Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374

Perspective - (2022)Volume 12, Issue 4

Importance and Benefits of National Security

Virat Rajan*
*Correspondence: Virat Rajan, Department of Defense Management, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India, Email:

Author info »


The goal of the government is to prevent societal disruption brought on by a crisis or calamity. It is studying the threats, how to stop them, and what to do in the event of a tragedy through its national security strategy. When one or more of our nation's critical interests are jeopardised, national security is at risk. These interests include:

• Territorial security, which would be threatened by a military occupation as well as by prolonged flooding

• economic security

• ecological security

• physical security

• social and political stability

• disruptions to online financial transactions due to major internet or electrical outages; damage to the environment caused by pollution or extreme heat or drought

• violations

Importance of national security

Every country is threatened. These dangers can be psychological, such as hostility from a neighbouring country, infiltration by a terrorist organisation, or changes in the world economy that harm the well being of the country. Threats can also be natural, like hurricanes or pandemics of a particular virus. Any threat compromises a country's authority and jeopardises its stability.

The national security sector offers defences against such hazards. In addition to citizens, national institutions' financial stability is protected by national security. National defence has been a pillar of American policy at least since 1947, when President Harry S. The National Security Act was enacted by Truman. In addition to other things, this legislation established the secretary of defence cabinet position, which oversaw all military branches.

The distinction between national security and international security is significant. To ensure national security, a country's government must take autonomous action to protect its citizens from threats. A key tenet of institutions like the United Nationsis to ensure that all countries can live in peace and stability; this is what is meant by global security.

Two of the key responsibilities of national security are the detection of prospective threats and the planning of the proper response. In this article, the top five threats to national security will be discussed, along with information on how the various governments are responding to them.

Benefits of national security

The majority of news stories focus on external attacks, but insider threats can be far more detrimental because they can compromise priceless intellectual property and even endanger national security. Although WikiLeaks is a name we are all acquainted with, few businesses have actually faced the true threat posed by insider threats. Would you know if a worker was accessing financial data that may be used for insider trading, publishing secret information covertly, or transmitting important product blueprints to rival companies? Organizations may recognise and counteract these inside risks as well as many more by spotting the following with the help of security intelligence solutions:

• Data loss

• such as sensitive data being sent to unauthorised recipients

• VoIP toll fraud

• application configuration difficulties

• such as privileged access exceptions

• application performance concerns

• such as loss of service or overuse, are all examples of unauthorised application access or usage.

Recently, a multibillion dollar company that manufactures branded consumer goods used their SI solution to uncover an attempt at data exfiltration by a reliable employee in search of financial benefit. Although they were unable to pinpoint the source, the company's leaders felt that its intellectual property was being stolen. They were able to find the data breach and stop the employee right away when they used flow-based network activity monitoring to the case. They could even go down and observe the precise emails the employee sent to the third party using his individual email account according to application content capture (through Deep Packet Inspection, or DPI). This stopped the issue from getting worse and potentially costing the company millions of dollars in damage.


Beyond merely maintaining domestic order, national security is relevant and important. Its importance extends to the health and prosperity of the people who make up the population as well as the relationships between all nations on a regional and international scale.

Author Info

Virat Rajan*
Department of Defense Management, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India

Citation: Rajan V (2022) Importance and Benefits of National Security. J Defense Manag. 12:239.

Received: 17-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. JDFM-22-18609; Editor assigned: 24-Jun-2022, Pre QC No. JDFM-22-18609 (PQ); Reviewed: 13-Jul-2022, QC No. JDFM-22-18609; Revised: 21-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JDFM-22-18609 (R); Published: 29-Jul-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2167-0374.22.12.239

Copyright: © 2022 Rajan V. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
