Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research

Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2593-9173

Research Article - (2018) Volume 9, Issue 4

Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Rice and Some Nutrients Availability under Different Water Regimes

Howida Elhabet*
Rice Research and Training Center, Sakha Kafr Elsheikh, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Howida Elhabet, Rice Research and Training Center, Sakha Kafr Elsheikh, Egypt, Tel: +18003471392 Email:


Water and fertilizer management are essential to achieve high yield potential in irrigated rice soils. The effect of inorganic, organic fertilizers and their combinations under different irrigation intervals on yield and its attributes of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as well as, the availability of some nutrients (ammonium, nitrate, phosphorus and potassium) in the soil were investigated. A field experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm Sakha Agriculture Research Station, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt, during 2016 and 2017 rice growing seasons. Five rates of fertilizers; control without any fertilizer application (T1), 4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha (T2), 4.76 tons of composted rice straw (CRS)/ha (T3), 4.76 tons FYM +110 N kg/ha (T4), 4.76 tons CRS +110 kg N/ha (T5) and the recommended dose of nitrogen, 165 kg N/ha (T6) were used under five irrigation treatments namely; continuous flooding (W1), continuous saturation (W2), irrigation every 6 days (W3), irrigation every 9 days (W4) and irrigation every 12 days (W5). The results indicated that W1 and W2 caused an increase in chlorophyll content, number of tillers/m2, number of panicles/m2, panicle weight (g), number of filled grains/panicle, panicle weight, straw yield (t/ha) and grain yield (t/ha) without any significant difference among them. The greatest values of all studied characters were observed with fertilizer treatments T5 and T6 under the irrigation treatments W1, W2, W3 and W4. The highest amounts of nutrients (NH4+ and P) availability were found under flooded condition (W1) followed by W2, W3 and W4 especially with T5 treatment. Whereas, the maximum values of nitrate (NO3-) availability were found under W5 followed by W4. Potassium was mostly available under W2 followed by W1 in 2016 and 2017 seasons.

Keywords: Rice; Water regime; Organic and inorganic fertilizer; Nutrient availability


In Egypt, rice is one of the major water consuming crops and most of Egyptian rice genotypes are grown under continuous flooding with about 5 cm depth of standing water throughout the growing season [1]. Most of Egyptian rice genotypes show better growth and higher productivity under continuous flooding conditions than under water deficit at certain growth stages [2]. Water resources in Egypt are limited to 55.5 × 109 m3/ year, with tremendous increase in the population, production has to be increased and irrigation water should be well managed for increasing water use efficiency [3]. In near future it is expected that, less water will be available for rice growing [4]. Some rice planted areas, especially at the end of the terminal irrigation channels in the northern part of the Nile Delta, suffer from irrigation water shortage during different growth stages [5]. Therefore, water input can be reduced by; reducing water depth to soil saturation and using different irrigation intervals [6]. Recently, the term “water-saving irrigation techniques” has been introduced, which recommends, (i) reducing the depth of ponded water from 5-7 cm to 2-3 cm height to reduce the amount of water used for irrigation (ii) keeping the soil just saturated by irrigation until the soil is wet [5,7].

to manage soil, fertilizer, and moisture regimes and to maximize rice production in a given environment. The application of the organic fertilizers such as the farmyard manure and composted rice straw could increase the soil organic matter contents which serve several advantages like conservation and slow release of nutrients, improve of soil chemical and physical conditions and preservation of soil moisture that help for high production. These advantages lead to increasing the fertility and productivity of the soil [8]. Alternate flooding and dry, gave highest rice grain yield and nitrogen uptake than continuous flooding. In flooded and saturated anaerobic soils, ammonium is the dominant form of available N. Most of the losses of nitrogen fertilizer (N) occur immediately after application into the floodwater through ammonia volatilization [9]. Some of the ammonia is nitrified in oxidized soil zones and in the floodwater [10]. Due to the difference in behavior of nutrients under flooded soil compared to irrigation intervals so, we need to know the best recommendation of fertilizers under irrigation intervals. A study was, therefore, carried out with water and fertilizer management to investigate the yield potential with following objectives 1) to find out the suitable irrigation practice, 2) to determine the suitable fertilizer package and 3) to study the combine effects of irrigation and fertilizer on growth, yield 4) discuss the chemistry of nutrients availability under water stress which may help in better nutrient management and consequently greater yields.

Materials and Methods

Field experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm Sakha Agriculture Research Station, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt, during 2016 and 2017 rice growing season's (Figure 1). To study the impact of different water regimes and fertilizer treatments on yield and its attributes of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as well as the availability of NH4+, NO3+, P and K at different periods (30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting) and the best combination among studied factors. Five water treatments were used; continuous flooding (W1), continuous saturation (W2), irrigation every 6 days (W3), irrigation every 9 days (W4) and irrigation every 12 days (W5). The fertilizer treatments were, control without any fertilizer application (T1), 4.76 tons of farm yard manure (FYM) /ha (T2), 4.76 tons of composted rice straw (CRS)/ha (T3), 4.76 tons FYM +110 kg N /ha (T4), 4.76 tons CRS +110 kg N /ha (T5) and recommended dose of nitrogen, 165 kg N /ha (T6). Full dose of phosphorus 36.89 kg P2O5 ha-1 as a superphosphate (15%) was applied as a basal dose during land preparation and incorporated well into the dry soil, while, zinc as zinc sulphate at the rate of 23.8 kg/ha was applied in the nursery after wet leveling. The experiment was laid out in a strip plot design with four replications; irrigation treatments were located in the main plots, while the fertilizers treatments were placed in the sub-plots. After 30 days from nursery, the seedlings were pulled and transferred to the permanent field and transplanted at the spacing 20 × 20 cm between rows and hills. The FYM and CRS treatments were applied during the land preparation. While nitrogen fertilizer was added as urea form (46.5% N) according to the experimental treatment. Two third of N was applied as basal application, and the other third was top dressed at 30 days after transplanting (DAT).


Figure 1: Map showing study area in Kafr El- Sheikh Governorate (Sakha region), North Egypt. It is part of the Egyptian Nile delta that is characterized by extensive rice cultivation. It is located between 31°06 0 40 00 and 31°06 0 0 00 North and 30°54 0 30 00 and 30°55 0 60 00 East.

