Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research

Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0983

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Perspective - (2023)Volume 12, Issue 4

Evolution and Classification of Arthropods

Rong Rohde*
*Correspondence: Rong Rohde, Department of Science, Rothera Research Station, Adelaide Island, Antarctica, Email:

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Athropods have evolved over millions of years into a stunning array of forms, with their jointed appendages, exoskeletons, and segmented bodies. Among the most diverse and successful of these organisms are the arthropods, a group that includes insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and myriapods.

Features of arthropods

Arthropods are characterized by several defining features:

Exoskeleton: Arthropods have an external skeleton made of chitin, providing protection and structural support. This exoskeleton also serves as a platform for muscle attachment.

Segmentation: Their bodies are divided into distinct segments, each with a specific function. Segmentation allows for flexibility and specialization.

Jointed appendages: Arthropods have jointed limbs that can be adapted for various purposes, from walking and swimming to grasping and feeding.

Bilateral symmetry: Most arthropods exhibit bilateral symmetry, meaning their bodies can be divided into two equal halves along a central axis.

Well-developed nervous system: Arthropods possess a complex nervous system, often with specialized sense organs like compound eyes and antennae.

Open circulatory system: Their circulatory system is open, with blood (hemolymph) bathing organs and tissues directly.

Respiratory diversity: Arthropods employ various respiratory structures, from tracheal tubes in insects to gills in aquatic species.

Metamorphosis: Many arthropods undergo metamorphosis, transitioning through different life stages.

Classification of arthropods

Arthropods are traditionally divided into four major subphyla, each with its own distinct characteristics and classes.

Trilobitomorpha: Trilobites are the ancient arthropods, now extinct, were characterized by a distinctive three-lobed exoskeleton. Trilobites occupied marine environments and existed for over 270 million years before their extinction.

Chelicerata: Arachnida class includes spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites. Arachnids have two main body segments (cephalothorax and abdomen) and typically have four pairs of legs. They are primarily terrestrial and play crucial roles in ecosystems as predators and decomposers.

Horseshoe crabs: These are only living representatives of class merostomata. They possess a distinctive horseshoe-shaped carapace and a long, pointed tail spine. Horseshoe crabs inhabit coastal areas and are notable for their blue blood, which is used in medical testing.

Pycnogonida: These are also known as sea spiders, these arthropods have long, slender bodies and multiple legs. They are predominantly marine and are often found in cold, deep-sea environments.

Myriapoda: Centipedes belong to chilopoda class. They have elongated bodies with a single pair of legs per segment and are predatory carnivores.

Millipedes: Millipedes characterized by their cylindrical bodies and two pairs of legs per segment, are known for their herbivorous diet and ability to produce defensive chemicals.

Mandibulata: Crustacea is the diverse class encompasses crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and barnacles. Crustaceans are primarily aquatic, with many inhabiting marine environments, although some live in freshwater. They are known for their variable body forms and complex life cycles.

Hexapoda insects dominate this class, making up the largest group of arthropods. Insects are found in virtually every habitat on Earth and play essential roles as pollinators, decomposers, and prey for other species. This class also includes springtails and three-pronged bristletails.

Myriapoda (excluding Chilopoda and Diplopoda) this group includes arthropods like symphylans and pauropods, which are less well-known than centipedes and millipedes. They are typically small and inhabit soil and leaf litter.

Recent research suggests that crustaceans and insects are more closely related than previously believed, and they may form a larger group called pancrustacea. This proposed classification is still a subject of ongoing debate and study within the field of arthropod taxonomy.

Evolutionary relationships

The classification of arthropods is not static; it evolves as scientists uncover new information through genetic studies and comparative anatomy. Molecular phylogenetics, which analyzes genetic data, has shed light on the evolutionary relationships between arthropods. One significant finding is the potential reclassification of some arthropods based on their genetic relatedness rather than traditional morphological characteristics. For example, the proposed grouping of crustaceans and insects into pancrustacea challenges previous classifications. Furthermore, understanding the relationships between extinct and extant arthropods has been greatly enhanced through the study of fossils. Trilobites, with their extensive fossil record, have provided invaluable insights into the early evolution of arthropods and their diversification.


In conclusion, the study of the evolution and classification of arthropods has provided insights into the history and diversity of one of the most successful and abundant groups of organisms on Earth. Through extensive research in paleontology, molecular biology, and comparative anatomy, scientists have pieced together the story of how arthropods have evolved over millions of years, adapting to a wide range of environments.

Author Info

Rong Rohde*
Department of Science, Rothera Research Station, Adelaide Island, Antarctica

Citation: Rohde R (2023) Evolution and Classification of Arthropods. Entomol Ornithol Herpetol.12:322

Received: 01-Aug-2023, Manuscript No. EOHCR-23-26936; Editor assigned: 03-Aug-2023, Pre QC No. EOHCR-23-26936(PQ); Reviewed: 17-Aug-2023, QC No. EOHCR-23-26936; Revised: 24-Aug-2023, Manuscript No. EOHCR-23-26936(R); Published: 01-Sep-2023 , DOI: 10.35248/2161-0983.23.12.322

Copyright: © 2023 Rohde R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
