Anesthesia & Clinical Research

Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-6148

Research Article - (2020)Volume 11, Issue 7

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nurses towards Post-operative Pain Management in Wolaita Sodo University Teaching Referral Hospital, Ethiopia, Institutional Based Cross-sectional Study

Getahun Dendir1*, Ashagre Sintayehu1 and Walellign Anmut2
*Correspondence: Getahun Dendir, Department of Anesthesia, College of Health Science and Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia, Tel: +2519137208729,

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Background: Patient recovery after surgery is one of the most important health processes in hospital healthcare. Effective pain management requires precise knowledge, attitude, and competent assessment skills in practice.

Objective: To assess knowledge, attitude, and practice toward postoperative pain management among Nurses staff of Wolaita Sodo University Teaching referral Hospital from May 13-28, 2019.

Method: Across sectional-study design was carried out in Wolaita Sodo University Teaching referral Hospital. All nurses who were provided postoperative patient care were included. Data were collected using a pre-tested and structured questionnaire by trained data collectors and then coded and entered into Epi data 3.5.1 and exported to SPSS version 25 for cleaning and analysis. Descriptive statistics like frequency tables and graphs were used for data presentation.

Results: Most of nurses have good knowledge related to post-operative pain management, but they are poor in opioid related side effect. The findings of these studies revealed that there were several obstacles, which leads inadequate postoperative pain management, and there were deficiencies concerning postoperative pain management through providing pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain management. In this study unavailability of sufficient pain medication in the ward, lack of protocol, and poor communication pain assessment were the three highest barriers perceived by nurses in postoperative pain management practice.

Conclusion: Inadequate post-operative pain management is the result of several obstacles (barriers) that identified by nurses rather than knowledge, attitude, and practice which includes unavailability of enough pain medication in the ward, lack of specific pain management protocol and guidelines, poor communication pain assessment, and absence of non-pharmacological pain management methods and materials to provide non-pharmacological pain management.


Pain; Post-operative care; Pain management

List of Abbreviations

IV: Intra Vascular; MMA: Multi Modal Analgesia; PCA: Patient Controlled Analgesia; POP: Postoperative Pain; POPM: Postoperative Pain Management; SICU: Surgical Intensive Care unit; SNNPR: South Nation Nationalities and Peoples Region; WSU: Wolaita Sodo University; WSUCHSM: Wolaita Sodo University Collage of Health Science and Medicine; WSUTRH: Wolaita Sodo University Teaching Referral Hospital


According to the International Association for the Study of Pain; Pain as “ Unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” Postoperative pain is a type of acute pain. The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) defined pain in the postoperative present in a surgical patient because of a preexisting surgical procedure, or a combination of diseaserelated and procedure-related resources [1,2].

Pain management is now considered an important patient outcome when evaluating the effectiveness of nursing care. Pain assessment is the first step in proper pain relief, an important goal in patient’s care [3,4].

Ineffective postoperative pain management has numerous disadvantages. This not only increases the patient’s pain but also leads to delayed postoperative recovery; dis-improved sleep, decreased mobility, decreased parental satisfaction, and led to longer hospitals stay. There are also many readmissions to hospital, and there is an increased need for post-discharge support [5-8].

The perception of pain is influenced by individuals’ age, gender, genetic makeup, cultural factors, fear, anxiety, and experience of pain; so nurses when providing care to a patient dealing with pain in their practice must consider this factor [9,10].

It has been suggested that the key issue of postoperative pain management strategies is to ‘make the pain visible’ [11,12]. This can be done by accurate pain assessment documentation as well as monitoring the efficacy of pain treatment, and the documentation should also include the patient ’ s satisfaction [13,14].

Clinicians ’ (nurses inclusive) knowledge and practice of principles related to assessment and management of pain for critically ill patients constitute the core and essential elements of controlling the complex experience. Therefore, examining these elements is a paramount step in constructing Foundations for better strategies in effective management of pain, ensuring patient comfort and ultimate improvement of nursing practice [15].

Optimal pain relief through appropriate prescribing of analgesia is reliant on systematic assessment, and regular documentation of pain by nurses. This implies that nurses are integral to the effective inter professional management of pain, and this has made pain assessment and management an important outcome when evaluating the effectiveness of nursing care.


Study setting

Study was conducted in WSUTRH from May 13-28, 2019.The University is located in Sodo town. Sodo, located in south region of Ethiopia, is 315Km away from Addis Ababa.

Study design

A cross-sectional study design was carried-out in WSUTRH.

Study subjects

This study was confined to nurses working in WSUTRH. Those Nurses working in hospitals and had willingness to participate, regardless of their year of experience were recruited. However, nurses who were sick and on annual leave during data collection time were excluded.

Sample size determination

All nurses (150) who were provided postoperative patient care were included.