The studied characters

Chlorophyll content of flag leaf (SPAD), number of tillers/m2, number of panicles/m2, panicle weight (g), number of filled grains/ panicle, straw yield (t/ha) and grain yield (t/ha). Plant sample were collected from each plot for collection of data on plant characters and yield components. The straw yield was estimated while; grain yield was adjusted at 14% moisture. All traits were measured according to the standard’s evaluation system used by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI, Manila, Philippines) [11].

Some chemical analyses of soil used in this study before the experiments were presented in Table 1-3. Total soluble cations and anions, pH and Ec in soil paste extract were determined according to [12]. Soil samples were taken from each plot for all replications at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT), all samples were subjected to determination of available NH4+, NO3-, P and K according to the methods of [13]. Collected data were subjected to statistical analysis according to procedure describe by [14]. Means were compared at p<0.05 Duncan's multiple test (MRT), which was adapted by [15]. Water use efficiency (WUE) was calculated as following equation:

WUE (kg ha-1 m-3)=Crop yield (kg ha-1)/Water supply (mm or m3).

Soil chemical properties 2016 season 2017 season
pH (1:2.5) 8.2 8.3
Ec (ds.m-1) 3.2 3.39
Organic matter% 1.22 1.35
Total nitrogen mg/kg 435 515
Available P, mg/kg (0.5 M NaHCO3) 5.8 6.3
Available Ammonium (ppm) 16 17.3
Available Nitrate (ppm) 13.5 14.6
Available Potassium (ppm) 215 240.8
CO3- -- --
HCO3 5.56 5.4
Cl- 9 10.2
SO4-- 18.33 18.3
Cations (meq/L)
Ca++ 10.01 11.38
Mg+ 5 6.2
Na+ 1.88 2
K+ 16 14.8

Table 1: Chemical analyses of the experimental soil before planting in 2016 and 2017 seasons.

 Analysis C% N% C:N ratio P% K %
Farm yard manure 23.5 1.5 15.66 0.45 0.48
Composted rice straw 31.2 1.75 17.82 0.86 1.95

Table 2: Some chemical analysis of the organic materials (farm yard manure and composted rice straw) used.

2016 season 2017 season
Months Air temperature (Co) RH % Evaporation Air temperature (Co) RH % Evaporation
Max. Min. 0.3125 0.5625 Max. Min. 0.3125 0.5625
A.M P.M (mm/day) A.M P.M (mm/day)
April 30.03 18.62 81.6 41.8 593.8 25.4 16.6 82.3 48.3 550.9
May 30.4 22.81 71 45.8 647.03 31.2 23.8 75.6 43.9 633.8
June 33.6 26.3 75.7 46.6 806.8 32.6 25.3 75 48.7 770.9
July 33.7 26.1 82.7 56.8 783.5 34.2 25.3 75.5 48 736.9
August 33.6 26 84.3 56.3 773.6 34.2 26.5 83.5 57 780
Sep. 32.6 24.3 81.3 51.8 590.5 31.9 23.5 82 50.3 585
Oct. 29.8 21.7 82.4 55.3 356.9 29.5 22 82 56 360.5

Table 3: Monthly temperature means (c°), relative humidity (RH %) and evaporation (mmd-1) at study area in 2016 and 2017 seasons.

Results and Discussion

Chlorophyll content of flag leaf, number of tillers/m2 and number of panicles/m2, panicle weight (g), number of filled grains/panicle, straw and grain yield (t/ha) of Sakha 106 rice cultivar influenced by water regime and fertilizers treatments are presented in Table 4. Data demonstrated that the continuous flooding (W1) and saturation (W2) treatments gave the greatest values for all studied characters as compared with the other irrigation treatments. On the other hand, the irrigation every 12 days (W5) treatment significantly reduced the values of all the studied characters. The shortage of water might have caused a decrease in the activity of nodes and buds that reduces the emergence of tillers especially the effective tillers and number and area of leaves due to the decrease in cell division and elongation these results are harmony with those obtained [16].

Irrigation interval (A) 2016 Season
Chlorophyll content (SPAD) Number of tillers/m2 Number of panicles/m2 Panicle weight (g) Number of filled grain/panicle Straw (t/ha) Grain (t/ha)
W1 46.96a 499.68a 475.80a 3.30a 110.00a 9.77a 7.94a
W2 45.89ab 492.11b 471.40a 3.27a 106.86b 9.51a 7.75ab
W3 44.34bc 478.37c 458.00b 3.12b 105.05c 9.38a 7.38b
W4 42.81c 451.57d 444.50c 2.95c 100.22d 8.79b 6.90c
W5 36.16d 372.23e 377.40d 2.67d 82.89e 8.27c 5.23d
F Test ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Treatments (B)
T1 33.88d 347.54f 288.50f 2.42d 70.53f 5.74f 4.06e
T2 41.17c 416.20e 394.20e 2.92c 82.80e 7.65e 5.16d
T3 41.86c 434.94d 426.10d 3.09b 98.67d 8.70d 6.24c
T4 45.14b 478.94c 475.50c 3.21ab 109.43c 9.88c 7.62b
T5 48.01a 540.38a 551.10a 3.38a 123.93a 11.73a 9.82a
T6 49.33a 534.76b 537.10b 3.37a 120.67b 11.16b 9.33a
F Test ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Interaction * * * * * * *
A x B

Table 4A: Chlorophyll content of flag leaf, number of tillers/m2, number of panicles/m 2 and panicle weight (g) of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as affected by the irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM +110 N/ha; T5=4.76 tons CRS +110 N/ha; T6=and recommended dose of Nitrogen, 165 kg N/ha W1=Continuous flooding; W2=continuous saturation; W3=irrigation every 6 days; W4=irrigation every 9 days; W5=irrigation every 12 days; *=significant **=highly significant a, b and c are the letter are significant or not significant by different according to DMRT.

