Journal of Ergonomics

Journal of Ergonomics
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7556

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Short Communication - (2021)

Difference between Occupational Health and Occupational Therapy

Pedada Akhil*
*Correspondence: Pedada Akhil, Department of Medical Science, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Email:

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Occupational health

Occupational Health (OH) is an expert part of medical care which centers around taking care of the prosperity of an individual, both genuinely and intellectually, in the working environment. It's anything but a preventive methodology, fully intent on diminishing business-related ailments and wounds, by giving exhortation to the two bosses and representatives about safe working practices.

Occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) is the utilization of appraisal and mediation to create, recuperate, or keep up the significant exercises, or occupations, of people, gatherings, or networks. The individual who is associated with word related treatment is called word related specialist. It's anything but an associated well-being calling performed by word related advisors and word related treatment colleagues (OTA). OTs regularly works with individuals with psychological wellness issues, incapacities, wounds, or impedances likewise alluded to as an administration reference or disorder non-attendance reference, is a comprehensive wellbeing appraisal attempted by a word related wellbeing proficient. The reason for an appraisal is to survey a person's psychological and actual wellbeing corresponding to their work job and give customized proposals in regards to their ability to attempt that job.

The American Occupational Therapy Association characterizes a word related specialist as somebody who "helps individuals across their life expectancy take part in the things they need and need to do through the restorative utilization of ordinary exercises (occupations). Normal word related treatment intercessions incorporate assisting kids with inabilities to take part completely in school and social circumstances, injury restoration, and giving backings to more established grown-ups encountering physical and psychological changes."

Difference between OH and OT

Occupational Therapists Word related Therapists are the essential suppliers of Occupational Therapy administrations. Specialists are college taught experts that have a place with a common administrative school and adding to these administrations are Occupational Therapy Assistants/Aides, who are by and large school instructed experts that work under the "permit/enrollment" of the advisor. Both of these experts endeavor to execute precaution and additionally restorative activities, consolidating clinical, physical, and psychosocial factors that lead to expanded usefulness and personal satisfaction. These experts can work in an assortment of settings, for example, inside the local area (for example home consideration, bunch homes), inside Government (for example wellbeing advancement, openness), inside Industry/Business (for example protection or restoration organizations), and inside Institutions (for example centers, medical clinics).

Occupational Health administrations can be furnished by scope of experts with Occupational Health preparing. In a best-practice circumstance, administrations would be administered by an Occupational Medicine Physician. Nonetheless, extra experts can include: Occupational Health Nurses, Ergonomists, Occupational Hygienists, Occupational Health Technicians, and others. These experts can work in assortment of settings that reach from workplaces to mechanical destinations.

The beneficiaries of Occupational Therapy are for the most part people who regularly have a particular inability/injury. These people may profit with OT benefits by acquiring schooling or ideas identified with their inability. Furthermore, specialists may propose transformations of the materials, design, or association of their work/home conditions.

While the immediate beneficiaries of Occupational Health administrations are people, the business assumes a significant part. Regularly, it is the business that masterminds administrations to be given to the people/workers. These administrations mean to profit representatives by forestalling business related disease or injury through empowering safe work works on, adding to a safe and well-being get back to work measure, executing ergonomics in the working environment, observing total wellbeing measurements, and so on [1-5].


The principle distinction between word related wellbeing and word related treatment is their core interest. All in all, word related wellbeing adopts a preventive strategy trying to keep away from potential business related dangers, though word related treatment looks to improve people's capacities to embrace regular assignments which they might be battling with due to a physical and additionally mental condition by utilizing explicit exercises to help treat them in their recovery.


  1. Edet U. Difference between occupational therapy and occupational health. Health and Safety. 2021.
  2. Farrah M. Occupational therapy and occupational health nursing. Nurses. 2011.

Author Info

Pedada Akhil*
Department of Medical Science, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Citation: Akhil P (2021) Difference between Occupational Health and Occupational Therapy. J Ergonomics. S3:004.

Received: 18-Jun-2021 Accepted: 02-Jul-2021 Published: 09-Jul-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2165-7556.21.s3.004

Copyright: © 2021 Akhil P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