Data collection instrument/procedures

Data were collected using pretested, structured a selfadministered questionnaire that consists of socio-demographic information, knowledge questions, Attitude and Practice of nurses on post-operative pain management by reviewing related literatures in the English version. Data were collected by a trained data collector after being briefed on the purpose of the study and on how to fill adequate information on the questionnaire.

Data analysis

The collected data were first checked manually for completeness, missed values, unlikely responses, and then coded, entered using Epi data version 3.5.1. Then, cleaned and analyzed using SPSS version 25. Descriptive statistics were computed to determine frequencies and summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, and percentage) to describe the study population in relation to socio-demographic and other relevant variables. Data were presented using tables, graphs, and figures.

Data quality control

Training was given to the data collector for one day for the purpose of the study, data collection tools and procedures, handling ethical issues, and maintaining confidentiality, and privacy. The questionnaire was pre-tested on 5% of the calculated sample size out of the study area before two weeks of the main data collection.

Operational definitions

Attitude: Respondents who answered>50% of the total attitude question had positive an attitude and <50% had a negative attitude toward POPM.

Knowledge: Is the awareness of the nurse about the key principles related to pain assessment and management.

Practice: Is the performance of interventions based on principles related to pain assessment and management among nurses.

Post-op period: From the time of admission to RR to the time, the patient is going to home or a referral clinic.


Socio demographic characteristics of nurses

All 150 respondents completed the questionnaire with a response rate of 100%. Sixty-seven (44.67%) of the respondents were the aged group between 25-29 years. Majority 78(52%) of respondents were diploma. Among the respondents, 59(39.33%) were male and 91(60.67%) female (Table 1).

Variables Frequency (N) Percentage (%)
Age in years <20 - -
 20-24 6 4
  25-29 67 44.67
   30-34 34 22.67
 35-39 26 17.33
40-44 11 7.33
45-49 6 4
≥ 50 - -
Gender M 59 39.33
F 91 60.67
Marital status Married 65 43.33
Single 76 50.67
Divorced 8 5.33
Widowed 1 0.67
Religion Orthodox 57 38
Muslim 15 10
Protestant 60 40
Catholic 12 8
Other 6 4
Education level for Nurse Diploma 78 52
Degree 69 46
Msc 3 2
Duration of  nursing experience <1 9 6
1-5 67 44.67
5-10 53 35.33
10-15 18 12
15-20 - -
>20 3 2
Duration of service in surgical experience <1 70 46.67
1-5 59 39.33
5-10 16 10.67
10-15 4 2.67
15-20 1 0.67
>20 - -
Current  area of practice Medical 25 16.67
ICU 7 4.67
Obgyn 17 11.33
Pediatrics 14 9.33
Recovery 10 6.67
Orthopedic 15 10
OR 21 14
Emergency 13 8.67
Surgical 28 18.67
Is there pain management content included in nursing practices. Yes 130 86.67
No 20 13.33
Not sure - -
Is there any pain standards (protocol) in your hospitals Yes 44 29.33
No 106 70.67
Not sure - -

Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of nurses at WSUTRH, South Central Ethiopia, 2019 (n=150).

Knowledge of nurses regarding postoperative pain management

The majority of participants 142“(94%)” knew that appropriate assessment of pain is the first priority for effective pain management in the postoperative period, and 138“(92%)” knew that the most side effects of opioids (morphine) was respiratory depression. It shows that 137“(91.33%)” knew that pain should be assessed before and after administer anti-pain drugs but only 73 “ (48.67%) ” knew that side effects of opioids should be observed at least “(20-30)”minutes after administration (Table 2).

Knowledge statement of  POP F(N) %
The most accurate judge of the intensity of the patient’s pain is the patient 102 68
During postoperative period, patient may cry for many causes, not only from surgical wound 113 75.33
Pain should be assessed before and after administering anti-pain drugs 137 91.33
It may often be useful to give a placebo to a patient in pain to assess if he is genuinely in pain. 103 68.67
Each patient will have specific postoperative pain differently 117 78
The patient should be advised to use non-drug techniques along with pain medication. 136 90.67
Distraction, for example, by the use of music or relaxation, can decrease the perception of pain 93 62
Nurses’ knowledge and understanding of postoperative pain management can make them be able to better manage the pain 102 68
Side effects of opioids should be observed at least (20-30) minutes after administration. 73 48.67
combining analgesics that work by different mechanisms may result in better pain control with fewer side effects than using a single analgesic agent 103 68.67
During caring of patient, providing comfort and positioning may help to reduce muscle tension which in turn, can reduce pain 104 69.33
Appropriate assessment of pain is first priority for effective pain management in postoperative period. 142 94.67
After operation, if the patient has severe pain, they may show abnormality in vital signs 115 76.67
After the initial recommended dose of opioid analgesics, subsequent doses should be adjusted according to the individual’s patient’s response 118 78.67
The most side effects of opioids (morphine) is respiratory depression 138 92
previous pain experience cannot increase patient's current postoperative pain 136 90.67
The usual duration of action of IV morphine is 1-2 hours. 74 49.33
Nurses role during postoperative pain management is to follow the doctors order only. 75 50
Usually female perceive pain less than male 70 46.67
Vital signs are always reliable indicators to assess the intensity of postoperative pain. 105 70
If the source of pain is unknown; pain drug should not be used during the pain evaluation period, because this could mask the ability to correctly diagnose the cause of pain 99 66
Non drug interventions (egg heat, music; touch are very effective for mild-moderate pain control but are rarely helpful for severe pain 75 50

