study is made modifying the winglets in order to optimize aerodynamic and fuel efficiency, as well as investigate the effects of surface roughness on the turbulent boundary layer.
In this work NACA0012 aero foil’s lift and drag characteristics curves are developed. In many constructions this aero foil is used hence this aero foil is considered for the study (Figures 1-34 and Tables 1,2).
Figure 1: Methodology.
Research starts with designing wing models with winglets of different structures using solid works software and analysis of that wing with winglets are meshed and analyzed through Ansys fluent for various angle of attacks and finally the results are compared and concluded [4-8].
Modelling and Design Parameters and Inputs
Rectangular wing
Span: 300 mm
Chord: 150 mm
Aspect ratio: 2
Figure 2: Rectangular wing.
Blended Winglet (Assembled to Main Rectangular Wing)
Span: 75 mm
Chord: 45 mm
Aspect ratio: 2.5
Cant angle: 45°
Figure 3: Wing with blended winglet.
Grid wing (assembled to main rectangular wing)
Span: 75 mm
Chord: 30 mm
Aspect ratio: 2.5
At can’t angle 45°
Figure 4: Wing with grid wing winglet at 45° cant angle.
Solver type-Pressure based
Viscous model-Spalart-Allmaras
Boundary conditions:
Inlet-Velocity based (30 m/s)
Outlet-Pressure based
Inflation (Total thickness):
No. of layers-10
Maximum thickness-4 mm
Edge sizing:
No. of divisions-420
Rectangular wing:
Figure 5: Meshed model of rectangular wing.
Blended winglet (assembled to main rectangular wing)
Figure 6: Meshed model for blended winglet-wing.
Grid wing (assembled to main rectangular wing)
Figure 7: Meshed model for grid winglet-wing.
CFD counter plots
Wing without winglets:
At 0°-Velocity Contour
Figure 8: Velocity contour of wing at 0°.
Pressure contour
Figure 9: Pressure contour of wing at 0°.
At 4°-Velocity contour
Figure 10: Velocity contour of wing at 4°.
Pressure contour
Figure 11: Pressure contour of wing at 4°.
At 8°-Velocity contour
Figure 12: Velocity contour of wing at 8°.
Pressure contour
Figure 13: Pressure contour of wing at 8°.
Wing and Winglet
At 0°-Velocity contours
Figure 14: Velocity contours of blended wing and winglet at 0°.
Pressure contours
Figure 15: Pressure contours of blended wing and winglet at 0°.
At 4°-Velocity contours
Figure 16: Velocity contours of blended wing and winglet 4°.
Pressure contours
Figure 17: Pressure contours of blended wing and winglet at 4°.
At 8°-Velocity contours
Figure 18: Velocity contours of blended wing and winglet at 8°.
Pressure contour
Figure 19: Pressure contours of blended wing and winglet at 8°.
Wing with grid winglet (Can’t angle 45°)
At 0°-Velocity contour
Figure 20: Velocity contours of wing with grid winglet 45° cant angle at 0° AOA.
Pressure contours
Figure 21: Pressure contours of wing with grid winglet of 45° cant angle at 0° AOA.
At 4° AOA -Velocity contours
Figure 22: Velocity contours of Wing with grid winglet of 45° can’t angle at 4° AOA.
Pressure contours
Figure 23: Pressure contours of wing with grid winglet of 45° can’t angle at 4° AOA.
At 8° AOA-Velocity contours
Figure 24: Velocity contours of wing with grid winglet of 45° can’t angle at 8° AOA.
Pressure contours
Figure 25: Pressure contours of Wing with grid winglet of 45° can’t angle at 8° AOA.
CL and CD plots
Wing without winglets
At 0° AOA
Figure 26: CL and CD plots of wing without winglet at 0° AOA.
At 4° AOA
Figure 27: CL and CD plot of wing without winglet at 4° AOA.
At 8° AOA
Figure 28: CL and CD plots of wing without winglet at 8° AOA.
Blended winglets
At 0° AOA
Figure 29: CL and CD plots of blended winglet at 0° AOA.
At 4° AOA
Figure 30: CL and CD plots of blended winglet at 4° AOA.
At 8° AOA
Figure 31: CL and CD plots of blended winglet at 8° AOA.
Grid winglet (45° Cant angle)
At 0° AOA
Figure 32: CL and CD plots of Grid winglet at 0° AOA.
At 4° AOA
Figure 33: CL and CD plots of Grid winglet at 4° AOA.
At 8° AOA
Figure 34: CL and CD plots of Grid winglet at 8° AOA.
Type of wing | Coefficient of lift (CL) | Coefficient of drag (CD) | Aerodynamic efficiency (CL/ CD) |
Without winglets (0° AOA) | 0.00016 | 0.01886 | 0.00848 |
Without winglets (4° AOA) | 0.25871 | 0.02396 | 10.79757 |
Without winglets (8° AOA) | 0.51382 | 0.03948 | 13.01469 |
Blended winglet (0° AOA) | 0.01494 | 0.01877 | 0.79595 |
Blended winglet (4° AOA) | 0.29519 | 0.02308 | 12.78986 |
Blended winglet (8° AOA) | 0.57515 | 0.03593 | 16.00759 |
Grid winglet (45° cant angle) (0° AOA) | 0.00448 | 0.020563 | 0.21789 |
Grid winglet (45° cant angle) (4° AOA) | 0.30253 | 0.02706 | 11.17997 |
Grid winglet (45° cant angle) (8° AOA) | 0.59715 | 0.03692 | 16.17416 |
Table 1: Result table.
CL from Ansys |
CL from Matchup |
Without winglets (0° AOA) |
0.00016 |
0.00015 |
Without winglets (4° AOA) |
0.25871 |
0.3243 |
Without winglets (8° AOA) |
0.51382 |
0.5382 |
Blended winglet (0° AOA) |
0.01494 |
0.01268 |
Blended winglet (4° AOA) |
0.29519 |
0.3721 |
Blended winglet (8° AOA) |
0.57515 |
0.6414 |
Table 2: Validation.
From the above table, it is seen those results from Ansys and results from Matchup are in good agreement with minimum variation which is less than the variation accepted i.e. ± 10%.
Analysis of rectangular wing of NACA 0012 airfoil without winglets, with blended and grid winglet has been carried out at three different angles of attacks where CL and CD values of each were drawn, subsequently finding the aerodynamic efficiency in all the cases. Hence the two conclusions are drawn from the work.
Firstly, it was seen that the wing with winglets showed more aerodynamic efficiency than wing without winglets concluding that usage of winglets enhances the aerodynamic efficiency of the wing.
Secondly, on comparing the results of blended winglet and grid winglet, it was found that grid winglet at 80 AOA possessed greater aerodynamic efficiency. Hence it can be concluded that Grid winglet is more efficient than Blended winglet.
Received: 10-May-2022, Manuscript No. JAAE-22-17421; Editor assigned: 12-May-2022, Pre QC No. JAAE-22-17421; Reviewed: 26-May-2022, QC No. JAAE-22-17421; Revised: 09-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JAAE-22-17421; Published: 16-Jul-2022 , DOI: DOI: 10.35248/2168-9792.22.11.286
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