Bipolar Disorder: Open Access

Bipolar Disorder: Open Access
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Commentary - (2021)Volume 7, Issue 4

How Meditation Can Help You Manage Bipolar Disorder

Naushad Hakeem*
*Correspondence: Naushad Hakeem, Jamia Millia Islamia - A Central University, India, Email:

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Bipolar disorder's dramatic highs and lows can be tough to deal with, as well as for others around you. On one, the illness creates mania, while on the other, it causes depression. For persons with bipolar disorder, everyday life can be tough, and it can be difficult to perform effectively in school or at work. Furthermore, personal ties may be strained.

Bipolar illness treatment tries to help you maintain control over your mood by balancing it and decreasing the ups and downs. Meditation is one practice that can assist you in your endeavor. Meditation is a simple and natural way to relax and reduce stress that can be beneficial for persons who have bipolar disorder. Continue reading to find out how it can assist you.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is an old method that entails intense introspection to aid in the understanding of one's inner self. It can help you relax your mind, cope with the difficulties of everyday life, and gain a more enlightened perspective on life in general. Although there are many various types of meditation, they always focus on the same things: posture, breathing, attention, and relaxation.

Meditation as a Tool for Managing Bipolar Disorder

Meditation isn't a cure for bipolar disorder, but it can help you manage your mood if you incorporate it into your treatment plan. Stress can exacerbate bipolar disorder, and having bipolar disorder is stressful in and of itself. Relaxation practices, such as meditation, can help you manage your mood by reducing the stress caused by bipolar disease.

Mindfulness meditation is a style of meditation that has been shown to be beneficial. This method, which has gained popularity in recent years, demands you to "pay attention" to your meditation and be nonjudgmental about what you're thinking and feeling.

It aids in the development of awareness of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, allowing you to disengage rather than try to change or solve them.

Meditation is not a cure-all for bipolar disorder, but it can help you in the long run. According to one study, medication can help people with bipolar disease in the near term, while meditation can help people with bipolar disorder maintain a more balanced mood over time.

Meditation Practice

Meditation aids in the strengthening of the mind-body connection. It is both free and simple to use. It may be learned in a classroom setting or at home, making it accessible to anyone who wants to give it a shot. There are several levels, ranging from beginner to advance.

Meditation aids in the strengthening of the mind-body connection. It is both free and simple to use. It may be learned in a classroom setting or at home, making it accessible to anyone who wants to give it a shot. There are several levels, ranging from beginner to advance.

Other Techniques Involve

  1. Concentrating on a wonderful experience and then attempting to replicate it as realistically as possible in your imagination
  2. Chanting a calming mantra like "om"
  3. Gently focusing on various places of your body for various sensations such as heat, tightness, or discomfort
  4. Going for a walk and concentrating solely on the experience of walking

Another alternative is guided meditation. It's normally done in a group with someone providing direction and prompts. Classes are available from a variety of qualified instructors. There are also numerous mindfulness apps accessible for your smartphone. These apps make it simple to meditate from the comfort of your own home.

Author Info

Naushad Hakeem*
Jamia Millia Islamia - A Central University, India

Citation: Hakeem N (2021) How Meditation Can Help You Manage Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disord 7: 153. doi:10.35248/2472-1077.21.7.153.

Received: 29-Jun-2021 Accepted: 22-Jul-2021 Published: 29-Jul-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2472-1077.21.7.153

Copyright: © 2021 Hakeem N. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