Table 2: Knowledge of nurses about postoperative pain management at WSUTRH, South Central Ethiopia, 2019.

Attitude of nurses towards pain management

Eighty-seven “(58%)” and 30“(20%)”respondents had constantly to (observing changes in vital sign must be relied on to verify patient complaints for severe pain and the use of placebo is important in determining if the paint has real pain, respectively) (Table 3).

Attitude post-operative pain management practice Constantly Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never
F % F % F % F % F %
Pain is seen the patient’s behaviors 52 34.67 17 11.33 26 17.33 48 32 7 4.67
Distraction reduces pain intensity 13 8.67 25 16.67 32 21.33 38 25.33 42 28
Non pharmacological interventions are very effective for mild to moderate pain not for sever pan 64 42.67 10 6.67 35 23.33 35 23.33 6 4
The use of placebo is important in determining if the paint have real pain 30 20 19 12.67 26 17.33 36 24 39 26
Surgical patients usually do experience pain more intense than  medical patients 72 48 10 6.67 32 21.33 26 17.33 10 6.67
Using pain assessment  tool usually make nursing more complicate  and consume time for other ward activities 16 10.67 16 10.67 24 16 39 26 54 36
The nurses personal experience with pain  affects the way the nurses manage pain on surgical patients 71 47.33 13 8.67 9 6 42 28 15 10
Observable changes on vital sign must be relied on to verify  patient complain for sever pain  87 58 12 8 19 12.67 28 18.67 7 4.67
Nurses are best judges of the patients pain intensity because they spent 24 hours with the patients. 5 3.33 10 6.67 14 9.33 25 16.67 96 64

Table 3: Attitude of nurses towards pain management at WSUTRH, South Central Ethiopia 2019 GC.

Practice of respondents in WSUTRH, South Central Ethiopia, 2019.

Even though 129“(86%)” nurses assessed pain for patients able to communicate, only 68“(45.33%)”used a pain assessment tool during postoperative pain management. Almost half of the respondents who assessed pain 74“(49.33%)”document findings after pain assessment (Table 4).

Statement of practice on post-operative pain management F %     
Do you provide direct nursing care to pop patients 148 98.67
Do you asses  pain  for patient able to communicate 129 86
Do you use pain assessment tool 68 45.33
Type of pain relief selected for patient should be based on the type of surgery 97 64.67
Are pain scores and management discussed during nurse to  nurse report 74 49.33
Do you always agree with patients statements  about their pain 98 65.33
Have you ever used pain assessment tools 70 46.67

Table 4: Proportion of respondents who correctly respond to practice questions regarding POPM in WSUTRH South Central Ethiopia, 2019.

Barrier/factors of post-operative pain management

The Majority of respondents reported the following barriers to pain assessment and management. Unavailability of sufficient pain medication in ward 138(92%), lack of protocol 135(90%), poor communication of pain assessment 133(88.67%), and lack of specific protocol/guidelines 111(74%) (Table 5).

Barrier/factors of post op pain management             Yes
F %
Shift rotation affects pain management 96 64
Patient inability to communicate 53 35.33
Lack of protocol 135 90
Low priority of  pain 60 40
Poor communication  pain assessment 133 88.67
Specific protocol/guideline 111 74
Sedation interfering 89 59.33
Availability of drug 138 92
Education level 85 56.67
Language barrier  74 49.33

Table 5: Factors of post-operative pain management at WSUTRH, South Central Ethiopia 2019.


This study found that 142(94%) of participants knew that appropriate assessment of pain is the first priority for effective pain management in the postoperative period, and 138(92%) knew that the most side effect of opioids (morphine) is respiratory depression. Only 73(48.67%) knew that side effects of opioids should be assessed at least (20-30 min) after administration. Contrary to our study Bangladesh study showed that nurses had a high level of knowledge, attitude, and practice (score >80%) on pain management. These include the side effects of opioids observed at least 20 minutes after administration (93.5%) [16].This discrepancy may be due to socioeconomic differences, and sample size variation (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Level of practice of nurses to read pain management guidelines at WSUTRH, South Central Ethiopia 2019.

