ISSN: 2593-9173
Review Article - (2022)Volume 13, Issue 1
The huge accumulation of sugarcane by-products causes pollution and environmental degradation in the countries where they are grown. This sugarcane by-product is generally regarded as bagasse. It encompasses lignocellulose which is not exploited productively. Bagasse is potentially viable when varied into agrarian soils as natural nourishment. It can recuperate soil health and justifiable agricultural output by enhancing water absorbency, penetration, soil drainage, ventilation, and structure. Composted by-products are converted into nutritive organic manure and promising technology of waste disposal has been pre-treated and/or inoculated with cellulose-degrading organisms. It enables both local and industrial reconditioning and firm handling of unwanted carbon-based substances. Organic solid waste is suitable for composting because they are biodegradable. The final product of this composting is opulent in micro and macronutrients and contains plant carbon with an increased microbial population. Organic fertilizer is cheap and affordable. It reduces the cost of using inorganic fertilizer.
Medicinal; Organic fertilizer; Vermicomposting; Fungi
The home garden may be regarded as an output of ancestral or communal inherited land usually covering an area of about 500 m2 to 1500 m2 or more. It may be a remote rural or village area surrounded by buildings with a few areas of land for productivity [1]. It is often an area protected from floods and wild animals. A home garden is a systematic initiative carefully guided to modify the physical feature around the home to grow food crops, medicinal plants, domesticating animals, and rearing of fishes for home intake, social and economic enhancement. It is an agroforestry or food production system common in tropic and temperate areas. It depends largely on family resources such as labour from women and children and the required skills for crop selection, input procurement, harvesting, and management which are majorly driven by consumption and income generation for the home. Incessant actions of plant growth over a period around the home without ample dexterity at improving nutrients from the depleted soil coupled with climatic change attributed to the cut down in crop production and food availability. This has grown to become a worldwide encounter but more unusual to Africa nations where food uncertainty is connected with deprived living environments, starving and malnourished entities. Notwithstanding the above insufficiency, worldwide inhabitants were predicted to rise to over 9 billion by 2050, however, called for the continuous need to increase food production and buffer frameworks to meet the growing demand and efficiently cope with volatilities in food production and prices. In the case of the global food production requirement to increase by 70% to meet the average daily caloric requirement of the world's population in 2050, many home gardens across the globe adopted the use of inorganic fertilizer which was found to be effective according to researchers but resolved into over half a billion of the worldwide people suffering from prolonged diseases perhaps due to poor management apart from the market cost of inorganic fertilizer which is not affordable by most garden farmers [2]. Since nutrients from the topsoil are washed beneath plant reach. This chemical nutrient is leached into the river and nearby water which are found to be detrimental to human health and the network of an ecosystem. According to researchers, home gardens are regarded as small-scale manufacturers who are frequently restricted, uneven, and spatially distributed, and have limited capabilities and assets. Consequently, upon this, organic manure from bagasse can be considered as an option for the restoration of degraded agricultural land. However, bagasse is generally regarded as waste from sugarcane extract but is an effective means of restoring soil nutrients [3]. An estimate of 565 million tonnes of bagasse is produced yearly. It is widely used by researchers for different purposes such as energy cogeneration, cement, plastic, and other valuable products. It was also found relevant in crop production and improving nutrient loss in agricultural land. It lessens water deficit through percolation as a result, improving the absorption and holding capacity of water. It provides mitigation to climate change and enhanced sustainable development. It was also reported in a study that sugarcane bagasse was augmented to get higher sugarcane production in large quantities, Hence, more or less 7 million piles of bagasse were generated per annum [4]. Bagasse is a cheap compost that can be prepared by anyone. It is eco-friendly. Since bagasse are considered as waste and occupy a large landmass, this review however will consider composting bagasse into enhancing crop growth and restoration of degraded land to boost home garden and communal production.
