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ISSN: 2332-0915

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Research Article - (2021)Volume 9, Issue 5

Comparison Of Glycemic Behavior Between Strength Training, High Intensity Resistance Training (Hirt), High Intensity Interval Training (Hiit): A Case Study

Kamila Silva Arão, Lucas Carlos Gonçalves, Marcelo Henrique Silva, Camila Simões Seguro, Naiany Pereira Silva and Vitor Alves Marques*
*Correspondence: Vitor Alves Marques, Laboratory of Human Moviment Evaluation, Physical Education College, Federal University of Goias, Avenida Esperança s/n, Campus Sambaia, Brazil, Email:

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Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM 2) is generally a defect in insulin action and secretion and in the regulation of hepatic glucose production. Exercise to treat type 2 diabetes has had positive impacts on the lives of diabetics. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of the glycemic curve in three different types of training: Strength Training (TF), High Intensity Resistance Training (HIRT) and Interval High Intensity Training (HIIT). The participantis a 57yearold, sedentary type 2 diabetic who under went the training method - Strength Training (ST) 60% of repetition maximum (RM), 8 to 12 repetitions, cadence 2010, the 2-minute restinterval. High Intensity Resistance Training (HIRT)protocol consisted of three sets with six repetitions at 80% of 1RM followed by rest for 20 seconds, the individual performs another series with the same load until reaching the point of failure again. The rest of one exercises and another is 2’30” , and High IntensityInterval Training (HIIT) a 5-minute warm-upmoderateload – 4 shots of 30 secondsof high intensity duration separated by 4 minutes of rest, once a week at night. Pre-study anamnesis, pre- and post-exercise glycemia were performed.The overall results were satisfactory presenting HIIT as the most effective method for acute post-exercise blood glucose reduction (reducing 29.62%, 34.25%, 38.89 and 36.11% immediatelyat 10, 20, 30 minutes afterexertionrespectively).It was concluded that physical training positively influenced the reduction of blood glucose as an acute effect, but HIIT was the most effective method.


Diabetes mellitus; Blood glucose; High intensity; Physical exercise


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic non-communicable disease (NCD) that affects about 425 million adults worldwide [1], 90% of diabetics are type 2 (DM2). Therefore, DM2 is characterized by the fact that insulin unable to perform its functions normally. Evidence suggests that type 2 diabetes can ofeten be prevented, while early diagnosis and access to appropriate care for all types of diabetes can prevent or delay complications in people living with the disease [1].

Physical exercise brings several benefits to diabetics, this is due to the improvement in blood glucose uptake, increase in muscle mass, improvement in body composition, biochemical aspects (cholesterol, glycated hemoglobina). Some authors such as Maiorana et al., [2] presente in their study the relationship of glycemic control and physical exercise (circuit combining aerobic and resitance training) in diabetic individuals.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) refers to training that involves alternating periods between vigorou (intense) exercise and restor recovery. According to Lanzi et al., [3] HIIT quickly induces adaptations that are linked to improved aerobic fitness and health-related out comes in sedentary and overweight/ obese individuals

As it is a growing chronic disease in the world population, further studies on training methods, physical exercise related to chronic diseases, especially DMS, are needed. This article is relevant for comparing and discussing methods that are still little used in DM2 people. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of the glycemic curve in three diferente typesof training: Strength Traingin (ST), High Intensity Resistance Training (HIRT) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Material and Methods

In this case study, a type 2 diabetic adult man (C.C.S) was selected, with (Table-1). After being informed about the objectives and possible risks, benefits and discomforts of the study, the volunteer signed the term informed consent (TIC). This study was approved by the Research Ethics Comittee of the Federal Universityof Goiás (CAAE: 50717115.4.0000.5083).

Age (years) 57  
Body Mass (kg) 83  
Height (m) 1,72  
BMI (kg/m2) 26,2  
Years Diabetics 32  
Medicines Period Dosage
Enalapril Maleate Morning and night 10 mg
Nesina Pio Night 25 + 30mg
Simvastatin Night 10 mg
Xigdu XR Morning and night 5mg

Table1: Participant Characteristics.

The volunteer performed three training sessions with a week recovery between each one as described in [Table -2]. Muscle strength measurements were perfomed using a 10 RM strength testo n theLeg 45° and the bench press [4]. The execution techniques for the Leg 45° and bench press exercises followed the guidelines of the NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) [5].

1a VISIT TIC/Anamnesis/Anthropometric Assessment/10 RM test
2a VISIT Test Protocol HIIT
3a VISIT Assessment ST
4a VISIT Assessment HIRT
5a VISIT Assessment HIIT
6a  VISIT AnthropometricReassessment

Table 2: Study Design.