In this study, 93(62%) of respondents agreed that distraction, for example, by the use of music or relaxation, can decrease the perception of pain. This figure was found to be lower than similar studies done in western Ethiopia and Nigeria showed 78.1% and 92.6% respectively [17,18].

Our study revealed that 87(58%) of nurses said vital signs are always reliable indicators of the intensity of a patient’s pain as compared to 26.9% in Bangladesh [16]. This indicates that poor assessment and management pain which lacks observable vital sign changes.

The study also found that nurses had an unfavorable attitude toward pain management because the majority of them 111(74%) thought that using placebo is important in determining if the patient is in real pain. This shows that the patients are under treatment and suffer from their pain because of the misconceptions of the nurses that real pain would not relieve by placebo. Our study was in line with Bashir A found that respondents have a negative attitude [19].

This study illustrated that 129(86%) nurse’s assessed pain for patients able to communicate pain. This result was lower as compared in studies in Nigeria (95.8%), and Uganda (90%) [18,20]. This might be due to workload and knowledge deficit regarding postoperative pain assessment. Among those who assessed pain, 68(45.33) used a pain assessment tool and was higher than that in a study in Uganda 4% and Ireland 57.4% [20,21]. This may be due to unfamiliarity with the pain assessment tool and lack of availability of a pain assessment tool.

This study showed that 74(49.33%) respondents documented the findings after pain assessment. This indicates that documentation of the findings of POP assessment and management outcomes was poor. This figure was consistent with a similar study conducted in Jordan“48.7%” [22]. This may be related to the lack of knowledge of the importance of documentation. It has been suggested that the key issue of postoperative pain management strategies is to ‘‘make the pain visible ’ ’ . This can be done by accurate pain assessment documentation as well as monitoring the efficacy of pain treatment, and the documentation should also include the patient ’ s satisfaction. For patient safety of the patients, documenting daily nursing care in patients’ records is vital. The primary purpose of documentation is to communicate patient’s care among health team members and to provide legal evidence of the delivered care. Postoperative pain assessment and management should be documented routinely in a systematic format. It can be documented as part of the vital signs record form [13,14].

This study also revealed that unavailability of sufficient pain medication in ward 138(92%), lack of protocol 111(74%) and poor communication pain assessment 135(90%) were the most common barriers to effective pain assessment and management. This is supported by the Journal of Clinical Nursing, the most common barrier to effective pain management is incorrectly assessment of pain by health professionals; Ineffectiveness of pain relief measures and lack of knowledge on pain management and assessment [17,23].

The study clearly points to the fact that nurse knowledge and attitudes regarding postoperative pain the management depend on certain factors. Thus, the length of service and experience, availability of drugs, presence of protocol, and appropriate assessment tool in management of pain are very important for nurses to improve their knowledge and skills in providing care for postoperative patients.


The findings of the study show that inadequate post-operative pain management is the result of several barriers that are identified by nurses rather than nurse knowledge, attitude, and practice. The several obstacles that identified by nurses that create barriers to optimal pain management include unavailability of sufficient pain medication in the ward, lack of specific protocol and guidelines, poor communication pin assessment, and absence of non-pharmacological pain management method and material and to provide nonpharmacological pain management.

Ethics Approval

Ethical clearance and approval letter to conduct the study was obtained from Wolaita Sodo University institutional review board, and a letter of cooperation was taken from collage of health science, and medicine and an Official letter was written from the Department of Anesthesia. Written and verbal consent was obtained from each participant after a thorough explanation of the purpose.

Consent for Publication

Not applicable.

Availability of Data and Material

The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. The findings of this research will be freely available to any scientist wishing to use them for noncommercial purposes, without breaching participant confidentiality.

Competing Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interest


This research was not funded.

Author’s Contributions

GD was involved in the conception, design, analysis, interpretation, and report writing. WA, and AS involved in interpretation, manuscript and report writing. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.


We would like to express our deepest heartfelt thanks to Wolaita Sodo University for allowing us to conduct this study. We would like to acknowledge Wolaita Sodo hospital administrative office for their positive responses to facilitate this study. Our special thanks also go to study participants and data collectors.


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Author Info

Getahun Dendir1*, Ashagre Sintayehu1 and Walellign Anmut2
1Department of Anesthesia, College of Health Science and Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia
2Department of Midwifery, College of Health Science and Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia

Citation: Dendir G, Sintayehu A, Anmut W (2020) Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nurses Towards Post-operative Pain Management in Wolaita Sodo University Teaching Referral Hospital, Ethiopia, Institutional Based Cross-sectional Study. J Anesth Clin Res. 11:958. DOI: 10.35248/2155-6148.20.11.958

Received: 20-Jun-2020 Accepted: 10-Jul-2020 Published: 17-Jul-2020 , DOI: 10.35248/2155-6148.20.11.958

Copyright: © 2020 Dendir G, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