Soil amendment product
Besides utilization for energy generation, bagasse can also be used in soil amendment. Sugarcane bagasse is any material supplementary to recover physical characteristics of the soil, such as water maintenance, absorbency, water penetration, drainage, ventilation, and structure. Organic matter refers to a natural material that can be cured at a certain temperature. These include peat, wood chips, compost, bone meal, bat guano, grass clippings, straw, earthworm castings, and manure. Decomposed of bagasse, provides fine adsorptive properties which possess active surface and particles with colloidal characteristics. Adsorptive features of organic compounds supply necessary micro-and macronutrients to plants and eliminate ionic and molecular heavy metal impurities from the soil.
Effect of C: N ratio on bagasse composting
Most compost has been prepared unsystematically and the period of curing has not been accurately studied. Good compost depends largely on the C: N ratio. The C: N ratio is relevant for converting agricultural waste into compost. It was established that the use of the exact C: N Ratio (25-30:1) cut down composting time and maturity. Most C 25-30: N 1 ratio outside, cannot permit speedy composting whether an inoculant is supplementary to the composting feedstock. Evans and Richard formulation were found relevant at setting the desired C: N ratio for different agricultural products. Sugar cane bagasse had a C: N ratio of 28.75, Soya bean meal 27.1, Grass clippings 29.8, Rice straw 26.63 Rice husk 29.38, Maize stovers 25.06, and Rice hull 29.1. The haphazard composting may be attributed to a lack of adequate knowledge of the C: N ratio. Besides, most smallholder farmers are operated under subsistence cultivation. They do not have the potential of producing enough compost that could keep soil regenerated from time to time. Also due to smallholder farmer’s concentration in a strewn settlement over a hectare, they are unable to produce enough nourishment feedstock to create more than two one-ton composting heaps, which when fully-fledged will be reduced to less than 700 kg of manure from respectively mass. In this case, the use of dosage for compost is some 15 mt per hectare or 6 mt per acre, composting as a means of sustaining or reviving soil health could not be possible for most of the growers immediately. This is because of the exploitation of agricultural land and poor productivity. It was also stated that chemical analysis of various locally available substrates includes; bagasse 203.8, sorghum stalks 73, rice straw 78, cattle manure 22, chicken manure 5.7, rice husks 87.5, maize stovers 68, and grass clippings 67.9 are directly above the optimum 30 for carbonaceous basis substrates and beneath the 25 thresholds for the nitrogenous source constituents. They cannot be decomposed on their own without an activator to make compost. Entities of microbes that putrefy biological substance as a basis of carbon drive, and nitrogen for assembling cell configuration. When the energy basis of carbon is less than that required for altering existing nitrogen into protein, bacteria brand full use of the obtainable carbon and get rid of surplus nitrogen as ammonia to the atmosphere. C: N ratio is a critical factor in composting to shun nitrogen take from the soil and preserving extreme nitrogen in the soil. To guarantee compost feedstock that will be valuable for creating rich compost and in the shortest period obtainable, accurate calculations must be completed to generate the unadulterated compost formulae. In a different research, C: N was found to have favoured composting of sugarcane bagasse with definite roughage undignified microbes. This undignified Trichoderma and dissolving phosphate fungal strain (Aspergillus strains) offer a solution to using bagasse to produce carbon-based phosphate composts in the alkaline soils. The actions of these microbes were influenced by deposition to yield a compost of finishing pH which could be advantageous in providing the plants with soluble phosphorus in the alkaline soils. The bagasse composted organic fertilizer however supports microbial community structure in pots cultured with broad bean (Vicia faba) plants.
Effect of untreated bagasse
Squash have revealed that if sugarcane bagasse is used unswervingly on agricultural land without pre-treatments or inoculated with definite cellulose undignified entity of microbes, it may not be operational. Bagasse was used as mulch in comparison with black plastic. A better yield (kg/ha) was obtained with black plastic mulch than sugarcane bagasse. This may be due to carbon to allelopathy, pH, and nitrogen ratio (C/N), in line with an aggregate growing degree of days and other influences shown by Charles et al. and Kathiresan et al. [5-10]. Sugar cane bagasse lignin (20%-30%), hemicellulose (30%-35%), and (High percentages of cellulose (40%-50%) without treatment may not efficiently support plant growth because of its high C: N ratio of 100:1. Microbial activity can be adversely high due to C/N ratios with 100 in the soil and at the interface. The allelopathic (noxious) composites hinder cellular growth produced from the collapse of sugarcane bagasse lignocellulosic composite.
