Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences

Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-446X


Mini Review - (2023)Volume 11, Issue 4

Comparative Analysis of Maternity Denning Behavior, Daily Activity Patterns, and Behavior in Captive and Wild Sloth Bears: A Comprehensive Mini-Review

Surisetti Ravi Babu*
*Correspondence: Surisetti Ravi Babu, Department of Animal Husbandry, Indian Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India, Tel: 9182161621, Email:

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This mini-review consolidates recent studies on the daily activity patterns and behavior of captive sloth bears (Melursus ursinus) and compares them with wild behavior, with a specific focus on maternity denning behavior. The aim is to understand the behavior of captive sloth bears to facilitate effective management and welfare in zoos and conservation projects. The review highlights observed daily activity patterns, including distinct morning and afternoon peaks and a period of reduced activity during mid-day. Seasonal variations in specific activities are noted, while overall activity levels remain consistent throughout the year. Captive sloth bears demonstrate the absence of stereotypic behaviors, particularly in larger enclosures. Comparisons with wild sloth bears reveal similarities in activity patterns and mid-day lulls, reflecting their inherent tendencies. The findings emphasize the importance of adequate space and environmental enrichment for captive sloth bears. The implications of these findings for management and conservation are discussed, with a call for further research on wild sloth bear behavior to support effective conser vation efforts.


Sloth bears; Maternity denning; Behavior; Captivity; Activity patterns; Management; Conservation


The sloth bear (Melursus ursinus), an endangered species endemic to the Indian subcontinent, necessitates a thorough understanding of its behavior and ecology for effective conservation. Recent studies conducted in captivity and the wild shed light on the maternity denning behavior of sloth bears. These studies provide valuable insights into den site characteristics and maternal behaviors, allowing for a comprehensive comparison between captive and wild sloth bears. By examining and contrasting these studies, a holistic understanding of sloth bear maternity denning behavior can be attained. This comprehensive analysis is essential to enhance our knowledge of their behavior, promote their welfare, and support effective conservation strategies [1].

Pregnancy detection: Accurately identifying pregnancy in sloth bears presents challenges due to their dense fur and the absence of noticeable external behavioral changes. Determining pregnancy in these bears necessitates the use of indirect indicators, such as monitoring changes in coat appearance and consumption rate. Although the captive study employed these methods, the specific techniques used for pregnancy detection were not explicitly mentioned in the wild sloth bear study. Consequently, further research is imperative to develop reliable and non-invasive pregnancy detection techniques specifically tailored to sloth bears [2].

Gestation period and birth timing: The captive study reported a gestation period of approximately 215 days for female sloth bears. This aligns with the known breeding season of sloth bears in India and Nepal, which typically occurs between May and July. It is worth noting that cub births were observed during the summer season in Sri Lanka, hinting at a possible variation in the timing of the mating season. To gain a comprehensive understanding of mating and birth timing patterns in wild sloth bears across their range, additional research is warranted.

Literature Review

Maternal behavior and cub mortality: Both studies highlighted the protective behaviors exhibited by sloth bear mothers towards their cubs. In the captive study, the female sloth bear demonstrated a tendency to remain in the den without consuming solid food immediately after giving birth, returning to the den promptly after drinking water mixed with nutrients. The wild sloth bear study did not provide explicit information regarding maternal behaviors during the denning period. However, the captive study noted the unfortunate occurrence of cub mortality, which may be influenced by environmental factors, such as heavy rain entering the den. Comparing these studies reveals both similarities and differences in the maternity denning behavior of captive and wild sloth bears, emphasizing the significance of suitable denning sites for ensuring the survival and well-being of sloth bear cubs in the wild. To gain further insights into maternal behaviors and reduce cub mortality, future research should focus on investigating denning patterns using advanced techniques like radio telemetry [3].

Daily activity patterns: Recent studies have shed light on the daily activity patterns of captive Sloth bears, providing valuable insights into their behavior in a controlled environment. The observations indicate the presence of two distinct activity peaks, with the first peak occurring during the initial hour of observation, typically between 10:00 and 11:00 in the morning. Additionally, a lower peak was noted between 16:00 and 17:00 in the afternoon. Moreover, a period of reduced activity between 14:00 and 16:00, potentially representing a resting or less active phase for the bears, was consistently observed. These patterns suggest the presence of inherent tendencies in sloth bears, even within altered captive environments. Further research is necessary to elucidate the underlying factors contributing to these daily activity patterns and their significance for the management and welfare of captive sloth bears [4].


Seasonal variations: Investigations comparing the daily activity patterns of sloth bears during winter and summer seasons have indicated no significant differences in their overall activity levels. This finding suggests that sloth bears maintain relatively consistent activity levels throughout the year, even in a captive setting. However, specific activities such as basking, bathing, and drinking exhibited significant variations between seasons. These behaviors were more prevalent during the summer months, potentially facilitating thermoregulation and aiding the bears in coping with high ambient temperatures. Comparisons between captive and wild sloth bears reveal some similarities in activity patterns, with wild sloth bears primarily exhibiting nocturnal behavior and displaying a bimodal diurnal activity pattern, characterized by peaks during the late evening to midnight and early morning sunrise. Captive sloth bears also exhibit a bimodal pattern, further suggesting the persistence of their natural tendencies despite the altered environment. Furthermore, a period of reduced activity during mid-day hours, observed in both captive and wild settings, may serve as a response to avoid intense heat during the day [5,6].

Absence of stereotypic behaviors: Notably, the studies consistently report the absence of abnormal or stereotypic behaviors in captive sloth bears, particularly in larger enclosures.

Unlike bears born in captivity, individuals rescued from the wild and relocated to spacious enclosures in biological parks have displayed a healthier behavioral repertoire. The provision of ample space that exceeds the recommended minimum standards has contributed to the creation of a more natural habitat, reducing stress and eliminating stereotypic behaviors. These findings underscore the critical importance of providing adequate space and environmental enrichment to ensure the welfare and well-being of captive sloth bears [7,8].


In conclusion, the comparative analysis of recent studies on captive and wild sloth bears provides valuable insights into the intricate maternity denning behavior, daily activity patterns, and absence of stereotypic behaviors in this endangered species. Understanding and appreciating the differences between captive and wild sloth bears shed light on the influence of environmental factors on their behavior and adaptation. The findings highlight the importance of suitable denning sites, optimal management practices, and environmental enrichment for captive sloth bears to promote their welfare. Moreover, the need for further research on wild sloth bear behavior and denning patterns is crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of their natural habitat requirements and effectively conserve this remarkable species.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


Author Info

Surisetti Ravi Babu*
Department of Animal Husbandry, Indian Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India

Citation: Babu SR (2023) Comparative Analysis of Maternity Denning Behavior, Daily Activity Patterns, and Behavior in Captive and Wild Sloth Bears: A Comprehensive Mini-Review. Poult Fish Wild Sci. 11:254.

Received: 27-May-2023, Manuscript No. PFW-23-24497; Editor assigned: 29-May-2023, Pre QC No. PFW-23-24497 (PQ); Reviewed: 12-Jun-2023, QC No. PFW-23-24497; Revised: 31-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. PFW-23-24497 (R); Published: 07-Aug-2023 , DOI: 10.35248/2375-446X.23.11.254

Copyright: © 2023 Babu SR. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
