Journal of Molecular Pathology and Biochemistry

Journal of Molecular Pathology and Biochemistry
Open Access


Commentary - (2022)Volume 3, Issue 2

Bioactivities of Tomato-Based Phytochemicals

Lowe David*
*Correspondence: Lowe David, Department of Chemical Biology and Therapeutics, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, USA, Email:

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The tomato is a wonder fruit rich in health-enhancing phytochemicals that help to stave off serious chronic degenerative diseases. The nutrients ascorbic acid and vitamin A, carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and glycoalkaloids are all abundant in tomatoes. Tomatoes include bioactive components that have anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-proliferative, antioxidant, and anti-atherogenic properties. The bioactivities of tomatoes that promote health make them a valuable component in the creation of functional foods [1]. It is well known that tomatoes can protect humans from a number of degenerative diseases. The frequency of cancer, cardiovascular illnesses, ageing, and many other health issues is inversely correlated with tomato consumption. Regular cooking procedures typically have no impact on the bioavailability of tomato's phytoconstituents, making it even healthier for consumption. The current review discusses the bioactivities and potential health advantages of tomato's phytochemicals while also compiling general information about these compounds.

Since the earliest days of civilization, the human diet has changed. The choice and consumption of food are influenced by resource accessibility, climatic factors, and socioeconomic requirements [2]. Food not only gives the body the calories and nutrients it needs, but it also contains bioactive substances that protect us from the damaging effects of pollutants and help us stay healthy. Our body receives carbs, proteins, minerals, and vitamins from fruits, vegetables, and legume seeds. In addition to this, they are a source of physiologically active chemicals that support health. Tomatoes are one of many food items that offer our bodies numerous health advantages in addition to essential nourishment, and they are found on the plates of people all over the world [3].

Because they are low in fat and contain no detrimental cholesterol, tomatoes are regarded as a component of a healthy diet plan. Tomatoes have high amounts of nutrients such vitamin A, ascorbic acid, potassium, and folate. Carotenoids and polyphenols, two non-nutritive phytochemicals, are also present in tomato in substantial amounts. When tomatoes are cooked and allowed to ripen, phytochemicals are strengthened.

Red tomatoes that have matured contain a high quantity of carotene, while boiling tomatoes increases their lycopene level [4]. Cooked tomatoes do not contain -carotene, although ripe red tomatoes do contain a sizable amount of it. Unripe tomatoes lack lutein, whereas ripe tomatoes have a significant concentration of it. Tomato phytochemicals may have a role in preventing some types of cancer, Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), blindness, and respiratory problems, according to epidemiological research. Additionally, it has been noted that these phytochemicals may have a role in preventing DNA mutations. The high concentration of compounds in tomatoes that have positive health effects makes them a very interesting vegetable.

Because of its distinctive collection of phytochemicals, tomatoes are regarded as a fruit that promotes health. The two main bioactive substances found in ripe tomatoes are phenolics and carotenoids. A large amount of lycopene is responsible for a tomato's vibrant red colour. The tomato fruit also includes provitamin A activity-rich -carotene. The primary phytochemicals found in tomatoes are the topic of this section. Plant secondary metabolites classified as phenolic compounds have one or more hydroxyl groups joined to a benzene ring. Based on the quantity and placement of the hydroxyl groups attached as well as the structural components that connect the phenolic rings, they differ structurally from simple phenolics to complex polymers. Known for reducing oxidative stress and thereby preventing a number of health problems, polyphenols including CVD and cancer [5].

The tomato fruit, which also has vitamins A, B, and E, is regarded as a particularly good source of vitamin C. According to studies, the vitamin C content of fruit first rises as it ages before falling as the fruit ripens. The amount of vitamin C raised by organic farming varies on the cultivar and the production place. The phytochemicals in tomatoes have properties that are anti-oxidative, anti-proliferative, antitumorigenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and antiatherogenic. Summarises research on tomato's bioactive potential and illustrates the bioactivities that have been found in various studies. The main cause of cancer and CVD is oxidative stress brought on by Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). The human diet should contain a lot of carotenoids because they are known to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. Tomatoes are a good source of them. Carotenoids control several physiological systems, including the immune system, intercellular signaling (gap junction) pathways, pro-vitamin A activity, cell cycle and apoptosis regulation, and cell death, which confers resistance to a variety of diseases.

It is challenging to single out one specific component of the tomato's complex matrix of compounds, which offers many health benefits for the human race. All of these advantages come from nature's intricately designed systems. Numerous studies have found a conflicting relationship between eating tomatoes and tomato-related products and the occurrence of diseases. Understanding potential mechanisms of action against diverse diseases is necessary. Compared to derived components, the preventive benefits of whole fruit are greater. Following tomato cooking, lycopene becomes more bioavailable. It is important to comprehend the various mechanisms by which tomato bioactive compounds work and how they contribute to the prevention of cancer invasion and metastasis.


Author Info

Lowe David*
Department of Chemical Biology and Therapeutics, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, USA

Citation: David L (2022) Bioactivities of Tomato-Based Phytochemicals. J Mol Pathol Biochem. 3: 119

Received: 05-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JMPB-22-20427 ; Editor assigned: 07-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. JMPB-22-20427 (PQ); Reviewed: 22-Jul-2022, QC No. JMPB-22-20427 ; Revised: 01-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. JMPB-22-20427 (R); Published: 10-Aug-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/jmpb.22.3.119

Copyright: © 2022 David L. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