Effect of SCB on microbes
Studies using manure combined with SCB enhance the generation of bioactive carbon, mineral nutrient, and polymicrobial integrated activities. The fibre in SCB may inhibit certain microorganisms such as Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma viride. However, the microorganisms within the manure can influence the decomposition of cellulose and active phosphate solubilizing activities making this mix a valuable source of farmyard manure. Similarly, inoculating A.niger and T.viride with bagasse encourages the release of phosphorus from rock phosphate. This was feasible because the fungal strain (A.niger) produces aerobic action which decreases the pH and phosphorus uptake by plants was stimulated by T.viride. An experiment conducted by Ndeve et al.[11] confirmed that mixed culture of the two strains inoculant enhances the microbial population. The rate of organic matter biodegradation and composting process with SCB was shortened and enhance by two Bacillus strains. The action of many microorganisms' superimposed enzymatic activities during composting and secretions. The activities of Bacillus strains decrease the microbial microflora count which however contributes to and increases the fertilization of soils. Finally, compost with good aggregate can be achieved by enriching the composition with rock phosphate, urea, sulphur, and microbial inoculation. The mixture of this component greater increase CO2 and decrease C/N ratio. The composting time is reduced. The oxidation of sulphur decreases pH which encourages microbial activities. Azotobacter bacteria increase nitrogen fixation, particularly in the presence of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms. This enhances the growth and activation of Trichoderma harzianum and fungi. The presence of these microorganisms stimulates the broken down of SCB fibre to produce a viable organic matter.
Sugarcane by-product uses as organic fertilizer
Sugarcane bagasse has been fed to worms by researchers to produce vermicompost. Vermicompost is a microbiologically dynamic carbon-based amendment that is rich in nutrients. This richness is based on an interaction between earthworms and microorganisms during the breakdown of organic matter. The activities of earthworms and microorganisms lower the C: N ratio regulates porosity and promotes water holding capacity. This support nutrient uptake of plant in a readily available form (Domínguez) [7]. Vermicompost can be operated under a minimum temperature ranging from 25oC to 37oC. The activities of worms may be hindered if the temperature is high or low. A wide range of plant species including horticultural crops such as strawberry, Sweet corn, tomato, pepper, garlic, aubergine, are significantly stimulated by vermicompost. The report has also proven that vermicompost to have a positive effect on medicinal plants and some aromatic compounds and in forestry species such as eucalyptus pine tree and acacia. Vermicompost leachate or vermicompost water extract can totally or partially substitute inorganic manure in greenhouse potting media and as healthy soil amendment in field studies in the growth of tomato plants, strawberries and sorghum [8]. The practice of vermicompost may decrease heavy metal risks, since the worm's performance the function of bio-accumulators of heavy metals or could alter the interaction of heavy metals with organic matter. The bioavailability of heavy metals can be decreased by organic additives such as straw, biochar, and sawdust, with worms in the course of vermicomposting and as a result reduced the absorption of heavy metals.
Soil amendment products detoxification methods and biological transformation
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are soil and residues contaminants particularly known with terrestrial and marine habitats. They are mutagenic and carcinogenic in nature. They have bonded benzene rings in linear, angular, and cluster arranged. Phenanthrene (Phe) is a soil pollutant well known among others. It is found in estuarine waters, residues, and other native and marine locations. Phenanthrene is a toxic compound that affects marine fish, gastropods, mussels, and diatoms. PAHs can be broken down by microbes such as fungi and bacteria. Sugarcane bagasse has been used by scientists in bioremediation. According to an experiment in which sugarcane bagasse was cultured for fungi growth intending to remove and/or tolerate sophisticated absorptions of Phe in an adulterated soil. This experiment result finding reveals that five strains of fungi such as A. terreus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, C. cladosporioides, and P. glabrum were identifying. Initially, the fungi increase the concentration of Phe, evolution, sporulation, and pigment of colonies were lessened attributed to inhibiting the end product. But the fungi strain eventually removes solid fermentation of Phe in the three used media. Also when the applications of mineral nutrients in the soil are lowered then optimum for contagious evolution or Phe elimination was observed. Microbial growth is enhanced through the addition of phosphorous or nitrogen. This was similarly observed during the degradation of PAHs by bacteria and with soil microflora during Phe removal. Accord to Johnson and Scow [6], Phe degradation degrees persisted unaffected in soil, at high intensities of nitrogen and phosphorus. More also, numerous fungi sequestered from soil were capable of breaking down PAHs, for instance, pyrene elimination by A. niger in slightest mineral moderation, and water-logged principles.
