ISSN: 2165-7890
Commentary - (2021)
Digital health technologies for people with epilepsy (PWE) include internet-based valuable supplies and more than two, but not a lot of computer programs for seizure management. Since non-related to medical drugs actions that help bad situations, such as listening to specific Mozart's compositions, thinking-related therapy, related to how people think and treat each other and educational actions that help bad situations were shown to reduce epileptic seizures, these ways that things happen can be combined different things together so they worked as one unit into different software and delivered by electronic medical apps as digital medically helpful things. The Thinkingrelated Basis: the way our nerves and bodies work is concerned with uncovering the related to the body function of living things of ways by which nervous systems help settle an argument behavior. Over the past half century, much of the way our nerves and bodies work has focused on the cells of the nervous system. To improve longterm patient engagement; combination of different things together that work as one unit of electronic medical app with computers is also discussed. This study aims toward development and law-based clearance of software as medical device for control, cooperating with the helping digital medically helpful for epilepsy, and after that a drugdevice combination product together with clearly stated ant seizure medicines. Digital e-health provide different combinations with prescription medicines present new opportunities to combine different things together so they work as one unit related to medical drugs and non-related to medical drugs actions that help bad situations for PWE, as well as those living with other long-lasting problems, including depression and pain.
To provide the highly needed easily related and producing a lot for a given amount of money early actions that help bad situations, people who work to find information have focused on finding new forms of potential early actions that help bad situations using both related to medical drugs e.g., hydrocortisone, morphine or oxytocin and mental routes, performed the first trial showing early exposure treatment to be effective shortly after serious physical or emotional harm. E-health has been added as a promising agent to deliver serving to stop something bad before it happens actions that help bad situations.
According to the World Health Organization, there are millions of people living with epilepsy world-wide, and only most of them respond to current treatments to control their seizures. Newlyidentified a disease or its cause patients have about half of chance to become seizure free after taking their first antiseizure medicine. Recent work hints that even after becoming seizure-free, over most of patients who discontinue taking antiseizure drugs experienced at least one return of disease over a period of couple of years. The many different kinds of people or things causes of a disease and complex machines of epileptic seizures cause a challenge to reach long-term seizure freedom in about some of PWE. About some of PWE do not stick to medicine schedules, leading to decreased seizure control. In addition to seizures, PWE often experience depression and fear and stress as sicknesses that happen along with other sicknesses, ordering more actions that help bad situations [1,2].
Digital health is a branch of healthcare that employs internet, digital, and mobile technologies for improving health or treating specific medical conditions. Many digital health technologies are focused on wellness and health coaching, or disease self-management. mHealth contains electronic medical apps which receive clearance from the Food and Drug Administration. Examples are these medical apps, to improve control of glucose blood levels in patients with type 2 disease where blood sugar swings wildly, or for drug use, developed by Pear Medically helpful things. These electronic media system are examples of the FDA-cleared stroke therapies. Benefits of digital medically helpful things include their ability to combine different things together so they work as one unit patient behavior and way of living changes with pharmacotherapy [3,4].
Digital health technologies for PWE make up mobile apps and internetbased valuable supplies delivering epilepsy self-management content.
Digital health technologies help patients self-manage their health conditions through regular watching and following and recording of signs of sickness. More importantly, it is a tool for the early detection of big changes to disease development or increase over in a patient, before lung health has been irreversibly damaged to agreement. So with working together effort of digital health in the way our nerves and bodies work is very effective and convenient to the worldwide people. Nerve-based disease is very dangerous and by the help of digital health in the modern generation is very useful.
Citation: Minnaert ME (2021) Digital Health Technologies on Neurobiology. Autism Open Access. S2:002. DOI: 10.35248/2165-7890.21.S2.002.
Received: 30-Mar-2021 Accepted: 13-Aug-2021 Published: 20-Aug-2021
Copyright: 2021 Minnaert ME. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.