Medical & Surgical Urology

Medical & Surgical Urology
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9857


Perspective - (2022)Volume 11, Issue 2

Biomaterials and Implants in Reconstructive Surgery

Eul Sik Yoon*
*Correspondence: Eul Sik Yoon, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, South Korea, Email:

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The term "reconstructive surgery" has consequences for education, practice, and compensation. It has traditionally been associated with plastic surgery. Regarding education, plastic surgery is a recognized medical specialty, and the American Board of Plastic Surgery offers "board certification" for plastic surgeons. However, there are no board-certified reconstructive surgeons and reconstructive surgery is not a specialization. Reconstructive surgery should be compared to aesthetic surgery more precisely. The goal of reconstructive surgery is to enhance or restore normal function. Restore "abnormal" or "malformed" bodily parts that have been altered by the illness or condition to their normal appearance, and/or enhance the patient's quality of life.

The patient must also be in good enough health for the treatment to be performed with little risk of complications or death. Due to the risk to the patient, a procedure may be considered reconstructive yet not medically essential. There is a federal statute that states that "enhancing the functionality and restoring appearance" are covered as reconstructive and medically essential procedures, independent of clinical interpretation and carrier criteria. This notion is in contrast to cosmetic surgery, which is done to enhance the looks or aesthetics of a body component. Cosmetic and reconstructive operations can both be carried out by a plastic surgeon. One insurance company may classify an operation like a panniculectomy as cosmetic while another may classify it as reconstructive. Reconstructive surgery on the face is performed by plastic surgeons, maxillo-facial surgeons, and otolaryngologists to treat congenital flaws, rebuild the head and neck after trauma, and reconstruct the face after malignancy. Another excellent example is the surgical correction of cleft palates, or cheiloplasty, which restores function to the lips and mouth and creates a more normal-looking appearance while medically correcting aberrant development. A tiny but crucial part of the complete care provided to cancer patients is reconstructive surgery. Its main function in the care of cancer patients is to increase the capacity of other surgeons and medical professionals to more aggressively treat cancer, giving patients the best chance of a cure. To treat wounds that are ever more complicated, reconstructive surgeons use the idea of a reconstructive ladder. This covers anything from very basic methods like primary closure and dressings to trickier procedures like skin grafts, tissue expansion, and free flaps.

The use of barbed sutures in these operations has also been mentioned in recent Medline literature. In their most basic form, biomaterials are plastic implants that are used to repair or replace injured bodily parts. After World War II, biomaterials were only utilized for reconstructive procedures because of new and improved technology and the urgent need to repair damaged body parts without relying on organ transplants. To make sure the biomaterials are biocompatible and capable of filling the mechanical and functional responsibilities of the components they are replacing, scientific and medical research is used in the process. In reconstructive surgery, tissue from one part of your body is frequently used to fix another. For instance, head and neck surgery could alter the way your jawbone looks. To reconstruct your jaw, the surgeon may need to remove some bone from your leg. This can help your jaw regain its natural form and function. This kind of operation is referred to in medicine as "autologous reconstruction." This indicates that the tissue utilized during the procedure is anatomically your own. This kind of reconstructive surgery is typical. To ensure that the tissue has a good blood supply, the surgeon will use microscopic sutures to join the tissue and blood vessels in the new region. You would require a microscope to see the stitches since they are so tiny. Another name for this is "micro vascular" surgery. The surgeon doing skin, tendon, and bone grafts will transfer or transplant healthy tissue from another section of your body to the damaged location.

Author Info

Eul Sik Yoon*
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, South Korea

Citation: Yoon ES (2022) Biomaterials and Implants in Reconstructive Surgery. Med Surg Urol. 11: 290.

Received: 04-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. MSU-22-20508; Editor assigned: 06-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. MSU-22-20688 (PQ); Reviewed: 21-Jul-2022, QC No. MSU-22-20508; Revised: 27-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. MSU-22-20688 (R); Published: 04-Aug-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2168-9857.22.11.290

Copyright: © 2022 Yoon ES. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