Improve soil characteristics support growth and yield
According to research findings, the co-product of sugarcane bagasse was reported to have a significant impact on the physical properties of the soil. Recycling of by-product of sugar- alcohol of agroindustry e.g filter cake proportionately increase the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium concentrations, cations exchange capacity and considerably lessen the concentration of Al3+ which may be toxic to plant on a cultivated soil. However, the chemical composition of this by- product depends on variety, maturation of sugarcane, type of soil, the procedure of juice clarification, etc. Filter cake plays a vital role in maintaining soil fertility and conditioning the soil. It can be used to correct soil with a low natural tendency. A study on the use of filter cake in the cultivation of maize reported that higher application of filter cake increases the soil organic matter. The concentration of phosphorus was increased from 6 mg kg-1 to 56 mg kg-1 Also; a high yield was recorded in the harvest. Another study recorded a 78% increase in phosphorus in the application of filter cake in the growth of cabbage. Filter cake increases the uptake of phosphorus by 2 fold in soil with high organic matter and 2.7 fold in soil with low organic matter. Similarly, there was an increase in soil pH, silicon and anion concentration. This as well enhances the cation exchange capacity of the soil. Also, the research found that the combination of nitrogen with filter cake increases the yield and as well cuts down the amount of chemical fertilizer from 150 kg ha-1 to 75 kg ha-1. Sugarcane plantation was grown with a combination of filter cake and mineral fertilizer. An increase in macro and micronutrients was recorded in the soil. There was a reduction in soil acidity concentrations of aluminum in the soil. There was significant growth in the aerial part of the plant [10]. Nevertheless, the use of filter cake considerably reduces the cost of production as well as cuts the use of mineral fertilizer. The production of sugarcane was supported in different research where filter cake was enriched with soluble phosphate. Phosphorus increases productivity and the place inorganic phosphate fertilizer was sufficiently taken by filter cake. This contributed to the vegetative production and stem tuber.
Humic acid stimulates quick seed emergent and growth
Studies have shown that as SCB decomposes, the humic acid content increases. This is important because humic acid in the soil helps to hold ionized nutrients and prevents them from leaching away. Therefore, SCB containing humic acid can play an important role such regulating the pH value. It neutralizes both acid and alkaline soil [9]. Nutrient and water uptake by the plant are optimized and improve the structure of the soil. (http// Also, in an experiment when Reddy et al. [4] on FTIR spectrum of HA of paddy soils. It was also revealed that the humic acid in SCB influences seed germination and root emergence. Root development may be influenced by greater water and nutrient uptake possibly from organic matter with SCB. In addition, root development may be influenced due to enough oxygen diffusion to the root tip and the supply of enough water for root growth. This turns out to influence the root development and plant height in (cabbage) as a result of the SCB humic acids content of the amended soil. It is also likely that an increase in plant height may be possible due decline in soil sodium adsorption ratio through the application of organic matter. Higher seed germination may enhance yield rates in Africa where the majority of subsistence farmers rely on agriculture to earn an income.