Irrigation interval (A) 2017 Season
Chlorophyll content (SPAD) Number of tillers/m2 Number of panicles/m2 Panicle weight Number of filled grains Straw Grain
  (g) (t/ha) (t/ha)
W1 48.30a 507.55a 483.10a 3.55a 112.22a 10.01a 8.17a
W2 46.39ab 502.93b 476.30b 3.46b 109.15b 9.63b 7.83ab
W3 44.35b 492.55c 466.40c 3.36c 106.72c 9.54b 7.53b
W4 42.83c 473.47d 458.70d 3.25d 103.00d 8.98c 7.05c
W5 36.28d 392.25e 359.80e 2.82e 91.39e 8.19d 5.60d
F Test ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Treatments (B)
T1 33.37d 355.44d 290.10e 2.60e 71.60f 5.70f 4.12e
T2 41.63c 423.80c 403.60d 3.15d 58.20e 7.82e 5.29d
T3 41.91c 449.62c 443.20c 3.21d 101.33d 8.86d 6.46c
T4 46.20b 489.00b 484.50b 3.28c 112.33c 10.04a 7.78b
T5 48.60a 564.12a 535.50a 3.91a 130.67a 11.85a 10.18a
T6 50.07a 560.53a 536.40a 3.60b 125.84b 11.36b 9.65a
F Test ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Interaction A x B * * * * * * *

Table 4B: Chlorophyll content of flag leaf, number of tillers/m2, number of panicles/m2 and panicle weight (g) of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as affected by the irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2017. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM +110 N/ha; T5=4.76 tons CRS +110 N/ha; T6=and recommended dose of Nitrogen, 165 kg N/ha W1=Continuous flooding; W2=continuous saturation; W3=irrigation every 6 days; W4=irrigation every 9 days; W5=irrigation every 12 days; *=significant **=highly significant a, b and c are the letter are significant or not significant by different according to DMRT.

Data also, indicated that irrigation every 12 days decreased the chlorophyll content of flag leaf. Water stress leads to a reduction in the efficiency of physiological processes, including protein synthesis, photosynthesis which causes inhibition of the activities of many enzymes and leads to early senescence in leaves especially flag leaf. Consequently, decrease grain filling rate, panicle weight, number of filled grains and grain yield. These results agreed with those obtained [16-19]. As for the effect of fertilizer treatments, data in Table 4A and 4B revealed that the application of fertilizers treatments increased all the studied characters as compared with the control. The highest values of the most studied characters were obtained with T5 treatment without any significant difference with the application of T6 during the two growing seasons. It can be observed that the organic fertilizers and the composted rice straw combined with urea performed better than the application of organic fertilizers alone. It might be due to the role of nitrogen for improving the growth of plant, physiological process consequently yields and its component found that the decomposition of organic fertilizers improves the soil fertility and keep the water in the soil more time that increase the availability of nutrients [18]. It is clear from the result, the application of T5 treatment produced higher grain yield without any significant difference with T6 and save about one third of inorganic nitrogen as well as, improving soil fertility.

The interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizers treatments on the chlorophyll content (SPAD) of the flag leaf of sakha 106 rice cultivar is presented in Table 5. The highest values of chlorophyll content were obtained with T5 and T6 fertilizer treatments when combined with W1 and W2 irrigation treatments without any significant differences among them in the two seasons. In contrast, the lowest value in chlorophyll content was observed when T1 was combined with W5. It could be attributed to the inadequate amount of both water and nitrogen fertilizer which led to the decrease in the availability and uptake of nitrogen.

Treatments Irrigation intervals
2016 season 2017 season
Fertilizer W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
T1 38.38m-o 36.77n-p 35.10op 33.17p 26.00q 38.83k-n 37.00l-o 33.33op 32.67p 25.00q
T2 43.40i-l 43.60h-l 42.67i-l 41.50k-m 34.67op 44.83f-i 43.67g-i 42.33h-k 42.33h-k 35.00n-p
T3 45.51f-j 43.9j-l 43.10i-l 41.23k-m 35.50op 46.33e-h 44.33g-i 43.43g-j 39.33j-m 36.00m-p
T4 48.67c-f 47.60d-g 46.47e-i 44.63g-k 38.33m-o 51.00a-d 49.67b-e 47.00d-g 44.67f-i 38.67k-n
T5 52.60ab 51.03a-d 48.93b-f 47.33d-h 40.17l-n 53.67ab 51.00a-d 49.00c-e 48.67c-f 40.67i-l
T6 53.23a 52.40a-c 49.77a-e 49.00b-f 42.27j-l 55.00a 52.67a-d 51.00c-e 49.33c-e 42.33h-k

Table 5: Chlorophyll content of flag leaf (SPAD) of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM +110 N/ha; T5=4.76 tons, CRS +110 N/ha; T6=and recommended dose of nitrogen, 165 kg N/ha W1=Continuous flooding; W2=continuous saturation; W3=irrigation every 6 days; W4=irrigation every 9 days; W5=irrigation every 12 days a, b and c are the letter are significant or not significant by different according to DMRT.

Nitrogen is one of constituent of chlorophyll and improves the activity of synthetase enzyme that increases the biosynthesis of chlorophyll. The decomposition of organic fertilizers gradually makes continuous supply of nitrogen and other nutrients to the plant during all growth stages and consequently increases the chlorophyll content of flag leaf. These results are in harmony the importance of N from the Nfertilizer application, as the main constituent of the chlorophyll and the enzymes that have direct impact on vegetative and reproductive phases of plants [20].

Number of tillers/m2 as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments during the 2016 and 2017 seasons are presented in Table 6. The highest number of tillers/m2 were found when W1, W2 and W3 were combined with T5 and T6 treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons, followed by W4 when combined with the same two fertilizer treatments. While the lowest values were obtained from T1 combined with W5 treatments. The high performance of number of tillers might be due to adequate amounts of water and nutrients uptake especially nitrogen. The absorption of nitrogen always increases the uptake of both phosphorus and potassium that enhance the nods and buds to emerge more tillers as a result to increase in cell division and elongation. These results are in harmony with those obtained who found that the highest values of number of tillers/m2 was achieved by using 165 kg N ha-1 under flooded conditions and continuous saturations without any significant differences with 5 tons ha-1 of composted rice straw +110 kg N ha-1, while using 5 tons composted rice straw ha-1 alone gave the lowest values of number of tillers/m2 in both seasons [18].

Treatments Irrigation intervals
2016 season 2017 season
Fertilizer W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
T1 380.00i-k 381.70i-l 363.30jk 326.00kl 286.70l 383.30ij 390.00h-j 373.30j 337.30jk 293.30k
T2 476.70c-f 450.00d-i 4.33.30e-j 395.00h-k 326.00m 466.00d-g 458.30d-h 445.00e-i 402.00g-j 347.70jk
T3 471.70c-g 466.70d-h 450.00d-i 416.30f-j 370.00jk 479.70d-f 476.70d-f 460.00d-h 448.00d-i 383.70ij
T4 509.70b-d 506.70b-d 503.30b-e 475.00c-f 400.00g-j 520.70b-d 514.30c-e 507.00de 494.70de 408.30f-j
T5 585.00a 574.55ab 560.30ab 556.33ab 425.00f-j 600.30a 590.00ab 585.00ab 580.00a-c 465.32d-g
T6 575.00ab 573.00ab 560.30ab 540.80ab 425.70f-h 595.30a 588.30ab 585.00ab 578.83a-c 455.23d-h

Table 6: Number of tillers/m2 of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice

Regarding to number of panicles/m2, panicle weight (g) and number of filled grain as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments are presented in Tables 7-9. Data indicated that the greatest values of the number of panicles/m2, panicle weight (g) and filled grain/panicle were obtained when T5 and T6 combined with most of the irrigation treatments except W5. On the other hand, the lowest number of panicles/m2, panicle weight (g) and filed grain/panicle were found when T1 was combined with W5 treatment.

