Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy

Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2157-7595

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Editorials - (2021)Volume 11, Issue 4

Efficacy of Meditation on Positive Thinking Accenting Negative Thoughts

Navyasree Nuthalapati

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Positive thinking sounds helpful on the surface. (Most folks would like to be positive instead of negative.) But, “positive thinking” is additionally a soft and downy term that's simple to dismiss. within the planet, it seldom carries an equivalent weight as words like “work ethic” or “persistence.”


“Positive scientific discipline,” may be a recent technique that is being utilized in psychological treatment protocols, in a trial to raised understanding concerning happiness, which means of life, character strengths, and the way of these is developed and increased in life to possess a higher quality of life. Positive emotions promote discovery of novel and artistic actions, ideas and social bonds, that successively, build associate individual’s personal resources; starting from physical and intellectual resources, to social and psychological resources. Positive emotions play an important role in enhancing resources and brick within the face of negative events . Subjective well-being and satisfaction with life square measure necessary domains of life . transient coaching on attentiveness meditation or corporal relaxation reduces distress and improves positive mood states. Meditation is associate old self-regulatory strategy that's gaining a lot of interest in psychological state counsel and psychological medicine, because it will scale back arousal states and anxiety conditions. Meditation is taken into account as a sort of mind-body practice of medicine. It will provides a sense of calmness, peace and balance that edges each emotional well-being and overall health. disbursal even many minutes in meditation will restore mental calmness and inner peace.

Harmful Effects of Negativity.

A 2013 study conducted by researchers at the University of Western Australia compared 2 varieties of repetitive negative thinking, worry and ruminating, in participants with anxiety and/or depression process that moves back and forth between nature and culture.” Considering the existential facets of this illness (emotional, sociopolitical, and psychological) will put the psychiatrist to thetest in terms of developing long-term recovery strategies that not only alleviate the patient's symptoms but also provide sense to their daily lives. The health and medical professionals are continually using a holistic approach for mind-body well-being in the twenty-first century. The World Health Organization (WHO) described health in 2001 as "a state of full physical, emotional, and social well-being, rather than just the absence ofillness or infirmity." Medical qigong is being carefully watched and it can also improve fitness. There are many common alternative therapies that have been used for the prevention and cure of disease. It has been shown that auto-modulation of the mind-body bond will increase our activity level. Qi is a word used in Chinese culture to describe a kind of essential energy. “The word qigong is commonly used to describe what the Chinese call qi rituals, which nurture the qi by gradual gestures,breathing exercises, and meditative visualisations,” writes Kerr. A population of about 70 million Chinese participates in frequent qigong activities due to its well-known health benefits, and thereare about 70 million qigong practitioners worldwide

Author Info

Navyasree Nuthalapati
1Department of Pharmacy, QIS College of Pharmacy, Andhrapradesh, India, India

Received: 03-May-2021 Accepted: 18-May-2021 Published: 25-May-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2157-7595.11.7.345

Copyright: Nuthalapati N, (2021) Efficacy of Meditation on Positive Thinking Accenting Negative Thoughts. J Yoga Phys Ther.11:345

Sources of funding : © 2021 Nuthalapati N, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
