Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics

Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0398

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Commentary - (2021)Volume 11, Issue 4

Biomaterials in the Field of Dental Implantation

Chery Ribeiro*
*Correspondence: Chery Ribeiro, Department of Materials Science, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, Email:

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The implants have achieved popularity among patients and often consider as first treatment option. Modern dentistry is beginning to understand, perform and use the benefits of biotechnology in medical care. The study of material sciences together with biomechanical sciences provides optimization of design and concepts of material for surgical equipment. Biocompatibility is the property of the plant material to show a favorable response in the organic environment. In an attempt to replace a missing tooth, many biomaterials have evolved as plants for many years in an attempt to create optimal interaction between the body and the implanted material. With all progress and developments in science and technology, it has also improved the materials available for dental implants. The choice of material for a plant application in particular will generally be a commitment to satisfy many properties different requests. However, there is always an aspect of primordial importance that the way in which the fabric on the site of the plant responds to the biochemical disturbance that a foreign material is presented.

The development and modification of dental implants have occurred for many years in an attempt to create an optimal interaction between the body and the implanted material. The objective of reaching an optimal oil interface was addressed by altering the topography of the surface of the plant, chemistry, energy and load, as well as the composition of the bulk material. Biocompatibility depends on most of the base and superficial properties of the biomaterial. All aspects of production, finishing, packaging and shipment which include surgical supply must be properly controlled to ensure cleaning conditions and not realize. The designs of the plant are attributable to the first Egyptians and cultures of South America and have evolved the current models of systems that are experiencing explosive popularity. The first dental implants were the stone and the ivory mentioned in the archaeological registers of China and Egypt before the common era.

There are four types of implant designs that have evolved over centuries of development. The first and most common type is the endosal plant. The endosal system is a root-formed system designed to imitate the shape of the tooth roots for the distribution of the directional load and the correct positioning in the bone. The second design of the plant is a secondary plant that uses a substructure of plants and superstructure in which the custom molten frame is positioned directly under the periostium that covers the bone crust. The third is the transosteal system that combines the sub periosteal and the endosteal components. This type penetrates both cortical and passing plates through the total thickness of the alveolar bone and the last is the epithelial plant, which is inserted into the oral mucosa. Regardless of the failure of plant design, it can occur due to local and systemic factors when replacing the missing teeth in the procedure for placing surgical systems. Modern facilities are available in a variety of shapes and sizes to adapt to the different teeth that replace, and for the types of prosthetic teeth (false) that will replace. Its surfaces have been improved to improve the osseo integration process. Instead of being smooth or worked, they are generally robust through sand housing and acidic engraving, which drastically increases the area of the surface to which the bone can be connected.

Author Info

Chery Ribeiro*
Department of Materials Science, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy

Citation: Ribeiro C (2021) Biomaterials in the Field of Dental Implantation. J Phys Chem Biophys. 11:302.

Received: 14-Sep-2021 Accepted: 28-Sep-2021 Published: 05-Oct-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2161-0398.21.11.302

Copyright: © 2021 Ribeiro C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
