Journal of Clinical Trials

Journal of Clinical Trials
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0870

Editorial Note - (2020)Volume 10, Issue 3

Current Challenges in Clinical Trials

Michael W Schlund*
*Correspondence: Michael W Schlund, Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Chicago, USA, Email:

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Editorial Note

We take extreme pleasure to uphold that Journal of Clinical Trials had a promising journey since its inception and is being hailed as a revolutionary in the industry of open access journals. We appreciatively give thanks to all our marvelous Authors, Reviewers, teamed with the assistance of our honorable Editorial board members has played a major role in our success for creating Clinical Trails 2019 the simplest ever!

Benevolent response and active contribution was received from our authors of various fields of Clinical Trials Design & Methodology, Outsourcing in Clinical Trials, Adaptive designs in Clinical Trials, Imaging in Clinical trials, who made this a grand success.

Scientific people from all over the globe focused on learning about emerging technologies about Clinical Trials and Advanced Drug Design Technology in the latest application. This is a best globalized opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of researchers from the scientific community and research.

Clinical Trials includes Phases of Clinical Research: Current Trends & Future Developments, Clinical Trials Design & Methodology, Future of Clinical trials & Clinical Research, Clinical Trials Supply & Management, Clinical Research Operations & Project Management, Outsourcing in Clinical Trials, Risk Management in Clinical Research & Clinical Trials, Risk Management in Clinical Research & Clinical Trials, Patient Recruitment & Site Selection in Clinical trials, Adaptive designs in Clinical Trials, Clinical Trials Budgeting & Financial Management, Clinical Trials Data Disclosure & Data Transparency, Imaging in Clinical trials, Challenges in Clinical Trials, Data & Technology Driven Clinical trials, Interactive Response Technology (IRT) in Clinical Trials, Clinical Trials for various Diseases, Pharmacovigillance and Drug Safety, Clinical Trials for Medical Devices, Clinical Trials Regulations, Bioethics and Regulatory Compliance in Clinical trials.

In Clinical Trials 2019, most of the topics were about the current problems and the long-term solution to it. It does not just talk about the now, but what’s in store for the upcoming years in Clinical Trials field. This event had given readers a several ideas on the current trends and how to utilize them to their own advantage.

The 9th volume addressed the deep-seated research done by authors from across the globe. In his research study, Carlijn M Van Der Aalst, et al., stated that his study describe the rationale, study design, and the recruitment process of the Dutch Risk or Benefit in Screening for Cardiovascular Disease (ROBINSCA) trial, worldwide the first population-based randomizedcontrolled Computed-Tomography (CT) screening trial for cardiovascular disease, powered to detect a benefit of 15% reduced Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) morbidity and mortality [1].

Supriya H Raut, in her research article promulgated about the THROZEN (Cough lozenges formulation) having herbal ingredients used for sore throat and cough mainly contains Anacyclus pyrethrum, zinc and menthol. Anacyclus pyrethrum is effective against sore throat as well as cough, dry mouth and redness of throat. In the present study, clinical evaluation of THROZEN cough lozenges has been done in human subjects [2].

Raquel Ciervide, et al., in their research article, reaching a complete pathological response (pCR) after primary systemic treatment (PST), specifically in the subgroup of patients with triple negative (TNBC) or HER2-positive tumors, is associated with a significant survival gain. The combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy could increase this synergistic benefit [3].

Mahmoud Reda Badr, et al., in their case report, presented Leiomyoma is a benign tumor of smooth muscle cells that may arise from the genitourinary or gastrointestinal systems. It is not common to arise from the urethra or Para urethral areas with few reported cases [4].

Abdullah Al Wahbi, in his research article, presented Saphenous varicosities, from Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) and Saphenofemoral Junction (SFJ) are treated by surgery or Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT). To treat tributaries, secondary procedures (foam Sclerotherapy or multiple phlebectomy) are used concomitantly as one-stage or sequentially as two-stage procedure [5].

Toshihiko Masui, et al., in their research article, they diagnosed and the treated patients with neuroendocrine neoplasm (NEN) have recently improved globally. Since little data has been presented on the current situation of NEN treatment in Japan [6].

With the grand success of Clinical Trails 2019, enclosed a large vary of scientists as editorial board, reviewers, and authors. The Clinical Trails 2019 anticipates renowned eminent researchers across the globe to share their valuable presentation and galvanize the scientific community in upcoming issues.


  1. Van der Aalst CM, Vonder M, Gratama J, Adriaansen HJ, Kuijpers D, Denissen SJ, et al. Risk or Benefit in Screening for Cardiovascular Disease (ROBINSCA): The Rationale and Study Design of a Population-Based Randomized-Controlled Screening Trial for Cardiovascular Disease. J Clin Trials. 2020;9(1):361.
  2. Raut SH. A Single-Blind, Randomized, Clinical Study of THROZEN (Cough Lozenges Formulation) for the Treatment of Sore Throat and Cough. J Clin Trials. 2020;9(2):362.
  3. Ciervide R, Montero A, Garcia-Aranda M, Vega E, Herrero M, Ramirez N, et al. Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation for Unfavourable Breast Cancer Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Clin Trials. 2020;9(3)363.
  4. Badr MR, Higazy AMGA, Abuelbaga MMRS, Mostafa DEM. Paraurethral Leiomyoma during Pregnancy: A Case Report and Review of Literature. J Clin Trials. 2020;9(4):370.
  5. Al Wahbi. Patients Satisfaction with One-Versus Two-Stage Endovenous Laser Ablation and Tributary Veins Foam Sclerotherapy. J Clin Trials. 2020;9(5):372.
  6. Masui T, Ito T, Komoto I, Kojima S, Okusaka T, Ichikawa Y et al. Study Protocol of the Japan NEN Registry: A Multicenter, Prospective Registry of Patients with Pancreatic, Gastrointestinal, Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Thymic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm. J Clin Trials. 2020;9(6):384.

Author Info

Michael W Schlund*
Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Chicago, USA

Citation: Schlund MW (2020) Current Challenges in Clinical Trials. J Clin Trials 10:e410. doi: 10.35248/2167-0870.20.10.e410

Received: 29-Mar-2020 Accepted: 13-Apr-2020 Published: 20-Apr-2020 , DOI: 10.35248/2167-0870.20.10.e410

Copyright: © 2020 Schlund MW. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