Bagasse fertilizer on plant growth parameters and nutritional status
The physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil can be enhanced by the decomposition of organic material through the activities of microorganisms when combined with bagasse fertilizer. These microorganisms include actinomycetes, yeast, fermenting fungi, and a culture of photosynthetic and lactic acid bacteria. The enhanced function of these organisms improves crop growth and yield by supporting plant ability to trap sunlight, producing enzymes and hormones, suppress soil diseases, and quicken the breakdown of lignin material in the soil. According to Wening et al. [3] it was reported that the growth of peanut was influenced using bagasse fertilizer in a media pot. Rapid growth was observed in peanuts because bagasse fertilizer contains macronutrients calcium, calcium strengthens plant components. It improves the penetrating power and as well quickens the activities of the cell wall. This is significant in root development. The performance of spinach cultivar balady with sowing date and some soil amendment such as sugarcane bagasse compost and effective microorganisms in combination was assessed. Positive growth was observed in plant height, the number of leaves per plant, fresh weight and total yield, and a significant reduction in bolting percentage. This may be attributed to improved physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil through the simulative action of microbes. This is efficient in supplying the growing plant with dissolved immobilized phosphorus and phytohormone which allow nutrients absorption and photosynthetic process which afterward stimulate plant growth and yield [10]. The yield of sugarcane was assessed from the decomposition of bagasse and filter mud compost with a single fungus Trico Plus. It was reported that a better result on the number of saplings of sugarcane was obtained. The germination was significantly influenced by the administration of the compost. This may be because filter mud contains nitrogen and phosphorus that could allow quick growth and germination. Filter mud contains nutrients of N, P, k, Ca, Mg and SO4. It can be used to improve soil properties. A similar attribute was also found composting bagasse with cow dung. More also, with the organic fertilizer, a better yield on the height and dry weight of sugarcane was significantly relevant.
Sugarcane bagasse fertilizer enhances photosynthesis and water retention
Research result explains that the growth rate of vegetative organs such as leaf area will increase the availability of nutrients especially N. The wider the leaf surface in the plant, the more the number of stomata in the leaves so that the photosynthesis rate of plants will increase with the availability of sufficient nutrients. The availability of carbohydrates in plants used to produce seeds in soybean plants is increased with the rate of photosynthesis. According to, more protein and the optimal process of photosynthesis in plants are produced with increased nutrients, resulting in the higher availability of carbohydrates to produce more seeds. Similarly, reported that suitable and balanced nutrient circumstances in the soil will provide high harvests on plants.
Press mud
Press mud is an organic by-product from sugar mills that contain materials such as sugar fibre, cellulose, lignin, nitrogen, protein, and coagulated colloids comprising soil particles, albuminoids, inorganic salts, and cane wax. It contains other carbon components as the final product of production. This output is suitable for biofuel and fertilizer production. It is a soft, spongy, and amorphous comparison. It is a high-quality organic matter. It is sustainable. It provides a high yield when it is applied to the soil as manure. Pressmud contains about 25%-30% organic matter. The major plant nutrient constituent of press mud include N, P, K, S, Mg and Ca, and the negligible elements like Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, B and Mo. Pressmud utilization resulted in a 25% reduction in commercial fertilizers and showed significant residual effects having been applied to 20 t/ha of land. This ensures successful growth and crop development. It is therefore possible that using press mud can significantly reduce the cost of inorganic fertilizer by 15%-20% (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Showing press mud extract from sugarcane sourced.
Press mud is an important soil activator
The decomposition of bagasse containing coir waste and other agriculture biomass increases the arrangement, and consistency of the soil. It increases the water stock bulk of the soil. The sources of nutrients and organic matter not only act as the appropriate quality and quantity of organic residues but may also upturn the size, biodiversity, and movement of the microbial inhabitants in soil. Soil quality and sustainability play a crucial role in various inhabitants of soil protozoa, fungi, bacteria, and algae. It aids in the mineralization of plant nutrients in the soil and contains beneficial microorganisms which ensure the amendment of the plant growth and root development. The propagation of the root hairs and lateral roots of the taproot/fibrous root system and rectifies the micronutrient shortage of the soil. This increases the biomass yield of the crop likely due to the activities of microbes producing auxins and enzymes such as amino acids and other organic acids. The cane varieties, period of supply of cane, geographical variations, and the soil conditions significantly determine the composition of press mud (Table 1).
Elements and Nutrients | % composition |
Organic compound | 50 |
Calcium | 11 |
Phosphorus | 2-3 |
Potassium | 1-2 |
Nitrogen | 1.5-2.5 |
Magnesium | 1 |
Sulphur | 0.3 |
Cellulose | 11.4 |
Hemi cellulose | 10.0 |
Lignin | 9.3 |
Protein | 15.5 |
Wax | 8.4 |
Table 1: Showing mineral elements and nutrient composition of 100 gram press mud [8].
