ISSN: 2167-0374
Editorial - (2021)Volume 11, Issue 6
Engineering mathematics, aircraft systems, control systems, aerodynamics, aircraft structures and manufacturing, mechanical engineering, and engineering management are all covered in the Aerospace Technology course. Graduates should be able to start professional employment in aircraft design utilising the newest software tools after gaining knowledge in these subject areas. Did you know that the mechanical and electrical systems for the Airbus A380, Boeing Dreamliner, and Eurofighter Typhoon were all conceived and developed in the United Kingdom? In addition, the United Kingdom is one of the few countries in the world with the resources to design and produce modern helicopters and aeroplanes. Previous alumni have gone on to work for a variety of industries as aviation engineering officers (both military and civil), design engineers, quality engineers, and engineering managers. Previous students have gone on to become pilots and work in a variety of aerospace jobs.
The goal of the course is to give integrated teaching materials that represent the multi-disciplinary nature of the aerospace industry. The many teaching, learning, and evaluation methodologies are all aimed at producing graduates who can operate effectively, efficiently, and collaboratively in an aeronautical engineering firm. With hands-on access to our sophisticated equipment in the High Performance Engineering Centre (HPEC), which includes a Harrier Jump Jet, flight simulation suite, Mercedes Petronas Wind Tunnel, metrology centre, and industry standard software, you will be able to build practical system design skills. In the aerospace sector, technological progress provides the foundation for competitiveness and advancement. As a result, the sector is a global leader in research and technology advancement. Aerospace systems have a high value per unit weight and are among the most complicated in terms of the number of components used in finished products. As a result, having an aerospace industry confers economic and political prestige on a country. The aerospace sector is one of the world's major manufacturing businesses in terms of monetary worth of product output and employment, with a small number of significant firms and extensive multinational partnerships at every level.
The primary consumers for the major aerospace countries are their own military establishments and, in some situations, other militaries. The world's commercial airlines, notably American, European, and Asian–Pacific Rim carriers, are the next most important buyers. North America, which is controlled by the United States; Asia-Pacific, which is dominated by China; and Europe are the three main aviation markets. The aerospace industrial complex in the United States is the world's largest. As of 2017, the aerospace sector in the United States accounted for little under half of the global market. Despite the fact that their own government is the primary purchaser of military systems, American companies are the world's leading suppliers of both military and civil aerospace hardware. Non-American businesses are now vying for a larger share of the global market, posing a threat to American dominance. Russia still has a significant aerospace sector. Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia inherited the majority of the highly skilled Soviet design bureaus. Partnerships with American and European companies were formed, and Russia made its first foray into Western markets. The aerospace sector in Western Europe has grown to be a major worldwide participant, with France, the United Kingdom, and Germany being particularly active. The European industry has gained great experience in the development and construction of practically all types of aircraft systems as a result of the success of joint programmes such as the Airbus line of commercial transports and the Ariane family of space launch vehicles.
Citation: Frew E (2021) Editorial Note on Aerospace Technology. J Def Manag. 11: 222.
Received: 10-Nov-2021 Accepted: 15-Nov-2021 Published: 20-Nov-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2167-0374.21.11.222
Copyright: © ©2021 Frew E. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.