Sociology and Criminology-Open Access

Sociology and Criminology-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4435


Perspective - (2021)Volume 9, Issue 8

Designing of Crime Justice Policy in Indian using Heuristic for Relief, Recovery and Reform ‘Rs-3’

Shahanshah Gulpham*
*Correspondence: Shahanshah Gulpham, Department of Criminology, School of Criminology & Behavioral Science, Rashtriya Raksha University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, Tel: 8130638598, Email:

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The local authority in the states of India plays a vital role for the implementation of policy, schemes and welfare programs in the society. Due to the various reasons such as geographical differences, weather conditions, urban-rural population, linguistic and cultural various and more importantly unwillingness of political system, India is lacking behind this and subsequently society suffer at large and not get much benefit due to the improper implemented policy. Criminal justice policy is comes under institutional policy plan for direct and indirect benefit to the society as well as to the government. In this research policy paper, it has been highlighted for the heuristic criminal justice policy implementation on ‘Rs.3’ models set out by Franklin Roosevelt for the American Society in 1933 for creating roadmap for new Indian Criminal Justice System.



DAC; Crime justice policy; Heuristic


In current situation of social transition with political discourse, media and technology created a hyper reality in which reality is confused with simulation. Modernity has been proving a force not for liberation but subjugation, oppression and repression. Crime is also going to impose one’s will on others [1]. Law definers are not provided with liberating life narratives and harms to others in the expression of power and control in which other are objectified as separate, dehumanized entities. Practical critical action is as more important in policy formulation than analysis of their theoretical formulations [2]. China’s ‘weiji’ policy of ‘opportunity in danger’ Mah Hui Lim [3] is driving for dramatic evil of change in positive social reality of humanity and morality in the neighboring of India. China forgets for those illegitimate opportunities of criminal subculture such as illegal prostitution, drug markets, copy right crimes, medical insurance frauds and medical license frauds etc. Utopian society in postindustrial society is impossible and capitalism presents no solution to the crime problem even after the large scale investment for the development of smart cities. The conventional behavior of government is also has impact on policy development and instrumental thinker find a way of discussion as a class struggle vs. class conflict [4].

Vulnerability of criminal justice policy in India

The criminal justice system in India generally is an inheritance of the British system. The criminal justice system covers unified four pillars create system but policies framed by authorities on situation basis and considering only concurrent problems. There are no specialized federal level policies which equally apply in all segment of justice system in India since independent of the nation [5]. In India, there are various committees and commissions set up on criminal justice reform (i.e. Malimath Committee, Criminal Law Reform Committee, Law Commissions) and recommended for structural reform. For instance, Malimath Committee on criminal justice reform constituted in 2000 and submitted its report in 2003 with 158 recommendations but till date not implemented or so care given by the government [6].

Principal polices in segmented includes specific nature and need base as much specialized which cover only single problem or few associated problems or problems challenging in implementation of country’s law. Policy of Juvenile justice, alcoholism and drug addiction, domestic violence, correctional administration, money laundering, internal security, citizenship and immigrations are some of the best areas where government of India keen to frame specific policies [7]. Abolition of instant tripal talaq, a long existing socio-religious problem belongs to the ethnic and linguistic Muslim resulted in legal prohibition recently. India has seen the introduction of policies focusing on deeply rooted social problems. Policy is needed when it realized that the existing problems cannot be resolved and continued since long. Policy contains rules and laws enforce for the benefit of the society. These rules and laws somehow eradicate the problems including crime and criminality.

Heuristic Perspective in Rs-3: Heuristic is an approach or problem solving method and a way of shortcut to solve a particular problem based on quick decision. Polya George [8] an Hungarian mathematician described method of heuristic based on four principles as try to understand the problem, make a plan, carry out this plan and evaluate and adapt. In first principle, harmful part by police is deal unknown data and condition and search for possibility to satisfy the condition. Second principle of the method compared the situation and problems and thereby come to conclusion of usefulness of this method in their follow up action and also having the plan of action to solving the auxiliary problems. The third principle of heuristic method is utilized by policy on plan of solution checking each step. These build psychological confidence and prove to be correct in public belief. Finally last principle of the method finds its place in the form of result which is sometime supported by public at large in order to relief, recover and reform with rehabilitation process [9].

