Journal of Theoretical & Computational Science

Journal of Theoretical & Computational Science
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-130X

+44 1223 790975

Editorial - (2021)Volume 7, Issue 1

Expansion of Social Network


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Swarm Robotics is the study of designing a group of robots that operate without relying on any external infrastructure or on any form of centralized control. A robotic swarm results in the collective behavior of the robots from local interactions between the robots and between the robots and the environment in which they act. Here multiple robots collectively solve problems by forming advantageous structures and behaviors similar to the ones observed in natural systems like swarms of bees.


Swarm Intelligence; Evolutionary; Social Network


Social Network is a part of life in these days and it taps into the primary needs such as social interactions to maintain a healthy life and mind. But it has been evolved since decades. The most efficient social network sites which have been using today are Facebook and Twitter. Social network is a platform which is used by casual users and business users as well. Communication is made easy through social network. Through these sites one can keep in touch with their long distance friends, family and other business men comfortably from their own homes. The most interesting thing here is these social networking sites are free to use.

Social media is also used to find jobs and offer business proposals. These platforms offer a way for businesses to bring their brand online and spread awareness. There’s also potential for those same companies to engage their customers online and handle customer service issues quickly. There are also options for paid advertisements and companies can utilize targeted options to reach the exact people they are seeking. There is a huge increase in the number of social networking sites these days.

The World Wide Web developed quickly and was soon followed by what’s become known as Web 2.0. This allowed people to easily edit websites and led, firstly, to people being able to create their own blogs and then to join forums and “social networks” such as Friends Reunited, Myspace and Facebook. Development continued with variations on the above, Linkedin for business, Ecademy and Twitter for the status update were three such examples.

In terms of engagement, the big winner is Facebook which reaches a much larger percent of the market whilst also seeing the most use as measured by the number of minutes spent online by their users. An extension of social media is offered by more focused applications such as WhatsApp, Vine and Twitter. Whereas Facebook offers a full suite of services from photo sharing, events planning, messaging and a timeline. With twitter for example, the main reason people use it is to post and see messages in your “timeline”.

Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat are other examples. They all concentrate on one particular aspect of social media, i.e. messaging or photos, and do it really well. This follows a trend in software in general, moving away from one large complex application that tries to do everything to having much larger number of small, focused applications that do a one or two things really well and then connect with other applications (via APIs) to accomplish other tasks. Social media does tend to be considered a more consumer focused technology, at least at the moment. However, an ever-increasing number of companies do use these channels well to promote their services and to form relationships with their customers.

The International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation is a peer reviewed and an open access journal. It provides an international forum for the publication of papers in the areas of interests such as artificial intelligence, robotics, swarm intelligence, bioinformatics, evolutionary genetics, genetic programming, bioinformatics, artificial immune system and evolution of social network and also topics related to computational methods in synthetic biology [1-5].

SIEC publishes research and review type of articles related to the fields of computing and engineering. Our journal also publishes special issues occasionally regarding to engineering and computer science, book reviews, conference reports, conference announcements, letter to the editors, etc.

Our journal is running successfully since 2012 with 9 volumes and 3 issues with the coordination of editorial board members, readers and research scholars. We thank our editorial board members, reviewers and authors for their constant support on behalf of the journal.


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Author Info


Published: 29-Jan-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2376-130X.21.7.e167

Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
