Journal of Tourism & Hospitality

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality
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ISSN: 2167-0269

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Research - (2019)Volume 8, Issue 1

Heritage Tourism in South Tamil Nadu - India

Rehmath Jahan*
*Correspondence: Rehmath Jahan, College of Business Administration for Girls, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia, Tel: 0173295000, Email:

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Heritage tourism involves services to tourists with the occasion to understand, and pleasure from uniqueness of natural and heritage features. Cultural legacy, environment, accessibility and facilities are important features of heritage tourism places. Significant difference is prevailing among demographics of domestic tourists and features of heritage tourism places. Cultural legacy, traditional values, nature and environment and facilities have significant impact on revisit intention of domestic tourists. In order to improve revisit intention of domestic tourists, heritage tourism places should arrange cultural programs and they must give traditional hospitality. Additionally, places should maintain well and they must have recreational activities.


Domestic tourists; Features; Heritage tourism; Revisit intention


Heritage tourism is one of the types of tourism whose aim is to discover historically and culturally important places and it is highly fashionable and admirable tourism activity in the modern times [1]. Heritage tourism is a new and modern phenomenon relating to cultural tourism but its origin is mapped out back to the ancient periods of human existence. Heritage tourism is the travel activity made to investigate and experience the places, activities and artifact that realistically stand for stories and life of people in past and present [2]. Heritage tourism involves actions and services that give tourists with the occasion to understand, feel and get idea and pleasure from uniqueness of natural, native and heritage features [3]. Maintenance of heritage structures is very significant because it provides a sense of identity in a fast-changing world for present and upcoming generations. Heritage buildings basically represent the past history and culture of a nation. ... Therefore, heritage buildings need an important tool to protect them.

The features of heritage tourism destinations are very significant aspects that directly influence tourists to make their visits to those places. Presently, heritage tourism places are competing with each other to promote and popularize through specific features to attract a greater number of tourists [4] and these unique features improves image and value of places. Heritage tourism destinations have different kinds of features varying from natural environment and cultural events to marketing and entertainment activities [5]. The features of heritage tourism destinations and personal experiences of tourist are extremely influencing satisfaction and intention of revisit to those places among tourists [6]. Hence, it is essential to study features of heritage tourism places and revisit intention of domestic tourists in south Tamil Nadu. This paper also focuses the people to know more idea benefits of South Tamil Nadu Heritage Tourism and to promote Tamil Nadu Tourism.

South Tamil Nadu – India

Tamil Nadu in India, a South Indian state, famed for its Dravidian style. In Madurai - Meenakshi Amman Temple a high ‘gopuram’ towers decorated with colorful figures. Pamban – an Island, Ramanathaswamy Temple - a pilgrimage site. The Kanyakumari town, at India’s southernmost tip, a beautiful site for ritual sunrises. The Brihadeeswara temple in Tanjavur ia an exemplary example Dravidan Culture. There are much more small and big places which acts like a full meal menu for heritage tourism and visitors who are visiting Tamil Nadu especially to south Tamil Nadu.

Review of Literature

Molina et al. [7] found that image of tourist destination had significant impact on loyalty of tourists towards destination and tourists with better experiences were likely to revisit in near future. Naidoo et al. [8] revealed that facilities, price, communication, nature, environment, symbols and sign boards were influencing tourists to visit tourist places easily.

Al-Ababneh [9] concluded that accommodation, transport, food and beverage, games and entertainment activities were very important components for tourists to visit tourist places. Vinh [10] showed that ease of access, climate, accommodation, natural sceneries and pleasant and clean environment were key features of heritage tourism places.

Kariru and Aloo [11] indicated that cultural programmes, food, neatness, pleasurable atmosphere, cultural importance, architecture and infrastructural facilities were important aspects of cultural tourism destinations to attract tourists and their revisit intention. Muka and Cinaj [12] found that heritage, recreational, environment and educational experiences were influencing tourists to visit heritage tourism places.

Praveen and Priya [13] concluded that nature, atmosphere, entertainment and fun, warmth of local people, security, cleanliness, transportation, accommodation and shopping area were determining perception of tourists towards heritage tourism destinations. Zeng [14] revealed that positive natural, environment, spiritual and cultural experiences had improved image of cultural tourist destinations among tourists and influence on their revisiting behaviour.

Kalimuththu et al. [15] showed that environment, sign boards, leisure and entertainment activities, quality of services, conservation of environment and information about tourist places were affecting sustainable development of heritage tourism places and it also affected revisits of tourists and their recommendations to others.