Copper and nickel play a significant role in plant growth [8]. The deficiency of copper and nickel in plants results in the retardation of plant growth. One way to balance this defect is by addition of press mud to the soil as fertilizer. Pre-treated press mud is widely accepted and used by cultivators. Press mud can destroy weeds because it contains various chemicals. The germination of weed seedlings may be hindered if press mud is applied earlier on the field. Weed removal can be achieved by employing the press mud and/or neem cake. In addition, pests harm the productivity of many crop plants. It was reported that the growth of weeds and multiplication of some types of roundworms can be controlled by using press mud. Press mud also has many more benefits. The use of press mud can be used as manure to correct the effects of chromium in the soil. Generally, maximum efficiency is obtained from the use of press mud along with gibberellic acid [11]. Pre-treated press mud has been reported to be effective at increasing important nutrients such as calcium and magnesium for plant growth. Press mud is rich in microbes Siella, Penicillium chrysogenum, Alternaria gaisen, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus awamori, and Fusarium monochrome. Chemical fertilizer is often integrated with enriched press mud. Many studies have shown that integrating press mud and chemical fertilizers is more effective than the latter alone.
Pressmud significant in carbon sequestration
Carbon sequestration can be achieved through the use of pressmud. Climate change contributes to mitigation and understanding of global warming adaptation programmes at the local level and carrying mitigation along with international effort is of the great advantage of agricultural diversity. Black carbon (C) and greenhouse gases (GHGs) released into the atmosphere, field burning, and most burning from household materials are the source of fuel which results in the loss of beneficial material, carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), Methane (CH4), and other GHGs found in the atmosphere (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2001) has been significantly increased since the time of industrial revolution. The SOC is being retained in the topsoil and is not exposed to rapid disintegration. The soil may comprise many kinds of remains from animals, plants, and microbes called SOC that are being added to the soil. A better soil carbon sequestration can lead to positive amendments in agricultural practices. The degree of soil carbon appropriation is 89.41% in earth carbon levels after the application of pressmud. When a press mud is properly composted, it is often a product of good organic manure that can be used to increase agricultural production. The application of sugarcane press mud supports a high water holding capacity and mulching properties and with a slower discharge of nutrients and trace elements into the soil. A result of 150% increase in organic carbon after the first application was achieved when mixed with the soil. This may be due to the addition of press mud as organic manure. Though, the carbon in soil is very low at the initial level, i.e. 0.66% but potentially store up more carbon. The organic carbon content during subsequent cropping season shown an increase of 36.36% and 30.67% respectively. A record of 3.5 times rise in the level of organic carbon was obtained. The result obtained showed a one-time increase in the level of organic carbon. This is promising than when it was at the initial level. This may influence the rate of soil carbon appropriation and elucidation. The role of organic matter in farm practices can be boasted by adopting improved agricultural practices. Organic manure does not only mitigate climate change but also improves the soil structure.
Vinasse is an aqueous discharge of the decontamination unit in sugar-alcohol manufacturing. The volumes of these discharges are upsetting for the segment since they can contribute to pollution. It is an agro-industrial residue generated in large quantities. Vinasse is an item for consumption with sophisticated cost-effective sustainable transport to detached localities for usage after it has been concentrated by evaporation. The availability of vinasse depends on the production techniques and the quantity per litre of alcohol and wine composition. The vinasse realized from production varying between 10 and 18 L. Three sugary sources from which vinasse is produced: blackstrap molasses, diverse must, and juice. It is a diluted solution with a natural form. It is applied to the soil in large quantities but the distance from the production site had been a problem to availability and use. Vinasse possesses some important chemical constituents such as organic matter, N, Ca, K, and Mg. The most significant mineral element for agricultural use of the filtrate is K. Vinasse is a source of nutrients, organic matter, and water. It can contribute to improved production of sugar, with effects on the physical, biological, and chemical characteristics of the soil. The main chemical components of this residue increased soil nitrogen and potassium come from the continuous application of high volumes of vinasse. Soil alterations are also promoted by vinasse, such as improved aggregation. However, agriculture must follow appropriate guidelines in the amount of vinasse applied. Exact recommendations must be tracked to inhibit disproportionate routine and resultant mineral lixiviation, for instance, of nitrate and potassium, and adulteration of below groundwaters.