Treatments Irrigation intervals
2016 season 2017 season
Fertilizer W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
T1 314.30o 309.70o 299.30o 294.70o 224.70p 319.30jk 308.30k 297.70k 290.70k 234.30l
T2 422.70l 425.00k-m 405.00m 395.00m 323.30o 428.0fg 430.00fg 414.00gh 401.70g-i 344.30j
T3 460.00h-j 453.30i-k 440.00j-l 414.0lm 363.30n 467.00de 467.30de 454.70ef 448.00ef 379.00i
T4 507.30de 500.70ef 494.70j-l 475.00f-i 400.00m 513.00c 506.00c 500.30c 494.70cd 408.30ghi
T5 580.00a 571.70ab 562.50abc 553.40a-c 488.00e-h 587.70a 576.00ab 566.00ab 562.00ab 385.70hi
T6 570.70ab 568.30ab 546.50bc 535.00cd 465.00g-j 583.30ab 570.30ab 566.00ab 555.00b 407.30g-i

Table 7: Number of panicles /m2 of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM +110 N/ha; T5=4.76 tons CRS +110 N/ha; T6 =and recommended dose of nitrogen, 165 kg N/ha W1=Continuous flooding; W2=continuous saturation; W3=irrigation every 6 days; W4=irrigation every 9 days W5=irrigation every 12 days. a, b and c are the letter are significant or not significant by different according to DMRT.

Treatments Irrigation intervals
2016 season 2017 season
Fertilizer W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
T1 2.50j 2.40k-m 2.26lm 2.16m 2.76h-k 2.86j-l 2.73kl 2.65l 2.58l 2.18m
T2 3.20b-g 3.13c-h 3.00e-i 2.86g-j 2.40k-m 3.43e-h 3.36f-g 3.23g-j 3.08h-k 2.63l
T3 3.33a-e 3.36a-e 3.16c-h 3.03d-i 2.56j-m 3.40e-h 3.36f-g 3.30f-i 3.21g-j 2.78kl
T4 3.45a-d 3.53a-c 3.36a-e 3.06d-h 2.63i-l 3.60c-g 3.46f-g 3.30f-i 3.13h-k 2.93i-l
T5 3.73a 3.56a-c 3.40a-e 3.30a-f 2.90f-j 4.20a 4.08ab 4.00a-c 3.91a-c 3.36f-h
T6 3.63ab 3.63ab 3.53abc 3.30a-f 2.76h-k 3.85a-d 3.78b-e 3.68e-f 3.61c-g 3.06h-k

Table 8: panicle weight (g) of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments In 2016 and 2017 seasons. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM+110 N/ha; T5=4.76 tons CRS+110 N/ha; T6=a and recommended dose of nitrogen, 165 kg N/ha W1=Continuous flooding; W2=continuous saturation; W3=irrigation every 6 days; W4=irrigation every 9 days; W5=irrigation every 12 days. a, b and c are the letter are signficant or not significant by different according to DMRT.

Treatments Irrigation intervals
2016 season 2017 season
Fertilizer W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
T1 76.00no 74.67op 71.67op 69.33p 61.00q 76.00nl 73.67l 73.00l 71.33l 64.00m
T2 88.00l 86.67l 85.00lm 80.33mn 74.00op 92.00i 89.33ij 86.67i-k 82.00k 76.00l
T3 107.33gh 104.33hi 101.33ij 97.33jk 83.00lm 109.00fg 106.33f-h 103.67gh 102.00h 85.67jk
T4 123.00cd 112.80fg 116.00ef 107.67gh 87.67l 125.67cd 121.67de 117.67e 106.00f-h 90.67
T5 134.32a 132.00ab 128.33bc 126.66bc 98.33jk 136.67a 133.67ab 130.67bc 130.00bc 122.33de
T6 131.33ab 130.67ab 128.00bc 120.00de 93.33k 134.00ab 130.22bc 128.67bc 126.66cd 109.66f

Table 9: Number of filled grains of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatment in 2016 and 2017 seasons. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM+110 N/ha; T5=4.76 CRS+110 N/ha; T6=and Recommended dose of nitrogen, 165 kg N/ha W1=Continuous flooding; W2=continuous saturation; W3=irrigation every 6 days; W4=irrigation every 9 days; W5=irrigation every 12 days. a, b and c are the letter are significant or not significant by different according to DMRT.

The increases in number of panicles/m2, panicle weight (g) and filled grains/panicle could be attributed to the presence of required amount of water with adequate amount of nitrogen whether added to the soil inorganic (urea) or combined with organic fertilizers (farmyard manure or composted rice straw) that cause an increase in nutrients availability and uptake, which led to improve the viability of leaves and late its senescence resulted in increase in photosynthesis and its products (assimilates). These assimilates translocate from source to the sink of plant, consequently increase the filling and percentage. These results are in harmony with those obtained [21].

It can be easily observed that the application of T5 and T6 caused a relief of the harmful of water stress and improved the crop growth. These results are in harmony with those obtained by who found that the application of 5 tons ha-1 of rice straw +110 kg N ha-1 recorded the maximum value of number of panicles/m2, panicle weight (g) and filled grains/panicle and mitigation the hazard effect of water stress [22].

Straw yield (t/ha) as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments are presented in Table 10. Data demonstrated that the highest straw yield was found when T5 and T6 combined with most of irrigation treatments. The highest straw biomass might be due to the presence of adequate amount of both nitrogen fertilizer and water which led to increase the availability of NH4+and its uptake. The increase in N absorption always increase the absorption of both phosphors and potassium, which increase both of number of tillers and leaves that significantly increase in straw yield. The tested fertilizer treatments with W5 reduced the hazard effect of water stress and increased straw yield and reach to the maximum value when each of T5 and T6 was combined with W4. These results agreed with those reported by who found that there are significant differences among fertilizer treatments on straw yield [23]. Data in Table 11 revealed that rice grain yield was significantly affected by the interaction between irrigation and fertilizer treatments in both seasons. The maximum grain yield was obtained when T5 and T6 fertilizer treatments were integrated with the first four irrigation treatments (W1, W2, W3 and W4) without any significant differences among them. This means that the application of both organic and inorganic fertilizers either individual or combination minimized the hazard effect of water stress up to irrigation every 12 days.