Exercises Protocol

The resistance exercise protocol consisted of three sets at 60% of RM, 8 to 12 repetitions, cadence 2010, the 2-minute restinterval [6], for Legpress, stiff, bench press exercise (free bar), supine and abdominal pull.

The HIIT protocol training sessions involved a 5-minute warm-up moderate load – 4 shots of 30 secondsof high intensity duration separated by 4 minutes of rest or light cycling, for a total time of 23 minutes per training session [7].

The HIRT protocol consisted of three sets with six repetition sat 80% of 1RM followed by rest for 20 seconds, the individual performs another series with the same load until reaching the point off ailureagain. The rest o fone exercises and another is 2’30” [8]. Leg press, stiff, bench press, supine pull exercises were used.

Materials Used

To assess blood glucose, the glucometer (Accu Check Active, mod. 18946, Brazil) was used to measure body mass using na analog scale (Filizola®, mod. Personal 7708, Brasil) Height was obtained using a stadiometer (Seca®, Brazil) with na accuracy of 0.1 cm, respectively according to the procedures described by Lohman, Roche and Martorell [9]. From the division of body mass by the square of height, the body mass index (BMI) was obtained [10].


The behavior of glycemia was observed pre and post effort in ST, HIRT and HIIT training and the [Table- 3] show the results obtained in each of the methods used.

Moment Situation
T0 x T1 ↓ 18,78% ↓ 0,93% ↓ 29,62%
T0 x T10 ↓ 18,78% ↓ 12,14% ↓ 34,25%
T0 x T20 ↓ 19,39% ↓ 14,95% ↓ 38,89%
T0 x T30 ↓ 23,63% ↓ 7,94% ↓ 36,11%

Table 3: Glycemic behavior in situations and moments measurement.


The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the glycemic curve in three types of training: ST, HIRT and HIIT, from the evaluations of the three methods, HIIT was the training that had a greater reduction in blood glucose of 38.8% before and after.

The ST showed reductions in post-physical exertion assessments even with a single training session. A study by Castaneda [11], with the objective of verifying the effectiveness of resitance training in the glycemic controlof DM2 adults, performed in 16 weeks with 62 adults of both sexes, resulted in the reduction of plasma levels of glycated hemoglobina and increased lean mass

In this case study, HIRT was not very eficient in reducing postexercise blood glucose, despite na assessment of the acute effect, but a study by Dunstan [12] for 6 months showed that HIIRT was effective in improving other aspect ssuch as muscle strenght. Probably this difference between the studies ocurred due to the time of training, the first being only one session and the second for 6 months.

The HIIT was the most effective method among the three methods used, with the highest levels of reducion compared to pre-effort, some studies also point out the effectiveness of HIIT in more training sessions and also na assessment over 30 minutes. In the study by Francois and Little [13], it shows that training HIIT for twoweeks, with three weekly sessions were effective in reducing the average of 24 hours of blood glucose.

Despite the diferent data for each training method the three caused changes in blood glucose levels corroborating with the studies previously presented, in which regardless of the method directly influences blood glucose homeostasis, in addition, insulin promotes the uptake of glucose by cells of muscle and adipose tissue, that is, when the individual performs the exercise of the cells increase the uptake of circulating glucose, transforming the min to energy that will be used by the muscle and improving glycemic rates and insulin metabolism that is increasing muscle mass, the better the use of glucose and the lesser the use for adipose tissue [14].

As a limitation of the study we had only one sample, short duration and there was no greater control over the eating plan, as this study is a case study and uses only one sample the results are restricted due to the number of individuals evaluated. For future research it is interesting to evaluate a larger number of people to obtain results at a macro level of the Evolution of the disease and how exercise can assis to or not in the treatment and control of DM2.

With this work it can be concluded that the physical exercise being resisted and the high intensity exercise has a positive effect on the blood glucose of an individual with DM2, promoting the reducion of blood glucose, but this case study showed that HIIT was more beneficial in reducing blood glucose comparedto HIRT and strength training.


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Author Info

Kamila Silva Arão, Lucas Carlos Gonçalves, Marcelo Henrique Silva, Camila Simões Seguro, Naiany Pereira Silva and Vitor Alves Marques*
Laboratory of Human Moviment Evaluation, Physical Education College, Federal University of Goias, Goiania, Goias, Brazil

Citation: Vitor. A.M, et al. (2021) Comparison Of Glycemic Behavior Between Strength Training, High Intensity Resistance Training (Hirt), High Intensity Interval Training (Hiit): A Case Study. Anthropology 9:235. doi-10.35248/2332-0915.20.9.235

Received: 07-Apr-2021 Accepted: 23-Apr-2021 Published: 03-May-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2332-0915.21.9.235

Copyright: © 2021 Vitor. A.M. et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Sources of funding : None