Relevance of vinasse in agriculture
The usage of vinasse is a significant management exercise in agriculture nevertheless its practices to both soil and subterranean waters have been challenging owing to its high contaminating possibility. The CRO (biochemical requirements for oxygen) and BRO (organic requirements for oxygen) standards, an acidic pH, the higher heats in the course of fabrication, and the consequence of acidic influence contribute to high polluting characteristics of vinasse. But higher water infiltration culminates into this, lixiviation of mineral elements, and adulteration of underground waters. A danger of soil salinization and pollution by zinc and manganese was posed from untreated vinasse. A review of the benefits of vinasse indicates that the suitable use of vinasse must reflect the soil physical and chemical appearances of soil before use. Also, the characteristics corresponding to the history of filtrate use, the amount of crop growing in the agricultural area, and the juxtaposition of water mechanisms must be considered.
Bioform: A substitute for mineral fertilizer
Research has shown that Bioform is better than mineral fertilizer. Bioform is organomineral fertilizer generated from sugarcane industrial waste such as vinasse, filter cake boiler ash, and soot from chimney mixed with mineral fertilizer in different portions. This formed an organic fertilizer that is capable of supporting nutrient absorption and reduce losses caused by leaching. It improves the physicochemical properties, porosity, and cation exchange capacity of the soil. The nutrient from Biofom is gradually released into the soil which gives it an edge over mineral fertilizer. This attribute was found in the use of the Bioform as organic matter in the growth of maize in a pot. The application of Biofom lower the cost of mineral fertilizer and transportation since it can be prepared locally. And the use of Biofom drastically reduces the cost of production. Bioform may have the same performance as mineral fertilizer. The proportion of mineral fertilizer used in the production of Biofom depends on the crop planted at a time.
Sugarcane bagasse is the largest agricultural product in South Africa. Approximate 7 million tons are generated in the country. This waste poses challenges to the environment even though it contains materials that can be utilized productively. The component of sugarcane bagasse such filter cake, press mud, vinasse, and ash has been used in a different capacity to boost productivity and recover agricultural land from degradation. This waste has adsorptive and retaining properties for moisture. It provides the required energy for cellulose-degrading organisms through large carbon availability as a source of energy, and nitrogen for building cell structures. Sugarcane bagasse can be used to amend and improve the physical structure of the soil. It supports microbial activities in the soil. The relevance of this waste is achieved through pre-treatment and cellulose-degrading organisms to produce an organic compound with the required micro and macronutrient for plant growth. In other words, before the application of vinasse to agricultural land, the soil must be checked for physical and chemical characteristics to determine the required dosage. Besides, vinasse must not be used as fertilizing agent close to a river and dam because of its high polluting characteristics. It is relevant for use in industrial and technological applications.
The use of sugarcane bagasse as fertilizing agent varies from one agricultural land to the other, crop type and variety to be cultivated. The nutrient requirement must be based on plant needs such as C: N ratio, the length of time required for the discharge of nutrients into the soil, and the potential capability of a plant to exhaust or retain nutrients. Some plant requires quick discharge of nutrient into the soil during early development and growth. The steady discharge of nutrients into the soil may not be helpful on overexploited land. Better still, bagasse fertilizing can be supplement with mineral nutrients in a required portion of the need that may arise for plant growth and development.
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Citation: Alabi D, Coopoosamy R, Naidoo K, Arthur G (2022) Composted Bagasse: An Impact on Agricultural Crop Production. AgriSci Food Res. 12: 488.
Received: 24-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. JBFBP-22-15574; Editor assigned: 26-Jan-2022, Pre QC No. JBFBP-22-15574 (PQ); Reviewed: 08-Feb-2022, QC No. JBFBP-22-15574; Revised: 11-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JBFBP-22-15574 (R); Published: 17-Feb-2022 , DOI: 10.32628/2593-9173.22.13.488
Copyright: © 2022 Alabi D, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.