Treatments Irrigation intervals
2016 season 2017 season
Fertilizer W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
T1 6.50lm 6.06mn 5.76mo 5.30no 5.10o 6.60lm 5.86mn 5.60mn 5.33n 5.13n
T2 7.76jk 7.90i-k 8.26ij 7.26kl 7.06kl 8.10i-k 7.96i-k 8.43h-j 7.43j-l 7.16kl
T3 9.46f-h 8.80h-l 8.70h-l 8.16ij 8.36ij 9.60fg 8.96g-i 8.96g-i 8.36h-j 8.43h-j
T4 10.80c-e 10.50de 10.13d-f 9.26gh 8.72hi 10.90c-e 10.83c-e 10.40d-f 9.36f-h 8.70g-i
T5 12.26a 12.16a 12.00a 11.83a 10.42de 12.60a 12.36ab 12.16ab 12.03ab 10.10ef
T6 11.87a 11.66ab 11.42a-c 10.93b-d 9.96e-g 12.30ab 12.80a-c 11.70a-c 11.40b-d 9.63fg

Table 10: straw yield (t/ha) of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 Seasons. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM +110 N/ha; T5=4.76 tons CRS +110 N/ha; T6=and recommended dose of 165 kg N/ha, W1=Continuous

Treatments Irrigation intervals
2016 season
Fertilizer W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
T1 4.76k-m 4.66lm 4.10l-n 4.30l-n 2.50n
T2 5.90h-l 5.86h-l 5.50i-l 5.16j-m 3.36mn
T3 7.16e-j 6.83e-k 6.76f-k 6.03h-l 4.43l-n
T4 8.53b-f 8.20c-g 7.70d-h 7.56d-i 6.13g-i
T5 10.59a 10.76a 10.26ab 9.86a-d 7.66d-h
T6 10.33ab 10.20a-c 9.96abc 9.35bcd 7.30e-i
2017 season
T1 4.83k-n 4.80l-n 4.43l-o 3.86m-o 2.66o
T2 6.06h-l 5.76h-m 5.73i-m 5.33j-n 3.56no
T3 7.26e-j 7.03e-j 6.90f-k 6.43j-l 4.70l-n
T4 8.60c-f 8.46c-g 7.86d-h 7.73e-i 6.26h-l
T5 11.36a 10.86ab 10.26abc 9.88a-d 8.56c-f
T6 10.90ab 10.43a-c 10.03a-c 9.40bcd 7.86d-h

Table 11: Grain yield (t/ha) of Sakha 106 rice cultivar as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM +110 N/ha; T5=4.76 tons CRS +110 N/ha; T6 and recommended dose of nitrogen, 165 kg N/ha W1=Continuous flooding; W2=continuous saturation; W3=irrigation every 6 days; W4=irrigation every 9 days; W5=irrigation every 12 days. a, b and c are the letter are significant or not significant by different according to DMRT.

The increase in grain yield might be due to the presence of the required amount of both water and nitrogen fertilizer especially under W1 and W2 treatments. The gradual decomposition of compost rice straw released nitrogen and other nutrients which make continuous supply to the plant at different stages of growth. Moreover, the organic fertilizers kept water in the soil longer as shown in W3 and W4 irrigation treatments [18]. These results are similar to those obtained by who found that irrigation intervals under fertilizer treatments had a highly significant effect on grain yield. He found that under continuous flooding, using 165 kg N ha-1 produced the highest grain yield without any significant differences with using 5 tons composted rice straw ha-1 +110 kg N ha under irrigation every 9 and 12 days. It could be concluded that using 4.76 tons CRS+110 kg N/ha (T5) combined with irrigation every 9 days (W4) is the best treatment because it well be saved about one third of inorganic fertilizer (urea) as well as, reasonable amount of irrigation water.

Water relations

Grain yield (t/ha), total water input (m3/ha), water saved (%) and water use efficiency (kg/m3) as affected by irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons are shown in Table 12. Data indicated that the highest grain yield was found under continuous flooding (W1) followed by W2 with all fertilizer treatments in both seasons. In the same time the total water input was so high and reach 15425.90 and 15632.00 m3/ha under W1 followed by 12560.36 and 12650.55 m3/ha under W2 in both seasons, respectively. The water use efficiency (WUE) was very low (0.51 and 0.52 kg/m3) and (0.62 and 0.63) with the same irrigation treatments in both seasons respectively.