The present research is carried out in south Tamil Nadu. Domestic tourists are chosen by using random sampling method and questionnaire is used to gather data from 275 domestic tourists. Percentages are calculated to understand profile of domestic tourists and mean and standard deviation are worked out to know agreement level of domestic tourists on features of heritage tourism places. t-test and ANOVA test are done to scrutinize difference among demographics of domestic tourists and features of heritage tourism places. Multiple regression analysis is used to evaluate impact of features of heritage tourism places on revisit intention of domestic tourists.


Demographics of domestic tourists

The demographics of domestic tourists are given in Table 1. The findings display that 59.64 per cent of domestic tourists are males, while, 40.36 per cent of them are females and 33.45 per cent of domestic tourists are falling under age category of 31 – 35 years, while, 12.73 per cent of them are falling under age category of 41 – 45 years.

Demographics Number of Domestic Tourists Percentage
Male 164 59.64
Female 111 40.36
Age  Category    
21 – 25 Years 41 14.91
26 – 30 Years 61 22.18
31 – 35 Years 92 33.45
36 – 40 Years 46 16.73
41 – 45 Years 35 12.73
Higher Secondary 45 16.37
Diploma 67 24.36
Graduation 89 32.36
Post Graduation 74 26.91
Monthly Income    
Rs.20,001 – Rs.30,000 44 16.00
Rs.30,001 – Rs.40,000 93 33.82
Rs.40,001 – Rs.50,000 105 38.18
Rs.50,001 – Rs.60,000 33 12.00
Marital Status    
Married 205 74.55
Unmarried 70 25.45
Residential Area    
Urban 174 63.27
Rural 101 36.73

Table 1: Demographics of Domestic Tourists.

The findings explain that 32.36 per cent of domestic tourists are holding graduation, while, 16.37 per cent of them are holding higher secondary education and 38.18 per cent of domestic tourists are earning monthly income of Rs. 40,001 – Rs.50,000, while, 12.00 per cent of them are earning monthly income of Rs. 50,001 – Rs. 60,000. The findings clarify that 74.55 per cent of domestic tourists are married, while, 25.45 per cent of them are unmarried and 63.27 per cent of domestic tourists are residing in urban area, while, 36.73 per cent of them are residing in rural area.

Features of heritage tourism places

The insight of domestic tourists on features of heritage tourism places are given as below.

Cultural legacy: The insight of domestic tourists on cultural legacy of heritage tourism places is given in Table 2.

Cultural Legacy Mean Standard Deviation
Heritage tourism places showcase distinctive culture 3.94 0.95
Heritage tourism places exhibit cultural values 3.92 0.97
Heritage tourism places have cultural programmes 3.35 1.02
Heritage tourism places give sense of cultural belongingness 3.88 0.99

Table 2: Cultural legacy.

The domestic tourists are agreed with heritage tourism places showcase distinctive culture, heritage tourism places exhibit cultural values and heritage tourism places give sense of cultural belongingness, while, they are neutral with heritage tourism places have cultural programmes.

Traditional values: Traditional and cultural values for tourism is important for various reasons; it has an optimistic economic and societal impact, it creates and reinforces identity, it aids to build image, it helps to preserve the traditional and historical heritage, by culture as an device it simplifies harmony and understanding amongst the people, it not supports culture but also gives the people a sense of attachment towards their living place.

The insight of domestic tourists on traditional values of heritage tourism places is given in Table 3.

Traditional Values Mean Standard Deviation
Heritage tourism places provide traditional handicrafts 3.82 1.07
Heritage tourism places offer heritage foods 3.85 1.04
Heritage tourism places celebrate traditional festivals 3.74 1.15
Heritage tourism places give traditional hospitality 3.38 1.18

Table 3: Traditional values.

The domestic tourists are agreed with heritage tourism places provide traditional handicrafts, heritage tourism places offer heritage foods and heritage tourism places celebrate traditional festivals, while, they are neutral with heritage tourism places give traditional hospitality.

Nature and environment: Tamilnadu in India previously is renowned for its temple towns and heritage sites, waterfalls, national parks, hill stations, the natural environment, local cuisine and wildlife.

The insight of domestic tourists on nature and environment of heritage tourism places is given in Table 4.

Nature and Environment Mean Standard Deviation
Heritage tourism places have nice looking landscape 3.91 1.04
Heritage tourism places have natural sceneries 3.87 1.03
Heritage tourism places have clean environment 3.33 1.10
Heritage tourism places have pleasant atmosphere 3.81 1.06

Table 4: Nature and environment.

The domestic tourists are agreed with heritage tourism places have nice looking landscape, heritage tourism places have natural sceneries and heritage tourism places have pleasant atmosphere, while, they are neutral with heritage tourism places have clean environment.

Accessibility: The insight of domestic tourists on accessibility to heritage tourism places is given in Table 5.

