ISSN: 2167-0374
Perspective - (2022)Volume 12, Issue 1
Naval forces contribute authoritatively to U.S. global leadership, and are vital in affecting the environment needed to enhance national security. A strong naval team capable of deterrence, war at sea and from the sea, and the operations other than war which is essential to that effort. Key to the strength of our naval team is called naval logistics. The total integration of well trained and committed personnel within a complex network of technical support, facilities, transportation, and information links. Logistics permits us to carry out our assigned roles, that will be explained in the following paragraphs.
It builds up our ability to conduct continuous forward presence, peacetime engagement, deterrence operations, and timely crisis response in the complex of maritime environment. Our success in day-to-day missions that hold up these roles depends on both capability and credibility. We determine capability through weapon-system design, operator training, and the operations performance. Plausibility pivots on our being able to sustain this capability by supporting our forces effectively in peace and war. Such support comes from a huge source, and is an important indicator of our battle readiness. Naval logistics lets us be expeditionary, supporting naval forces to conduct complex operations around the world wherever needed in support of national securities and objectives. The prominent power of the Navy and Marine Force is always available without delay, and is sustainable by the virtue of an established support system that works organic stocks, logistic support ships, advanced support bases, airlift, and sealift. Sustained advanced organized operations allow our nation to engage in regional coalitionbuilding and collective-security efforts. In the future, major conflicts will be splitted by joints and multinational forces, so the naval logistic structure is aimed to provide support to the other services and allies. Our forces also benefit as the logistic infrastructure develops in colosseums, with added support from multinational partners and host nations. Naval logistic operations are piloted much the same in peace as they are in war. The major transformations in war are that the magnitude of personnel-support functions and the quantity of the materiel and supplies needed and as well as corresponding airlift and sealift requirements will increase, and our systems become subject to disruption by the enemy action and the fog of war resulting in imprecise assumptions and planning deficits. So in war, our basic structure and the methods of delivery must be rugged and strong. Joint. Effective logistic support consists balancing the commander's requirements with the resources available. It broadly defines that naval logistics consists of products provided to the end user equipment, supplies, facilities, services, and trained manpower. Logistic Processes used to provide and maintain those products such as production, procurement, distribution, training, and maintenance. In peace and war, mission of naval logistics is to provide and tolerate our operational readiness by getting the right support to the right place at the right time. In case of the operational readiness stems from the ability of our naval forces to accomplish a wide range of day to- day tasking’s. In case of war, operational readiness is the forerunner of war fighting effectiveness. The philosophy of maneuver warfare concentrates on attaining victory by neutralizing the enemy's centers of gravity and destroying his will to resist. Naval services use the sea as maneuver space, searching for weaknesses in the enemy's defenses. When the commanding officer finds a threat that is both critical to the enemy's existence and vulnerable to attack, he establishes this critical vulnerability as the focus of effort. He then unites his force toward the focus of effort by designating the main effort. Directed by an understanding of the commander's intent, the subordinate commander leading the main effort is able to operate independently at a high speed that beats the enemy. The main challenge to our naval logistic system is the need to support the main effort at its high beat of combat while continuing to support all other efforts adequately. Our system must anticipate the requirements of many operating forces and integrate all the six functional areas of logistics in a responsive manner. This requires planners to ensure that the logistic pipeline like stretching from such sources as the continental U.S. infrastructure to the forward-deployed end user that consistently enable naval commanders to exploit opportunities as they arise. The maneuver warfare philosophy inspires subordinates to work initiatively and gives them freedom to react to war's uncertain and fluid nature. Uninterrupted logistic flow is essential in maintaining the momentum at all levels of logistic support.
Citation: Herman I (2022) Breif Note on Naval Logistics. J Defense Manag. 12: e001.
Received: 21-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. JDFM-22-15553; Editor assigned: 24-Jan-2022, Pre QC No. JDFM-22-15553 (PQ); Reviewed: 07-Feb-2022, QC No. JDFM-22-15553; Revised: 11-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JDFM-22-15553 (R); Published: 17-Feb-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/ 2167-0374.22.228
Copyright: © 2022 Herman I. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.