Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

Research Article - (2016) Volume 5, Issue 5

Editor’s Note: Women’s Health Care

Tskitishvili E*
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Liege, Belgium
*Corresponding Author: Tskitishvili E, Laboratory of Development Biology and Tumors, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Liege, Belgium, Tel: 3243662569 Email:


Even in developed countries, women’s health during pregnancy and childbirth is associated with many risks such as maternal mortality and comorbidities like preeclampsia. Journal of Women's Health Care publishes articles focusing on the improvement of women’s health in all related aspects. The current issue, Volume 5 Issue 5 published six research articles, two case reports and one short communication. These articles focused on the issues like adverse health effects of organophosphate, factors associated with the age of natural menopause, Infiltrative Endometriosis, childbirths through oxytocin infusion, effect of pelvic tilt on low back pain, calcifying tendonitis, in vitro fertilization pregnancy and postmenopausal bleeding.


Organophosphates are esters of phosphoric acid especially used in pesticides. Organophosphate shows its toxicity though the inactivation of enzyme acetyl cholinesterase. These compounds degrade rapidly by exposure to sunlight, air or soil. However, traces of these compounds do enter the food web through food and drinking water. Shaheen et al. [1] in their research article assessed the potential negative effects of organophosphate pesticides exposure in pregnant women. Authors found that exposure to pesticides during gestational period were significantly associated with low birth weight, shortened gestational age and smaller head circumference in new born. Menopause period in women starts generally between 49 and 52 years of age, mainly due to decrease in ovarian hormone production. In the research article, Hachul et al. [2] investigated the factors that are significantly associated with age of natural menopause onset and menarche. Their studies revealed that the age of menarche, ethnicity, socialdemographic factors were not associated with menopause onset but the early rise in the level of follicle stimulating hormone increases the risk of early menopause. Ito et al. [3] evaluated the accuracy level of specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in determining the location of deeply infiltrative endometriosis (DIE). Their studies have shown that the specific MRI scan of endometriosis can significantly predict the extent of DIE and can replace multiple imaging exams that can help in improving the preoperative planning. In under developed countries such as Sub-Saharan Africa, maternal mortality is one of the major health problems and even the reduction in maternal mortality is articulated in the millennium development goals. Teshome et al. [4] during their studies on the quality of new born care and emergency obstetric service in Ethiopia found that these facilities are not adequate and as per the UN standards the services rendered by these units are of poor quality. In another study on the women health care in Sub- Saharan Africa, Bagnan et al. found that there were many constraints to achieve quality obstetrical services and the authors suggested that for the management of labor on uterus with c-section scar, oxytocin can be contemplated [5]. Yassin et al. in their short communication described the histopathological pattern of post-menopausal bleeding (PMB) in Sudanese women. Authors found a high incidence rate of cervical and endometrial cancer in Sudanese women with PMB [6]. Pelvic floor muscles are voluntary muscles but in Pelvic floor muscle disorder, these muscles remains tightened due to natural disposition, trauma, learned reaction to stress or pain, and the accurate reason is not known till now. Deepthi et al. [7] in their research article compared the effects of three types of assisted pelvic floor rehabilitation programmes in pregnant women with pelvic floor muscle weakness. Their studies have shown that these programmes have no significant improvement in decreasing the symptoms of the disorder such as low back pain [7]. Cuadros et al. [8] reported a case of calcifying tendonitis of the shoulder in 44-year-old woman. Authors successfully treated this tendonitis using of 5% acetic-acid Iontophoresis and continuous ultrasound in 10 sessions spanning 5 months. In another article, Ulu et al. [9] reported a case of uterine rupture in a 10 week cornual pregnancy of a 40-year-old woman. Through this case, authors demonstrated the seriousness and life threatening nature of cornual pregnancies.


  1. Farahat T, Shaheen HM, Sanad Z, Farag NA (2016) Organophosphate pesticide exposure during pregnancy and adverse perinatal outcome. J Women's Health Care 5:336.
  2. Hachul H, Polesel DN, Nozoe KT, Sanchez ZM, Prado MCO, et al. (2016) The age of menopause and their associated factors: a cross-sectional population-based study. J Women's Health Care 5:335.
  3. Ito T, Anane JO, Moawad G, Vargas MV, Marfori C, et al. (2016) Diagnosis of deeply infiltrative endometriosis: accuracy of a specific magnetic resonance imaging protocol. J Women's Health Care 5:332.
  4. Teshome KR, Eticha CT (2016) Availability and quality of emergency obstetric and newborn care service in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. J Women's Health Care 5: 331
  5. Bagnan JT, Obossou AAA, Bib H, Lokossou S, Worou K, et al. (2016) Prognosis of syntocinon infusion on scar uterusCotonou-Benin. J Women's Health Care 5:330.
  6. Yassin K, Fagear AA, Hussein S, Ali AAA (2016) The pattern of histo-pathological diagnosis in sudanese women with postmenopausal bleeding. J Women's Health Care 5:334.
  7. Deepthi RNV, Ponmathi P, Sivakumar VPR (2016) Does sitting pelvic tilt influence quality of pain in low back pain and quality of sleep among primigravidaindian mothers. J Women's Health Care 5: 333.
  8. Cuadros MF, Moro OSP (2016) Effectiveness of acetic acid iontophoresis and ultrasound on calcifying tendonitis of the shoulder. J Women's Health Care 5:328.
  9. Ulu I, Turkmen SB, Kiran G (2016) A case of a ruptured cornual in vitro fertilization pregnancy. J Women's Health Care 5: 329.
Citation: Tskitishvili E (2016) Editor’s Note: Women’s Health Care. J Women's Health Care 5: e126.

Copyright: © 2016 Tskitishvili E, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.