Journal of Glycobiology

Journal of Glycobiology
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-958X

+44 1478 350008

Short Communication - (2021)Volume 10, Issue 5

Functions of Lectins from Legume Plants and Plant Germination

Alfredo Cerella*
*Correspondence: Alfredo Cerella, Department of Biotechnology, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom, Email:

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Lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins that are profoundly specific for sugar groups that are portion of other particles and cause agglutination of specific cells and precipitation of polysaccharides and glycoconjugates. Lectins happen ubiquitously in nature. They may bind to a solvent carbohydrate or to a carbohydrate moiety that's a portion of a glycoprotein or glycolipid. They usually agglutinate certain creature cells and accelerate glycoconjugates. Most lectins don't have enzymatic movement.

Lectins have a part in recognition at the cellular and atomic level and play various parts in organic recognition phenomena including cells, carbohydrates, and proteins [1]. Lectins moreover intervene connection and binding of microbes, infections, and organisms to their expecting targets. Lectins may be impaired by particular mono and oligosaccharides, which bind to ingested lectins from grains, vegetables, nightshade plants, and dairy; official can anticipate their connection to the carbohydrates inside the cell layer.

Lectins have these functions in creatures, The control of glycoprotein synthesis, The control of cell attachment, The binding of dissolvable extracellular and intercellular glycoproteins, The control of blood protein levels. Lectins are known to play vital roles within the innate immune system. Lectins such as the mannose binding lectin, help intervene the first-line defense against attacking microorganisms. Immune lectins play a part in self nonself segregation and they likely balance inflammatory and autoreactive processes [2]. Intelectins tie microbial glycans and may work within the innate immune system as well. Lectins may be involved in design recognition and pathogen end within the intrinsic immunity of vertebrates including fishes [3].

In few plant lectins have been found to recognize noncarbohydrate ligands that are essentially hydrophobic in nature, cytokinin, counting adenine, indole acidic acid, and auxins, as well as water soluble porphyrins [4]. Few hepatitis C viral glycoproteins may join to C-type lectins on the host cell surface to start infection [5].

Purified lectins are imperative in a clinical setting since they are utilized for blood typing. Lectins from vegetable plants, such as PHA or concanavalin A, have been utilized broadly as demonstrate systems to get it the atomic premise of how proteins recognize carbohydrates, since they are generally simple to get and have a wide assortment of sugar specificities. Lectin is the biochemical fighting specialist ricin. The protein ricin is isolated from seeds of the castor oil plant and comprises two protein spaces.

Lectins are widespread in nature, and numerous nourishments contain the proteins. Few lectins can be harmful in case poorly cooked or consumed in great amounts. Cooking raw beans at moo warm, though, such as in a moderate cooker, will not evacuate all the lectins. Lectins are one of numerous poisonous constituents of numerous raw plants, which are inactivated by proper preparing and arrangement. For case, raw kidney beans actually contain harmful levels of lectin. Antagonistic impacts may incorporate dietary deficiencies, and immune responses.

Lectins are omnipresent in nature and lectins are found in numerous nourishments. A few nourishments, such as beans and grains, need to be cooked or fermented to decrease lectin substance. Vegetable seeds have been demonstrated to contain high lectin action, named hemagglutination. Soybean is the foremost imperative grain vegetable crop in this category. Its seeds contain high action of soybean lectins.


  1. Rutishauser URS, Sachs L. Cell-to-Cell Binding Induced by Different Lectins. Int J Cell Biol. 1975; 65: 247–257.
  2. Maverakis E, Kim K, Shimoda M, Gershwin M, Patel F, et al. Glycans in the immune system and The Altered Glycan Theory of Autoimmunity. J Autoimmun. 2015; 57: 1–13.
  3. Arasu A, Kumaresan V, Sathyamoorthi A, Palanisamy R, Nagaram P, et al. Fish lily type lectin-1 contains β-prism architecture: Immunological characterization. Mol Immunol. 2013; 56: 497–506.
  4. Komath SS, Kavitha M, Swamy MJ. Beyond carbohydrate binding: new directions in plant lectin research. Org Biomol Chem. 2006; 4: 973–88.
  5. Bartenschlager R, Sparacio S. Hepatitis C Virus Molecular Clones and Their Replication Capacity in Vivo and in Cell Culture. Virus Res. 2007; 127: 195–207.

Author Info

Alfredo Cerella*
Department of Biotechnology, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

Citation: Cerella A (2021) Functions of Lectins from Legume Plants and Plant Germination. J Glycobiol 10:174

Received: 07-Sep-2021 Accepted: 21-Sep-2021 Published: 28-Sep-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2168-958X.21.10.174

Copyright: © 2021 Cerella A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