Treatments Grain yield (t/ha) Yield reduction % Total water input m3/ha Water saved % water use efficiency (WUE) kg/m3 Grain yield (t/ha) Yield reduction % Total water input m3/ha in Water saved % water use efficiency (WUE) kg/m3
2016 season 2017 season
W1T1 4.76 - 16200.5 - 0.29 4.83 - 16500 - 0.29
W1T2 5.9 - 15700.5 3.08 0.37 6.06 - 15850.9 3.39 0.38
W1T3 7.16 - 15402.9 4.92 0.46 7.26 - 15650 5.15 0.46
W1T4 8.53 - 15150.5 6.48 0.56 8.6 - 15300.6 7.27 0.56
W1T5 10.96 - 14800.8 8.63 0.74 11.36 - 14950.5 9.39 0.75
W1T6 10.33 - 15300.2 5.55 0.67 10.9 - 15540 5.81 0.7
Mean 7.94 - 15425.9 5.73 0.51 8.16 - 15632 6.2 0.52
W2T1 4.66 2.1 14200.2 12.3 0.33 4.8 0.62 14400.9 12.72 0.33
W2T2 5.86 0.67 12750.6 18.78 0.46 5.76 4.95 12700.5 19.87 0.45
W2T3 6.83 4.6 12233.5 20.57 0.56 7.03 3.16 12450.5 20.44 0.56
W2T4 8.2 3.86 12050.9 20.45 0.68 8.46 1.62 12120.6 20.8 0.69
W2T5 10.76 1.82 11676.5 21.1 0.92 10.86 4.4 11730.3 21.53 0.92
W2T6 10.2 1.25 12450.5 18.62 0.82 10.43 4.3 12500.5 19.55 0.83
Mean 7.75 2.38 12560.36 18.63 0.62 7.89 3.71 12650.55 19.15 0.63
W3T1 4.1 13.85 13550.6 16.35 0.3 4.43 7.71 13620.6 17.45 0.32
W3T2 5.5 6.77 12500.5 20.38 0.44 5.73 5.4 12630.5 20.31 0.45
W3T3 6.76 5.58 12000.7 22.08 0.57 6.9 4.95 12400.5 20.76 0.55
W3T4 7.7 9.7 11850.6 21.78 0.65 7.86 8.6 12050.9 21.23 0.65
W3T5 10.26 6.38 11300.3 23.65 0.9 10.26 9.68 11250.4 24.74 0.91
W3T6 9.96 4 12330.4 19.41 0.81 10.03 8.53 12500.5 19.55 0.8
Mean 7.38 7.71 12255.51 20.6 0.61 7.53 7.47 12408.9 20.67 0.61
W4T1 4.3 9.66 13100.7 19.13 0.32 3.86 20.08 13350.5 19.1 0.28
W4T2 5.16 12.54 12150.5 22.61 0.42 5.33 12.05 12450.5 21.45 0.42
W4T3 6.03 15.78 11700.6 24.03 0.52 6.43 11.43 11800.9 24.6 0.54
W4T4 7.56 11.37 11200.5 26.07 0.67 7.73 10.11 11505.6 24.8 0.67
W4T5 9.8 10.03 10300.6 30.4 0.95 9.88 13.02 10430.3 30.23 0.94
W4T6 8.9 13.85 11600.5 24.2 0.77 9.06 16.88 11750.5 24.38 0.77
Mean 6.95 12.2 11675.53 24.4 0.6 7.04 13.92 11881.38 24.09 0.6
W5T1 2.5 47.5 11850.8 26.84 0.21 2.66 44.92 11900.9 27.87 0.22
W5T2 3.36 43.05 10800.9 31.2 0.31 3.56 41.25 11000.5 30.6 0.32
W5T3 4.43 38.12 10500.5 31.82 0.42 4.7 35.26 10750.6 31.3 0.43
W5T4 6.13 27.74 10200.3 32.67 0.6 6.26 27.2 10350 32.35 0.6
W5T5 7.66 30.1 9800.9 33.78 0.78 8.56 24.64 9700.5 35.11 0.88
W5T6 7.3 29.5 10100.5 34 0.72 7.86 27.88 10250.6 34.04 0.76
Mean 5.23 36 10542.31 31.71 0.5 5.6 33.52 10658.85 31.87 0.53

Table 12: Grain yield (t/ha), grain yield reduction %, total water input (m3/ha), water saved (%) and water use efficiency as affected by irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons. T1=control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM)/ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM +110 N/ha; T5=4.7 tons CRS +110 N/ha; T6=and recommended dose of nitrogen, 165 kg N/h W1=Continuous flooding; W2=continuous saturation; W3=Irrigation every 6 days; W4=irrigation 9 days; W5=irrigation every 12 days.

The fertilizer 4.76 tons CRS +110 N/ha (T5) with irrigation treatments W3 or W4 gave the highest values of grain yield without any significant differences with W1T5 and saved water about (23.64 and 24.76%) and (30.40 and 30.23%) for both season respectively. The same treatments (W3T5 and W4T5) recorded the highest value of WUE (0.90 and 0.91) and ((0.95 and 0.94 kg/m3) and lowest yield reduction (6.38 and 9.68%) and (10.03 and 13.02%) in 2016 and 2017 seasons respectively. These results are harmony with those obtained with [19, 24] who reported that the alternating wet and dry irrigation increasing water use efficiency. Data in the same table also, indicated that irrigation every 12 days caused strongly decreased grain yield and WUE under all fertilizer treatments in both seasons (Table 12).

Form these results and previous studies we can observed that there are different irrigation regimes for reduction of entering water to rice field, and increase WUE, such as soil saturation, and, alternating wet and dry irrigation (irrigation every 6 and 9 days) instead of a layer with deep 3-5 cm water. Also using mixed between organic and inorganic fertilizer with irrigation interval (9 days) significantly improves grain yield and WUE.

Nutrients availability in the soil

Concentration of NH4+ available (ppm): The availability of ammonium (NH4+) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by irrigation and fertilizer treatments are presented in Table 13. Data clarified that the highest available concentration of NH4+ were recorded with W1 and W2 during all period of rice plant (30, 60 and 90 DAT) followed by W3 compared with W4 and W5 in 2016 and 2017 seasons. It could attribute to the fact that the presence of adequate amount of the water in the soil enhances nutrients availability and improved nutrients uptake by plants.

Irrigation interval (A) 30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
W1 55.97a 56.20a 46.83a 47.40a 28.07a 28.90a
W2 53.23ab 54.20ab 45.06a 46.50a 26.41ab 27.80a
W3 50.18b 50.69b 42.53b 41.53b 23.85b 24.82b
W4 44.40c 45.07c 38.75c 38.95b 20.35c 20.78c
W5 38.05d 38.85d 33.93d 34.72c 13.91d 13.75d
F Test ** ** ** ** ** **
Treatments (B)
T1 35.60d 36.80d 30.96d 30.65c 16.80d 16.58c
T2 46.32c 48.00c 38.80c 40.04b 19.98cd 21.74b
T3 49.20bc 49.59bc 41.53b 43.10ab 22.02bc 22.98b
T4 50.93b 50.04bc 44.46a 44.52ab 23.28a-c 23.84ab
T5 55.47a 56.76a 47.07a 47.57a 27.56a 28.82a
T6 52.68a 53.20b 45.76a 45.06ab 25.49ab 25.84ab
F Test ** ** ** ** ** **
Interaction A x B * * * * * *

Table 13: Availability of NH4+ concentration (ppm) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons. T1=l control (without any fertilizer applications); T2=4.76 tons farm yard manure (FYM) /ha T3=4.76 tons composted rice straw (CRS)/ha; T4=4.76 tons FYM+110 N/ha; T5=4.7 tons CRS+110 N/ha; T6=and recommended dose of nitrogen, 165 kg N/ha W1= Continuous flooding; W2=continuous saturation; W3=irrigation every 6 days; W4=irrigation 9 days; W5=irrigation every 12 days. a, b and c are the letter are significant or not significant by different according to DMRT.