Accessibility Mean Standard Deviation
Heritage tourism places are easily accessed 3.89 1.09
Heritage tourism places are well connected through roadways 3.90 1.05
Heritage tourism places have clear signboards 3.83 1.03
Heritage tourism places are not expensive 3.40 0.99

Table 5: Accessibility.

The domestic tourists are agreed with heritage tourism places are easily accessed, heritage tourism places are well connected through roadways and heritage tourism places have clear signboards, while, they are neutral with heritage tourism places are not expensive.

Facilities: The insight of domestic tourists on facilities in heritage tourism places is given in Table 6.

Facilities Mean Standard Deviation
Heritage tourism places have good hotels 3.93 1.02
Heritage tourism places have recreational activities 3.37 1.07
Heritage tourism places have attractive shopping area 3.84 1.03
Heritage tourism places have adequate parking area 3.86 1.05

Table 6: Facilities.

The domestic tourists are agreed with heritage tourism places have good hotels, heritage tourism places have attractive shopping area and heritage tourism places have adequate parking area, while, they are neutral with heritage tourism places have recreational activities.

Demographics of domestic tourists and features of heritage tourism places

To inspect difference among demographics of domestic tourists and features of heritage tourism places, t-test and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test are used and the results are given in Table 7.

Particulars t-Value /
Gender and Features of Heritage Tourism Places 4.620**
Age Category and Features of Heritage Tourism Places 6.462**
Education and Features of Heritage Tourism Places 5.798**
Monthly Income and Features of Heritage Tourism Places 5.735**
Marital Status and Human Resource Management Practices 4.746**
Residential Area and Human Resource Management Practices 5.174**

Table 7: Difference between Demographics of Domestic Tourists and Features of Heritage Tourism Places.

The t-values and F-values are explicating significant difference exits in features of heritage tourism places among profile of domestic tourists at one cent level.

Impact of features of heritage tourism places on revisit intention of domestic tourists

To evaluate impact of features of heritage tourism places on revisit intention of domestic tourists, the multiple regression analysis is done and the results are given in Table 8. R2 and adjusted R2 are 0.55 and 0.53 correspondingly implying the regression model has good fit and 53 per cent of variation in dependent variable is contributed by independent variables. The F-value of 14.550 is revealing the model is significant at one per cent level.

Features of Heritage Tourism Places Regression  Co-efficients t-Value Sig.
Intercept 1.064** 12.332 .000
Cultural Legacy (X1) .512** 6.940 .000
Traditional Values (X2) .456** 5.715 .000
Nature and Environment (X3) .365** 4.576 .000
Accessibility (X4) .390** 5.158 .000
Facilities (X5) .318** 4.094 .006
R2 0.55 - -
Adjusted R2 0.53 - -
F 14.550 - .000

Table 8: Impact of Features of Heritage Tourism Places on Revisit Intention of Domestic Tourists.

The findings elucidate that cultural legacy, traditional values, accessibility, nature and environment and facilities have positive and significant impact on revisit intention of domestic tourists at one per cent level.


The findings of this research disclose that cultural legacy, traditional values, nature and environment, accessibility and facilities are important features of heritage tourism places. Significant difference is prevailing among demographics of domestic tourists and features of heritage tourism places. Cultural legacy, traditional values, accessibility, nature and environment and facilities have significant and positive impact on revisit intention of domestic tourists. In order to improve revisit intention of domestic tourists, heritage tourism places should arrange cultural programmes and they must give traditional hospitality. Additionally, heritage tourism places should maintain well and clean and they must have variety of recreational activities.

The Tamil Nadu Tourism Department is now concentrating on growth of sustainable tourism, and in approaching days there are well plans and Tourism models are there. There are sustainable expansion methods are there that involves the natural, cultural, heritage and other possessions of Tamil Nadu Tourism. All tourism recreations are coming days will be based on heritage tourism, eco-tourism, pilgrimage tourism, etc. Currently Tourism is one of the high revenue generator and big Industry in Tamil Nadu that are receiving more domestic as well as foreign tourists, every year. The emphasis of this research paper is to give corporeal, social and recognized infrastructure that needs to be developed and established in Tamil Nadu. The growing rates in heritage tourism is numerous and can be achieved probably can take to success for Tamilnadu recognition and also economic development.


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Author Info

Rehmath Jahan*
College of Business Administration for Girls, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia

Citation: Jahan R (2019) Heritage Tourism in South Tamil Nadu – India. J Tourism Hospit 8: 399. doi: 10.4172/2167-0269.1000399

Received: 11-Dec-2019 Accepted: 17-Jan-2019 Published: 24-Jan-2019 , DOI: 10.35248/2167-0269.19.8.399

Copyright: © 2019 Jahan R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
