Bipolar Disorder: Open Access

Bipolar Disorder: Open Access
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Commentary - (2021)Volume 7, Issue 4

Exercise a Key towards Coping with Bipolar Disorder

Sheena Bhosle*
*Correspondence: Sheena Bhosle, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Jodhpur, India, Email:

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Medication and counseling are commonly used to treat bipolar disorder. However, studies show that including exercise in one's treatment regimen can have additional benefits for certain people.

Bipolar Disorder Poses Physical and Mental Challenges

For the most part, exercise has a beneficial impact on one's mood. Endorphins, sometimes known as the brain's "feel-good" hormones, are released when you exercise. Higher levels of endorphins can make you feel better over time. This is why persons with depression are frequently advised to exercise. Exercise can also aid in the reduction of stress. Because of these advantages, it's natural to believe that exercising can help persons with bipolar disorder. According to a review of studies published in 2015, this is sometimes accurate, but not always.

For example, one study in the review discovered that exercise helped some people with bipolar illness with hypomanic symptoms, which are milder than manic symptoms. It also improved people's sleep. Furthermore, the research revealed that some exercises may have a soothing effect on some people. Walking, running, and swimming are examples of these exercises. However, the same study found that exercise may increase manic symptoms in certain persons with bipolar disorder. It has the potential to aggravate both manic and hypomanic episodes by causing a "spiraling" effect.

Similar findings have been seen in other investigations. In a 2013 study, researchers developed a programme for overweight patients with bipolar disease that integrated exercise, nutrition, and wellness training. They said that the treatment had improved their health and weight. Participants' depression symptoms were also lessened, and their general functioning was enhanced. They did warn, however, that their findings suggested that exercise could exacerbate manic symptoms.

Bipolar Disorder's Health Hazards and Exercise

More than only your mood might be affected by bipolar disorder. You're more likely to develop other health problems if you have this illness. Bipolar disorder has been linked to an increased risk of health problems such as obesity, stroke, heart disease, and type-2 diabetes, according to research. Not only are these health issues concerning for your overall health, but they may also exacerbate your bipolar disorder symptoms, according to the research. The increased sedentary behaviour (nonphysical activity) linked with the disease could be one reason for these increased health risks. People with mental illnesses were shown to be more sedentary than people without mental illnesses in a study. People with bipolar disorder were the most sedentary of those with mental illnesses.

Exercise, which is the polar opposite of sedentary behaviour, can lower your risk of developing or aggravating these additional bipolar disorder-related health concerns. It can aid with weight management and lower your risk of stroke, heart disease, and type-2 diabetes.

Exercise and Weight Gain with Bipolar Disorder Drugs

Obesity can be a concern for those with bipolar disorder, as previously stated. Weight gain may be caused by the usage of certain bipolar disorder drugs in certain of these circumstances. The drugs may create metabolic changes that make it difficult for your body to burn calories as efficiently as it formerly did. Alternatively, the medications may just boost your hunger. Antidepressants, antipsychotics, antidepressant-antipsychotic combos, and mood stabilizers are among drugs that might cause weight gain. Talk to your doctor if you notice you're gaining weight after starting any of these medications. If your weight gain is uncontrollable, you may need to try a different medicine. Never stop taking a drug or modify the dosage without first consulting your doctor. In other circumstances, improving your workout routine may assist you in losing weight. Exercising helps you lose weight by burning calories and building muscle.

Author Info

Sheena Bhosle*
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Jodhpur, India

Citation: Bhosle S (2021) Exercise a Key towards Coping with Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disord 7: 155. doi:10.35248/2472-1077.21.7.155

Received: 30-Jun-2021 Accepted: 23-Jul-2021 Published: 30-Jul-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2472-1077.21.7.155

Copyright: © 2021 Bhosle S. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