Rs3 is barrowed idea from President Franklin Roosevelt (1933) who introduced major structural reforms in the economic, financial and political spheres [3]. It was based on Rs3 Policies- relief, recovery and reforms. All were for structural changes and restructuring in employment opportunities, social security safety and economic institutional reshuffle etc. for long term policy adaptation and even after four decades, the policy for restructuration in a drastic manner means on a greater role in the economy with positive sign in United States of America. Crime rate has also been declined through this policy as reported and communities have come together to help to each other for their mutual psycho-social relief, recovered their position and reformation taken place with humanity [10]. The following approaches in Rs3 with heuristic in framing criminal justice policy in Indian scenario will reflect the inner ethos of the nation as so far concern ‘unity in diversity’:

Relief: Heuristic perspective in removing of crime pattern with comfort, aid and welfare sense

Recovery: Heuristic perspective in recovering the lose by crime through crime policy

Reform: Heuristic perspective in reforming the system by law and policy

However, critically examined as the President Franklin Roosevelt policy of relief, recover and reform (Rs3) was implemented after crisis [10]. Whereas, the crime policy strategies intervene before a crime happens to reduce the chance of an offence. All polices have their cores of potential offenders and intervention before the crime career and other focus on situation or reducing the productiveness or potential victim behavior. Mix or specific policy planning in criminal justice system in Indian context is relating to traditional design process or framing [12]. The policy conceptualized as comprising various stages as briefing, conceptual discourse and details drafting so that the non-materialistic convert into materialistic substance and resulted in proper designed document. The Rs3 is considered at all stages in policy formulation including social or legal polices.

Design against Crime in Criminal Justice Policy: Community centered design in designing against crime preventive innovative policy is needed for situational and geographical crime prevention focusing on reducing the crime environmentally and contextually in all other purposes as relief, recover and reform [13]. Think theft, human centered approach and innovative security solutions are important principles in designing against crime that designers consider offender also. So in policy planning, the design approach should be on priority and in the fullest sense to the policy makers as a non-materialistic thing [14]. Design for crime policy aid to deigns professional to meet the challenges of complex crime. It is the responsibility of the policy planners to use their creative talents to develop innovative solutions of crime problems and address crime with safety and security (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Design against Crime in Criminal Justice Policy.

In India, the design of policy or product is generally based on foundation of peacemaking. These are the bases of religious and humanity which are explaining and responding to crime [15]. In Indian society, religion is considered a major institution in society and any comprehensive look at crime control policy must include religious perspective decision. Hinduism is major religious population followed by minority Muslim population and others minor religious groups of the peoples (India Census 2011) [16]. Caste system is a unique feature of Indian society and caste based electoral representation is also affecting on policy decision [17]. Traditionally speaking in crime policy, get tough on crime perspective adopted by the authority by promoting social justice (Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GoI). The policy, which covers community, victim, offender, family of offender and victim in social justice perspective lead for harmony and peace and break the cycle of violence and strengthen the social fabric [4]. Figure 1:


Design against crime in crime justice policy must be socially bond or person’s bond to society as much strong and unbroken [18]. Hirschi’s concept of intimate attachments, moral belief and aspirations are most important for citizen to abide the law. Contrary to labeling or stigmatization by law should be avoided in designing against crime in crime justice policy. Policy of criminal justice in India should be assimilating condition and connotation of outsider or labeled person will ignore in policy recommendations [19]. Peacekeeping vs. peacemaking in criminal justice policy framing by peace and justice will be long live tool in crime ending with ending of other social problems and suffering [3]. Peacemaking is also an approach of social justice of non-violence in criminal justice assumed ending of crime with love and compassion. Further, heuristic approach should imply on anticipatory challenges from potential offenders and an early stage policy interventions for preventing them to becoming hard core criminals [20]. The next step to situational crime prevention approach should be adopted in order to prevent potential victim behavior or the crimes occurred against innocent citizens. Heuristic approach in early interventions by policy level is bringing double benefits in terms of reducing the tendency to lead crime or conflict situation in the country.


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Author Info

Shahanshah Gulpham*
Department of Criminology, School of Criminology & Behavioral Science, Rashtriya Raksha University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Citation: Gulpham S (2021) Designing of Crime Justice Policy in Indian using Heuristic for Relief, Recovery and Reform ‘Rs-3’. Social and Crimonol 9: 219.

Received: 03-Aug-2021 Accepted: 12-Aug-2021 Published: 20-Aug-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2375-4435.21.9.219

Copyright: © 2021 Gulpham S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