Data also, revealed that the available concentration of NH4+ was higher at 30 DAT and 60 DAT, compared with availability of NH4+ at 90 DAT during the two seasons. The highest value of NH4+ available was observed at 30 DAT with W1 and W2 without any significant differences between them followed by W3. The same trend of NH4+ availability was found at 60 and 90 DAT. The increase in NH4+ availability under the first three irrigation treatments (W1, W2 and W3). It could be attributed to the adequate amount of water in the soil increase the availability of NH4+ and improved NH4+ absorption by plants because at the 30 DAT the rice canopy of plant still small, while at 60 DAT the rice canopy of plant reach the maximum growth consequently, the absorption of NH4+ by plant dramatically increased so, the amount of NH4+ in the soil solution tended to decrease. It can be easily notice that when the water cut off before harvesting the soil conditions transferred from anaerobic to aerobic that cause a conversion of NH4+ into NO3-. These findings are in harmony with those reported by [25,26]. The T5 and T6 recorded the highest value of available NH4+ followed by T4 in both seasons. This might be due to that incorporation of CRS or FYM with urea in the soil reduced the N losses beside stimulated both heterotrophic and phototrophic N fixation in flooded soil [27]. The lower N immobilization after incorporating composted in anaerobic system compared with aerobic system which increases inorganic N and also microbial N was replenished by N contained in root exudates and decomposing root debris [28].

The concentrations of NH4+ available (ppm) at 30, 60 and 90 DAT as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments are illustrated in Figure 1. Data indicated that the application of fertilizer treatments (organic or inorganic form) under all irrigation treatments increased the available concentrations of NH4+ compared with the control. The greatest value of concentrations of NH4+ available was observed when both T5 and T6 combined with either W1 or W2 at the period of 30 DAT which reached to about 60 to 70 ppm, while the lowest value was obtained when T1 was combined with W5 treatment. It could be attributed under non-flooded conditions, rapid nitrification of the added fertilizer led to a rapid decrease in NH4+ and a simultaneous increase in NO3- concentrations within the first 30 days [29]. Also, under flooded conditions,NH4+ was the principal inorganic N form, as all NO3- originally present in the soils was rapidly lost, with time, NH4+ concentrations tended to decrease under non-flooding conditions and increase in the presence straw under flooding conditions.

Concentration of NO3- available (ppm): The availability of nitrate (NO3-) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments are presented in Table 14. Data showed that the highest available concentration of NO3- was found with W5 followed by W4 at 30, 60 and 90 days from transplanting. This is mainly due to prolonging irrigation intervals up to 12 days which increased the aerobic conditions and higher amount of oxygen that lead to more nitrification producing plenty of NO3- beside its effect on increasing nitrate-N immobilization, also the reduction of NO3- to NH4+ by microorganism [28]. Under aerobic conditions, a large part of immobilized N was released to the exchangeable and soluble phase within the first 10 days of incubation and rapidly converted into nitrate [30-32]. The largest concentration of NO3- available in soil was obtained at 30 DAT then decreased to the minimum at 60 DAT, followed with a slight increase at 90 DAT. This is due to the improving the aeration in the soil layers at 90 DAT and therefore nitrification process take place. These results are in agreed with those obtained [26,33]. It is clear from the data that utilization of T5 and T6 gave the maximum NO3- concentration without any significant differences with T3 and T4 treatments compared to the other treatments. These results agreed with the findings [21].

Irrigation interval (A) 30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
W1 17.04d 17.00e 14.94d 14.62e 15.37d 15.38e
W2 21.43c 21.70d 19.70c 20.08d 20.31c 20.20d
W3 25.03bc 25.17c 22.52b 23.07c 23.05bc 23.50c
W4 27.24ab 28.30b 24.27b 25.53b 24.91b 26.35b
W5 31.09a 31.19a 27.48a 27.97a 28.30a 28.95a
F Test ** ** ** ** ** **
Treatments (B)
T1 18.08c 18.54c 17.20c 17.12c 17.54d 17.34c
T2 21.63bc 21.91bc 19.18bc 19.52bc 19.88cd 19.92bc
T3 24.12a-c 24.86ab 21.15a-c 21.60a-c 21.72b-d 22.34ab
T4 25.66ab 25.94ab 23.28a-c 23.60ab 23.80a-c 24.40ab
T5 28.52a 29.44a 25.70a 26.10a 26.68a 26.80a
T6 27.48ab 28.00a 24.18ab 25.58a 24.66ab 26.46
F Test * * * * * *

Table 14: Availability of NO3- concentration (ppm) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons.

Significant interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments were observed for available concentration of NO3- (ppm) during 2016 and 2017 seasons is illustrated in Figure 2. Results showed that the application of nitrogen fertilizers whether organic or inorganic increased concentration available of NO3- under all irrigation treatments compared with the control. The highest concentration available of NO3- were observed with T5 and T6 under W5 followed by the same fertilizer treatments under W4 in both seasons. Similar results were obtained by who found that application of composted rice straw and cellulose enhances nitrate immobilization under anaerobic conditions [34].


Figure 2: (A, B, C, D, E, F, J, H, I and g): Concentrations of NH4+ available (ppm) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons.

Concentration of P available (ppm): Concentration of P available (ppm) as affected by the irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons are presented in Table 15. Generally, the available concentration of P was highest under continuous flooding than the other irrigation treatments in both seasons under study. The increase in phosphorus due to flooding conditions is attributed mainly to the reduction of iron, manganese and aluminum since their solubility increased with flooding and changing the soil condition from oxidation (before flooding) to reduction conditions (after flooding) [35]. The desorption of P held by Fe3+ oxides and release of occluded P [8]. Data in the same table revealed that the application of any fertilizer treatments whether, organic or inorganic fertilizers increased phosphorus availability compared with the control. The highest phosphorus availability was observed with (T5) followed by T4. It could be attributed to the decomposition of compost and farm yard manure as organic fertilizers which release N, P, K and other nutrients. Data also, indicated that the P availability increased up to 30 DAT then decreased afterward (Figures 3 and 4). It could be attributed to fewer uptakes by plant because of the small growth at 30 DAT. The concentration of P available in the soil sharply decreased up to 90 DAT. This mainly due to the absorption of plant beside subsequent precipitation and desorption by soil minerals, also before harvesting

Irrigation interval (A) 30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
W1 57.65a 59.07a 48.15a 48.52a 33.60a 34.15a
W2 50.93b 51.98b 38.15b 39.18b 29.57b 29.52b
W3 41.15c 41.23c 30.75c 32.15c 26.25c 26.47c
W4 22.15d 23.05d 17.22d 18.85d 15.90d 16.70d
W5 16.57e 17.33e 16.88e 17.88e 13.58e 14.80e
F Test ** ** ** ** ** **
Treatments (B)
T1 30.36f 29.52f 24.12f 22.34f 16.74f 17.74e
T2 33.80e 35.03e 25.44e 27.32e 20.30e 20.00d
T3 37.66d 38.24d 27.88d 30.20d 23.10d 23.54c
T4 41.08b 42.22b 32.74c 36.04b 26.38b 26.64b
T5 43.60a 44.56a 36.56a 37.90a 29.96a 31.40a
T6 39.64c 41.36c 34.64b 34.10c 26.20c 26.64b
F Test * * * * * *

Table 15: Available of phosphorus (P) concentration (ppm) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons. Control (T1), 2 tons FYM (T2), 2 tons CRS (T3), 2 tons FYM+110 N/ha (T4), 2 tons CRS+110 N/ha (T5), recommended dose of N (T6), Continuous flooding=(W1), continuous saturation=(W2), irrigation every 6 days=(W3), irrigation every 9 days=(W4) and irrigation every 12 days=(W5). a, b and c are the letter are significant or not significant by different according to DMRT.


Figure 3: (A, B, C, D, E, F, J, H, I and g): Available NO3 concentrations (ppm) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by the interaction between fertilizer treatments and irrigation intervals in 2016 and 2017 seasons.


Figure 4: (A, B, C, D, E, F, J, H, I and g): Available P concentrations (ppm) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons.

Concentration of P available (ppm) in the soil as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons is illustrated in Figure 3. The greatest concentration of P available recorded when T5, T6 and T4 were integrated with either W1 or W2 at 30 DAT, while the lowest value of P available was found when T1 combined with W5 in both seasons. These findings are in harmony with those obtained who found that rice straw incorporated and FYM with higher doses of fertilizer N increased the available P [37].

Concentration of K available (ppm): The effect of irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments on K availability in the soil in both seasons is presented in Table 16. Data showed that the highest availability of K was found with W2 followed by W1 at 30, 60 and 90 DTA. Data also, indicated that the availability of K increased up to 30 DAT then decrease to the minimum at 60 DAT, followed by a slight increase at 90 DAT. The increasing in availability of K at the period of 30 DAT could be attributed to decrease in K absorption due to small growth in the canopy of tested rice cultivar, but with the increase the plant canopy the concentration of K gradually decreased. A slight increase in K availability at 90 DAT may be due to at this age the cut off water before harvesting transfer the soil from anaerobic to aerobic conditions moreover, alternate wet and dry under irrigation intervals (W3, W4 and W5). It is clear that all treatments under continuous saturation gave the largest amounts of K availability compared to the treatments under continuous flooding. This mainly due to the effects of leaching on K losses [21,38]. Data also, indicated that all fertilizer treatments increased the availability of K compared with the control at the three periods 30, 60 and 90 DAT. The maximum mean value of K availability was recorded with T5 followed by T4 compared with the other fertilizer treatments in both seasons (Figure 5).

Irrigation intervals (A) 30 DAT 60 DAT 90 DAT
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
W1 476.30b 488.07b 440.28b 459.50b 444.60b 452.68b
W2 495.38a 501.65a 470.79a 466.52a 493.80a 472.30a
W3 470.88c 464.78c 430.05c 433.67c 434.10bc 437.67c
W4 435.02d 439.83d 405.55d 411.55d 412.00cd 416.30d
W5 407.40e 414.20e 378.36e 385.02e 390.00d 391.03e
F Test ** ** ** ** ** **
Treatments (B)
T1 377.34f 385.50f 351.68f 353.94f 353.50e 359.52f
T2 403.96e 404.56e 378.76e 382.48e 384.30d 386.42e
T3 485.16c 490.24c 443.50c 444.90c 450.60c 452.88c
T4 505.46b 511.38b 471.26b 477.60b 478.20b 483.14b
T5 538.42a 539.38a 502.03a 507.08a 509.40a 512.84a
T6 431.80d 439.18d 402.82d 421.50d 433.40c 409.18d
F Test * * * * * *

Table 16: Available of potassium (K) concentration (ppm) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons. Control (T1), 2 tons FYM (T2), 2 tons CRS (T3), 2 tons FYM+46 N/ha (T4) and 2 tons CRS+46 N/ha (T5) and recommended (T6), Continuous flooding=(W1), continuous saturation= (W2), irrigation every 6 days=(W3), irrigation every 9 days=(W4) and irrigation every 12 days=(W5). a, b and c are the letter are significant or not significant by different according to DMRT.


Figure 5: (A, B, C, D, E, F, J, H, I and g): Available K concentrations (ppm) in the soil at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT) as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments in 2016 and 2017 seasons.

Potassium availability (K) as affected by the interaction between irrigation intervals and fertilizer treatments at different period of tested cultivar (30, 60 and 90 DAT) in both seasons is presented in Figure 4. Data demonstrated that the combination between T3, T4 and T5 with all the irrigation treatments gave the highest availability of K at the three periods 30, 60 and 90 (DAT) compared with other fertilizer treatments. This could due to that the soil solution K is higher in composted rice straw treatments. The other reason could be higher increase in the soil solution Fe2+ and Mn2+ caused by organic fertilizers which release K from exchange complexes [36].


Soil saturation and alternating wet and dry irrigation (irrigation every 6 and 9 days) are very important for water saving strategy. In this study the fertilizer 4.76 tons CRS+110 N/ha (T5) treatment with irrigation every 6 days or 9 (W3 or W4) gave the highest values of grain yield without any significant differences with continues flooded (W1T5) and saved water about (23.64 and 24.76%) and (30.40 and 30.23%) for both season respectively. The same treatments (W3T5 and W4T5) also recorded the highest value of WUE (0.90 and 0.91) and ((0.95 and 0.94 kg/m3) and lowest with yield reduction (6.38 and 9.68%) and (10.03 and 13.02%) in 2016 and 2017 seasons respectively. Also this study concluded that using mixed between organic and inorganic fertilizers with irrigation interval (9 days) significantly improve grain yield and WUE. The highest amounts of nutrients (NH4+ and P) availability were found under W1 followed by under W2, W3 and W4 especially with T5 fertilizer treatments. Whereas, the maximum values of NO3- availability was found under W5 followed by W4.


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